
George F. Riley

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61 Veena Raghavan, George F. Riley, Talal M. Jaafar: Realistic Topology Modeling for the Internet BGP Routing Infrastructure. MASCOTS 2008: 279-286
60EEJeffrey S. Smith, John A. Hamilton, Richard E. Nance, Barry L. Nelson, George F. Riley, Lee W. Schruben: Panel discussion: What makes good research in modeling and simulation: Assessing the quality, success, and utility of M&S research. Winter Simulation Conference 2008: 689-694
59EESimon J. E. Taylor, George F. Riley: Guest editors' introduction to special issue on successes in modeling and simulation methodologies. ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul. 18(4): (2008)
58 George F. Riley: Proceedings of the 2007 Spring Simulation Multiconference, SpringSim 2007, Norfolk, Virginia, USA, March 25-29, 2007, Volume 1 SCS/ACM 2007
57EENitya Sundareswaran, George F. Riley, Ken Boyd: Improving Quality of Service in MAC 802.11 Layer. MASCOTS 2007: 38-45
56EEDheeraj Reddy, George F. Riley: Measurement Based Physical Layer Modeling for Wireless Network Simulations. MASCOTS 2007: 46-53
55EEMohamed Abdelhafez, George F. Riley, Robert G. Cole, Nam Phamdo: Modeling and Simulations of TCP MANET Worms. PADS 2007: 123-130
54EEXenofontas A. Dimitropoulos, Dmitri V. Krioukov, Amin Vahdat, George F. Riley: Graph Annotations in Modeling Complex Network Topologies CoRR abs/0708.3879: (2007)
53EEXenofontas A. Dimitropoulos, Dmitri V. Krioukov, Marina Fomenkov, Bradley Huffaker, Young Hyun, Kimberly C. Claffy, George F. Riley: AS relationships: inference and validation. Computer Communication Review 37(1): 29-40 (2007)
52EEDheeraj Reddy, George F. Riley, Bryan Larish, Yang Chen: Measuring and Explaining Differences in Wireless Simulation Models. MASCOTS 2006: 275-282
51EEElMoustapha Ould-Ahmed-Vall, George F. Riley, Bonnie S. Heck: The Reconfiguration Problem in Sensor Networks: An Optimization Approach. PADS 2006: 130
50EEXenofontas A. Dimitropoulos, George F. Riley: Modeling Autonomous-System Relationships. PADS 2006: 143-149
49EECharles R. Simpson, Dheeraj Reddy, George F. Riley: Empirical Models of TCP and UDP End-User Network Traffic from NETI@home Data Analysis. PADS 2006: 166-174
48EEDouglas M. Blough, Cyrus Harvesf, Giovanni Resta, George F. Riley, Paolo Santi: A Simulation-Based Study on the Throughput Capacity of Topology Control in CSMA/CA Networks. PerCom Workshops 2006: 400-404
47EETalal M. Jaafar, George F. Riley, Dheeraj Reddy, Dana Blair: Simulation-based routing protocol performance analysis: a case study. Winter Simulation Conference 2006: 2154-2161
46EEXenofontas A. Dimitropoulos, Dmitri V. Krioukov, George F. Riley, Kimberly C. Claffy: Revealing the Autonomous System Taxonomy: The Machine Learning Approach CoRR abs/cs/0604015: (2006)
45EEXenofontas A. Dimitropoulos, Dmitri V. Krioukov, Marina Fomenkov, Bradley Huffaker, Young Hyun, Kimberly C. Claffy, George F. Riley: AS Relationships: Inference and Validation CoRR abs/cs/0604017: (2006)
44EEXenofontas A. Dimitropoulos, George F. Riley: Efficient large-scale BGP simulations. Computer Networks 50(12): 2013-2027 (2006)
43 Mohamed Abdelhafez, George F. Riley: Evaluation of Worm Containment Algorithms and Their Effect on Legitimate Traffic. IWIA 2005: 33-42
42EEXin Zhang, George F. Riley: Performance of Routing Protocols in Very Large-Scale Mobile Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. MASCOTS 2005: 115-124
