
Ayal Zaks

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14EEDorit Nuzman, Mircea Namolaru, Ayal Zaks, Jeff H. Derby: Compiling for an indirect vector register architecture. Conf. Computing Frontiers 2008: 199-208
13EEKoen De Bosschere, Ayal Zaks, Michael C. Huang, Luis Piñuel: Topic 4: High Performance Architectures and Compilers. Euro-Par 2008: 315-316
12EEDorit Nuzman, Ayal Zaks: Outer-loop vectorization: revisited for short SIMD architectures. PACT 2008: 2-11
11EELiza Fireman, Erez Petrank, Ayal Zaks: New Algorithms for SIMD Alignment. CC 2007: 1-15
10EEDorit Nuzman, Ira Rosen, Ayal Zaks: Auto-vectorization of interleaved data for SIMD. PLDI 2006: 132-143
9EEBilha Mendelson, Shlomit S. Pinter, Ayal Zaks: Introduction. International Journal of Parallel Programming 34(2): 111-112 (2006)
8EEBaruch Schieber, Daniel Geist, Ayal Zaks: Computing the minimum DNF representation of Boolean functions defined by intervals. Discrete Applied Mathematics 149(1-3): 154-173 (2005)
7EEDavid Edelsohn, Wolfgang Gellerich, Mustafa Hagog, Dorit Naishlos, Mircea Namolaru, Eberhard Pasch, Hartmut Penner, Ulrich Weigand, Ayal Zaks: Contributions to the GNU Compiler Collection. IBM Systems Journal 44(2): 259-278 (2005)
6EEDorit Naishlos, Marina Biberstein, Shay Ben-David, Ayal Zaks: Vectorizing for a SIMdD DSP architecture. CASES 2003: 2-11
5EEJaime H. Moreno, Victor V. Zyuban, Uzi Shvadron, Fredy D. Neeser, Jeff H. Derby, Malcolm S. Ware, Krishnan Kailas, Ayal Zaks, Amir B. Geva, Shay Ben-David, Sameh W. Asaad, Thomas W. Fox, Daniel Littrell, Marina Biberstein, Dorit Naishlos, Hillery C. Hunter: An innovative low-power high-performance programmable signal processor for digital communications. IBM Journal of Research and Development 47(2-3): 299-326 (2003)
4EENoga Alon, Ayal Zaks: Algorithmic Aspects of Acyclic Edge Colorings. Algorithmica 32(4): 611-614 (2002)
3EEAyal Zaks, Vitaly Feldman, Nava Aizikowitz: Sealed calls in Java packages. OOPSLA 2000: 83-92
2EENoga Alon, Ayal Zaks: T-choosability in Graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 82(1-3): 1-13 (1998)
1EENoga Alon, Ayal Zaks: Progressions in Sequences of Nearly Consecutive Integers. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 84(1): 99-109 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Nava Aizikowitz [3]
2Noga Alon [1] [2] [4]
3Sameh W. Asaad [5]
4Shay Ben-David [5] [6]
5Marina Biberstein [5] [6]
6Koen De Bosschere (Koenraad De Bosschere) [13]
7Jeff H. Derby [5] [14]
8David Edelsohn [7]
9Vitaly Feldman [3]
10Liza Fireman [11]
11Thomas W. Fox [5]
12Daniel Geist [8]
13Wolfgang Gellerich [7]
14Amir B. Geva [5]
15Mustafa Hagog [7]
16Michael C. Huang [13]
17Hillery C. Hunter [5]
18Krishnan Kailas [5]
19Daniel Littrell [5]
20Bilha Mendelson [9]
21Jaime H. Moreno [5]
22Dorit Naishlos [5] [6] [7]
23Mircea Namolaru [7] [14]
24Fredy D. Neeser [5]
25Dorit Nuzman [10] [12] [14]
26Eberhard Pasch [7]
27Hartmut Penner [7]
28Erez Petrank [11]
29Shlomit S. Pinter [9]
30Luis Piñuel [13]
31Ira Rosen [10]
32Baruch Schieber [8]
33Uzi Shvadron [5]
34Malcolm S. Ware [5]
35Ulrich Weigand [7]
36Victor V. Zyuban [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)