
Romain Kamdem

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6EERomain Kamdem: Hardware/Firmware Verification of Graphic IP. IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping 2007: 48-56
5EEAnat Dahan, Daniel Geist, Leonid Gluhovsky, Dmitry Pidan, Gil Shapir, Yaron Wolfsthal, Lyes Benalycherif, Romain Kamdem, Younes Lahbib: Combining System Level Modeling with Assertion Based Verification. ISQED 2005: 310-315
4EEYounes Lahbib, Romain Kamdem, Mohamed-Lyes Benalycherif, Rached Tourki: An automatic ABV methodology enabling PSL assertions across SLD flow for SOCs modeled in SystemC. Computers & Electrical Engineering 31(4-5): 282-302 (2005)
3EERomain Kamdem, Alain Fonkoua: Coprocessor Synthesis of Multirate System Using Static Scheduling Theory. IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping 2000: 148-153
2EERomain Kamdem, Alain Fonkoua, Andre Zenatti: Hardware/Software Partitioning of Multirate System Using Static Scheduling Theory. ICCD 1999: 640-645
1 Romain Kamdem, Patrick Njiwoua: Galois Lattice Approach to Hardware/Software Partitioning. PDPTA 1999: 3029-3036

Coauthor Index

1Lyes Benalycherif [5]
2Mohamed-Lyes Benalycherif [4]
3Anat Dahan [5]
4Alain Fonkoua [2] [3]
5Daniel Geist [5]
6Leonid Gluhovsky [5]
7Younes Lahbib [4] [5]
8Patrick Njiwoua [1]
9Dmitry Pidan [5]
10Gil Shapir [5]
11Rached Tourki [4]
12Yaron Wolfsthal (Yaron Wolfstahl) [5]
13Andre Zenatti [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)