41EEElMoustapha Ould-Ahmed-Vall, George F. Riley, Bonnie S. Heck, Dheeraj Reddy: Simulation of Large-Scale Sensor Networks Using GTSNetS. MASCOTS 2005: 211-218
40EEYoung J. Lee, George F. Riley: Efficient Simulation of Wireless Networks Using Lazy MAC State Update. PADS 2005: 131-140
39EEGeorge F. Riley, Dheeraj Reddy: Simulating Realistic Packet Routing without Routing Protocols. PADS 2005: 151-158
38EEMonirul I. Sharif, George F. Riley, Wenke Lee: Comparative Study between Analytical Models and Packet-Level Worm Simulations. PADS 2005: 88-98
37EEXenofontas A. Dimitropoulos, Dmitri V. Krioukov, George F. Riley: Revisiting Internet AS-Level Topology Discovery. PAM 2005: 177-188
36EEXin Zhang, George F. Riley: An On-Demand Bluetooth Scatternet Formation and Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks. SNPD 2005: 411-418
35EEXenofontas A. Dimitropoulos, Dmitri V. Krioukov, Bradley Huffaker, Kimberly C. Claffy, George F. Riley: Inferring AS Relationships: Dead End or Lively Beginning? WEA 2005: 113-125
34EEXenofontas A. Dimitropoulos, Dmitri V. Krioukov, George F. Riley: Revisiting Internet AS-level Topology Discovery CoRR abs/cs/0507046: (2005)
33EEXenofontas A. Dimitropoulos, Dmitri V. Krioukov, Bradley Huffaker, Kimberly C. Claffy, George F. Riley: Inferring AS Relationships: Dead End or Lively Beginning? CoRR abs/cs/0507047: (2005)
32EEGuofei Gu, Monirul I. Sharif, Xinzhou Qin, David Dagon, Wenke Lee, George F. Riley: Worm Detection, Early Warning and Response Based on Local Victim Information. ACSAC 2004: 136-145
31EEGeorge F. Riley, Monirul I. Sharif, Wenke Lee: Simulating Internet Worms. MASCOTS 2004: 268-274
30EEXenofontas A. Dimitropoulos, George F. Riley: Large-Scale Simulation Models of BGP. MASCOTS 2004: 287-294
29EEXin Zhang, George F. Riley: Bluetooth Simulations for Wireless Sensor Networks Using GTNetS. MASCOTS 2004: 375-382
28EEGeorge F. Riley, Talal M. Jaafar, Richard M. Fujimoto, Mostafa H. Ammar: Space-Parallel Network Simulations Using Ghosts. PADS 2004: 170-177
27EECharles Robert Simpson Jr., George F. Riley: NETI@home: A Distributed Approach to Collecting End-to-End Network Performance Measurements. PAM 2004: 168-174
26EEPradnya Karbhari, Mostafa H. Ammar, Amogh Dhamdhere, Himanshu Raj, George F. Riley, Ellen W. Zegura: Bootstrapping in Gnutella: A Measurement Study. PAM 2004: 22-32
25EEJintae Kim, Steven Y. Ko, David M. Nicol, Xenofontas A. Dimitropoulos, George F. Riley: A BGP Attack Against Traffic Engineering. Winter Simulation Conference 2004: 318-326
24EEGeorge F. Riley, Mostafa H. Ammar, Richard M. Fujimoto, Alfred Park, Kalyan S. Perumalla, Donghua Xu: A federated approach to distributed network simulation. ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul. 14(2): 116-148 (2004)
23EEQi He, Mostafa H. Ammar, George F. Riley, Richard M. Fujimoto: Exploiting the predictability of TCP steady-state to speed up network simulation. Perform. Eval. 58(2-3): 163-187 (2004)
22EENicholas Athanasiades, Randal Abler, John G. Levine, Henry L. Owen, George F. Riley: Intrusion Detection Testing and Benchmarking Methodologies. IWIA 2003: 63-72
21EERichard M. Fujimoto, Kalyan S. Perumalla, Alfred Park, Hao Wu, Mostafa H. Ammar, George F. Riley: Large-Scale Network Simulation: How Big? How Fast? MASCOTS 2003: 116-
20EEXenofontas A. Dimitropoulos, George F. Riley: Creating Realistic BGP Models. MASCOTS 2003: 64-70
