
Hiroshi Furukawa

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10EEKohei Miyase, Kenji Noda, Hideaki Ito, Kazumi Hatayama, Takashi Aikyo, Yuta Yamato, Hiroshi Furukawa, Xiaoqing Wen, Seiji Kajihara: Effective IR-drop reduction in at-speed scan testing using Distribution-Controlling X-Identification. ICCAD 2008: 52-58
9EEHiroshi Furukawa: On the Path Diversity Effect of FIR Filter Array. VTC Spring 2007: 1501-1505
8EEYuji Tohzaka, Yukinori Higa, Hiroshi Furukawa: Evaluations of Wireless Multihop Network Incorporating Intermittent Periodic Transmit and Packet Forwarding Path Reservation. VTC Spring 2007: 212-216
7EEYukinori Higa, Hiroshi Furukawa: Experimental Evaluations of Wireless Multihop Networks Associated with Intermittent Periodic Transmit. IEICE Transactions 90-B(11): 3216-3223 (2007)
6 Hiroshi Furukawa: Human cognitive simulation for evaluation of human-robot interface - a trade-off between flexibility in robot control and mental workload. ICINCO 2005: 277-282
5EELaung-Terng Wang, Khader S. Abdel-Hafez, Shianling Wu, Xiaoqing Wen, Hiroshi Furukawa, Fei-Sheng Hsu, Shyh-Horng Lin, Sen-Wei Tsai: VirtualScan: A New Compressed Scan Technology for Test Cost Reduction. ITC 2004: 916-925
4EEToshiyuki Inagaki, Hiroshi Furukawa: Computer simulation for the design of authority in the adaptive cruise control systems under possibility of driver's over-trust in automation. SMC (4) 2004: 3932-3937
3EEHiroshi Furukawa, Tohru Ueda, Masaharu Kitamura: A systematic method for rational definition of plant diagnostic symptoms by self-organizing neural networks. Neurocomputing 13(2-4): 171-183 (1996)
2 Koichi Yamada, Riichiro Mizoguchi, Naoki Harada, Akria Nukuzuma, Keiichi Ishimaru, Hiroshi Furukawa: Model of Utterance and Its Use in Cooperative Response Generation. EWHCI 1993: 260-271
1EEMasao Ito, Hiroshi Furukawa: Current status and future trends of CIM in the Japanese steel industry. Journal of Systems Integration 2(1): 91-114 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Khader S. Abdel-Hafez [5]
2Takashi Aikyo [10]
3Naoki Harada [2]
4Kazumi Hatayama [10]
5Yukinori Higa [7] [8]
6Fei-Sheng Hsu [5]
7Toshiyuki Inagaki [4]
8Keiichi Ishimaru [2]
9Hideaki Ito [10]
10Masao Ito [1]
11Seiji Kajihara [10]
12Masaharu Kitamura [3]
13Shyh-Horng Lin [5]
14Kohei Miyase [10]
15Riichiro Mizoguchi [2]
16Kenji Noda [10]
17Akria Nukuzuma [2]
18Yuji Tohzaka [8]
19Sen-Wei Tsai [5]
20Tohru Ueda [3]
21Laung-Terng Wang [5]
22Xiaoqing Wen [5] [10]
23Shianling Wu [5]
24Koichi Yamada [2]
25Yuta Yamato [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)