
Wolfram Hardt

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26EEMatthias Vodel, Matthias Sauppe, Mirko Caspar, Wolfram Hardt: SimANet - A Large Scalable, Distributed Simulation Framework for Ambient Networks. JCM 3(7): 11-19 (2008)
25EERene Beckert, Thomas Fuchs, Steffen Rülke, Wolfram Hardt: A Run-Time Scheduling Framework for a Reconfigurable Hardware Emulator. DSD 2007: 147-150
24EERene Beckert, Thomas Fuchs, Steffen Rülke, Wolfram Hardt: A Tailored Design Partitioning Method for Hardware Emulation. IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping 2007: 99-105
23EEStefan Ihmor, Wolfram Hardt: Runtime reconfigurable interfaces: the RTR-IFB approach. IJES 2(1/2): 4-15 (2006)
22EEStefan Ihmor, Tobias Loke, Wolfram Hardt: Synthesis of Communication Structures and Protocols in Distributed Embedded Systems. IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping 2005: 3-9
21EEMarkus Visarius, André Meisel, Markus Scheithauer, Wolfram Hardt: Dynamic Reconfiguration of IP-Based Systems. IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping 2005: 70-76
20EEMarkus Visarius, Wolfram Hardt: An IPQ Format based Toolbox to Support IP based Design (Ein IPQ Format basierter Werkzeugsatz zur Unterstützung von IP basiertem Entwurf). it - Information Technology 47(2): 98-106 (2005)
19EEStefan Förster, André Windisch, M. Fischer, Dieter Monjau, Wolfram Hardt: A Methodology for Embedded System Design supporting Layered Platforms. FDL 2004: 544-556
18EEAndré Meisel, Markus Visarius, Wolfram Hardt, Stefan Ihmor: Self-Reconfiguration of Communication Interfaces. IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping 2004: 144-150
17EEStefan Ihmor, Wolfram Hardt: Runtime Reconfigurable Interfaces - The RTR-IFB Approach. IPDPS 2004
16EEMarkus Visarius, Johannes Lessmann, Frank Kelso, Wolfram Hardt: Generic integration infrastructure for IP-based design processes and tools with a unified XML format. Integration 37(4): 289-321 (2004)
15EEMarkus Deppe, Mauro Cesar Zanella, Michael Robrecht, Wolfram Hardt: Rapid prototyping of real-time control laws for complex mechatronic systems: a case study. Journal of Systems and Software 70(3): 263-274 (2004)
14EEStefan Ihmor, N. Bastos Jr., R. Cardoso Klein, Markus Visarius, Wolfram Hardt: Rapid Prototyping of Real-Time Communication---A Case Study: Interacting Robots. IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping 2003: 186-
13EEMarkus Visarius, Johannes Lessmann, Wolfram Hardt, Frank Kelso, Wolfgang Thronicke: An XML Format Based Integration Infrastructure for IP Based Design. SBCCI 2003: 119-124
12 Stefan Ihmor, Markus Visarius, Wolfram Hardt: A Consistent Design Methodology for Configurable HW/SW-interfaces in Embedded Systems. DIPES 2002: 237-246
11EEStefan Ihmor, Markus Visarius, Wolfram Hardt: A Design Methodology for Application-Specific Real-Time Interfaces. ICCD 2002: 500-
10EEMarkus Deppe, Michael Robrecht, Mauro Cesar Zanella, Wolfram Hardt: Rapid Prototyping of Real-Time Control Laws for Complex Mechatronic Systems. IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping 2001: 188-193
9 Achim Rettberg, Franz J. Rammig, Andreas Gerstlauer, Daniel Gajski, Wolfram Hardt, Bernd Kleinjohann: The Specification Language SpecC within the PARADISE Design Environment. DIPES 2000: 111-120
8EEWolfram Hardt, Bernd Kleinjohann, Achim Rettberg: The FLYSIG Prototyping Approach. IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping 2000: 115-
7 Wolfram Hardt, Achim Rettberg, Bernd Kleinjohann: The Re-Configurable Delay-Intensitive FLYSIG Architecture. IPPS/SPDP Workshops 1999: 703-705
6EEGiuseppe Del Castillo, Wolfram Hardt: Fast dynamic analysis of complex HW/SW-systems based on abstract state machine models. CODES 1998: 77-81
5 Wolfram Hardt, Peter Altenbernd, Carsten Böke, Giuseppe Del Castillo, C. Ditze, Edwin Erpenbach, Uwe Glässer, Bernd Kleinjohann, Georg Lehrenfeld, Franz J. Rammig, Carsten Rust, Friedhelm Stappert, Joachim Stroop, Jürgen Tacken: Paradise: Design Environment for Parallel & Distributed, Embedded Real-Time Systems. DIPES 1998: 181-190
4EEWolfram Hardt, Bernd Kleinjohann: FLYSIG: Dataflow Oriented Delay-Insensitive Processor for Rapid Prototyping of Signal Processing. International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping 1998: 136-141
3EEWolfram Hardt, Bernd Kleinjohann: Flysig: Dataflow Oriented Delay-Insensitive Processor for Rapid Prototyping of Signal Processing CoRR cs.AR/9810011: (1998)
2EEWolfram Hardt, Wolfgang Rosenstiel: Speed-up estimation for HW/SW-systems. CODES 1996: 36-43
1EEHeinz-Josef Eikerling, Wolfram Hardt, Joachim Gerlach, Wolfgang Rosenstiel: A Methodology for Rapid Analysis and Optimization of Embedded Systems. ECBS 1996: 252-259

Coauthor Index

1Peter Altenbernd [5]
2N. Bastos Jr. [14]
3Rene Beckert [24] [25]
4Carsten Böke [5]
5Mirko Caspar [26]
6Giuseppe Del Castillo [5] [6]
7Markus Deppe [10] [15]
8C. Ditze [5]
9Heinz-Josef Eikerling [1]
10Edwin Erpenbach [5]
11M. Fischer [19]
12Stefan Förster [19]
13Thomas Fuchs [24] [25]
14Daniel Gajski (Daniel D. Gajski) [9]
15Joachim Gerlach [1]
16Andreas Gerstlauer [9]
17Uwe Glässer [5]
18Stefan Ihmor [11] [12] [14] [17] [18] [22] [23]
19Frank Kelso [13] [16]
20R. Cardoso Klein [14]
21Bernd Kleinjohann [3] [4] [5] [7] [8] [9]
22Georg Lehrenfeld [5]
23Johannes Lessmann [13] [16]
24Tobias Loke [22]
25André Meisel [18] [21]
26Dieter Monjau [19]
27Franz-Josef Rammig (Franz J. Rammig) [5] [9]
28Achim Rettberg [7] [8] [9]
29Michael Robrecht [10] [15]
30Wolfgang Rosenstiel [1] [2]
31Steffen Rülke [24] [25]
32Carsten Rust [5]
33Matthias Sauppe [26]
34Markus Scheithauer [21]
35Friedhelm Stappert [5]
36Joachim Stroop [5]
37Jürgen Tacken [5]
38Wolfgang Thronicke [13]
39Markus Visarius [11] [12] [13] [14] [16] [18] [20] [21]
40Matthias Vodel [26]
41André Windisch [19]
42Mauro Cesar Zanella [10] [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)