
Pascal Jappy

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9EERichard Nock, Pascal Jappy: A ``Top-Down and Prune'' Induction Scheme for Constrained Decision Committees. IDA 1999: 27-38
8 Richard Nock, Marc Sebban, Pascal Jappy: Experiments on a Representation-Independent "Top-Down and Prune" Induction Scheme. PKDD 1999: 223-231
7EERichard Nock, Pascal Jappy: Decision tree based induction of decision lists. Intell. Data Anal. 3(3): 227-240 (1999)
6EEPascal Jappy, Richard Nock: PAC Learning Conceptual Graphs. ICCS 1998: 303-318
5 Richard Nock, Pascal Jappy: On the Power of Decision Lists. ICML 1998: 413-420
4 Richard Nock, Pascal Jappy: Function-Free Horn Clauses Are Hard to Approximate. ILP 1998: 195-204
3EERichard Nock, Pascal Jappy, Jean Sallantin: Generalized Graph Colorability and Compressibility of Boolean Formulae. ISAAC 1998: 237-246
2 Pascal Jappy, Richard Nock, Olivier Gascuel: Negative Robust Learning Results from Horn Claus Programs. ICML 1996: 258-265
1 Pascal Jappy, Marie-Catherine Daniel-Vatonne, Olivier Gascuel, Colin de la Higuera: Learning from Recursive, Tree Structured Examples. ECML 1994: 367-370

Coauthor Index

1Marie-Catherine Daniel-Vatonne [1]
2Olivier Gascuel [1] [2]
3Colin de la Higuera [1]
4Richard Nock [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
5Jean Sallantin [3]
6Marc Sebban [8]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)