
M. Fischer

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10EEStefan Förster, André Windisch, M. Fischer, Dieter Monjau, Wolfram Hardt: A Methodology for Embedded System Design supporting Layered Platforms. FDL 2004: 544-556
9 Alexander Hoelzl, M. Fischer, A. Peter Verheyden, Christoph Josten: Navigation of the spine - a new chance for education and trainin. CARS 2003: 472-475
8EEM. Fischer, André Windisch, Stefan Förster, B. Balser, Dieter Monjau: A New Time Extension to phi-Calculus based on Time Consuming Transition Semantics. FDL 2003: 447-456
7EEStefan Förster, M. Fischer, Dieter Monjau, André Windisch, B. Balser: Process Algebraic Specification, Refinement, and Verification of Embedded Systems. FDL 2003: 525-536
6EEStefan Förster, M. Fischer, André Windisch, B. Balser, Dieter Monjau: A New Specification Methodology for Embedded Systems Based on the - Calculus Process Algebra. IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping 2003: 26-32
5EEJ. Misiewicz, P. Sitarek, K. Ryczko, R. Kudrawiec, M. Fischer, M. Reinhardt, A. Forchel: Influence of nitrogen on carrier localization in InGaAsN/GaAs single quantum wells. Microelectronics Journal 34(5-8): 737-739 (2003)
4 W. Chang, M. Fischer, Thomas Magedanz: Towards Mobile Agent Based Provision of Voice over IP Services. IS&N 2000: 75-88
3 M. Fischer: An Algorithm for Dynamic Color Management. Comput. Graph. Forum 17(1): 17-28 (1998)
2EEMichael Lindenbaum, M. Fischer, Alfred M. Bruckstein: On Gabor's contribution to image enhancement. Pattern Recognition 27(1): 1-8 (1994)
1 Andreas M. Heinecke, M. Fischer, P. Martin, M. Gößmann, Jürgen Pfitzmann: Probleme bei der Gestaltung von CAD-Benutzungsoberflächen. GI Jahrestagung (2) 1989: 378-386

Coauthor Index

1B. Balser [6] [7] [8]
2Alfred M. Bruckstein [2]
3W. Chang [4]
4A. Forchel [5]
5Stefan Förster [6] [7] [8] [10]
6M. Gößmann [1]
7Wolfram Hardt [10]
8Andreas M. Heinecke [1]
9Alexander Hoelzl [9]
10Christoph Josten [9]
11R. Kudrawiec [5]
12Michael Lindenbaum [2]
13Thomas Magedanz [4]
14P. Martin [1]
15J. Misiewicz [5]
16Dieter Monjau [6] [7] [8] [10]
17Jürgen Pfitzmann [1]
18M. Reinhardt [5]
19K. Ryczko [5]
20P. Sitarek [5]
21A. Peter Verheyden [9]
22André Windisch [6] [7] [8] [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)