19EEQi He, Mostafa H. Ammar, George F. Riley, Himanshu Raj, Richard Fujimoto: Mapping Peer Behavior to Packet-level Details: A Framework for Packet-level Simulation of Peer-to-Peer Systems. MASCOTS 2003: 71-78
18EEDonghua Xu, George F. Riley, Mostafa H. Ammar, Richard Fujimoto: Enabling Large-Scale Multicast Simulation by Reducing Memory Requirements. PADS 2003: 69-76
17EEKalyan S. Perumalla, Alfred Park, Richard M. Fujimoto, George F. Riley: Scalable RTI-Based Parallel Simulation of Networks. PADS 2003: 97-104
16EEGeorge F. Riley: Simulation of large scale networks II: large-scale network simulations with GTNetS. Winter Simulation Conference 2003: 676-684
15EEPatrick Riley, George F. Riley: Next generation modeling III - agents: Spades - a distributed agent simulation environment with software-in-the-loop execution. Winter Simulation Conference 2003: 817-825
14EEVincent John Mooney III, George F. Riley, Eung S. Shin: Round-Robin Arbiter Design and Generation. ISSS 2002: 243-248
13EEQi He, Mostafa H. Ammar, George F. Riley, Richard Fujimoto: Exploiting the Predictability of TCP's Steady-State Behavior to Speed Up Network Simulation. MASCOTS 2002: 101-108
12EEGeorge F. Riley, Talal M. Jaafar, Richard Fujimoto: Integrated Fluid and Packet Network Simulations. MASCOTS 2002: 511-518
11EESteve L. Ferenci, Richard M. Fujimoto, Mostafa H. Ammar, Kalyan S. Perumalla, George F. Riley: Updateable simulation of communication networks. PADS 2002: 107-114
10EEKalyan S. Perumalla, Richard M. Fujimoto, Thom McLean, George F. Riley: Experiences applying parallel and interoperable network simulation techniques in on-line simulations of military networks. PADS 2002: 97-104
9EEGeorge F. Riley: Network modeling and simulation: on standardized network topologies for network research. Winter Simulation Conference 2002: 664-670
8EEGeorge F. Riley, Mostafa H. Ammar, Richard M. Fujimoto, Donghua Xu, Kalyan S. Perumalla: Distributed Network Simulations Using the Dynamic Simulation Backplane. ICDCS 2001: 181-188
7EEDonghua Xu, George F. Riley, Mostafa H. Ammar, Richard Fujimoto: Split Protocol Stack Network Simulations Using the Dynamic Simulation Backplan. MASCOTS 2001: 158-
6EEHao Wu, Richard Fujimoto, George F. Riley: Experiences parallelizing a commercial network simulator. Winter Simulation Conference 2001: 1353-1360
5EEGeorge F. Riley, Mostafa H. Ammar, Richard Fujimoto: Stateless Routing in Network Simulations. MASCOTS 2000: 524-531
4EEGeorge F. Riley, Richard Fujimoto, Mostafa H. Ammar: Network aware time management and event distribution. PADS 2000: 119-126
3EEGeorge F. Riley, Richard Fujimoto, Mostafa H. Ammar: A Generic Framework for Parallelization of Network Simulations. MASCOTS 1999: 128-
2EEVijaykumar Krishnaswamy, Dan Walther, Sumeer Bhola, Ethendranath Bommaiah, George F. Riley, Brad Topol, Mustaque Ahamad: Efficient Implementation of Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI). COOTS 1998: 19-27
1EEGeorge F. Riley, Mostafa H. Ammar, Lenitra M. Clay: Receiver-based Multicast Scoping: A New Cost-Conscious Join/Leave Paradigm. ICNP 1998: 254-261

Coauthor Index

1Mohamed Abdelhafez [43] [55]
2Randal Abler [22]
3Mustaque Ahamad [2]
4Mostafa H. Ammar [1] [3] [4] [5] [7] [8] [11] [13] [18] [19] [21] [23] [24] [26] [28]
5Nicholas Athanasiades [22]
6Sumeer Bhola [2]
7Dana Blair [47]
8Douglas M. Blough [48]
9Ethendranath Bommaiah [2]
10Ken Boyd [57]
11Yang Chen [52]
12Kimberly C. Claffy [33] [35] [45] [46] [53]
13Lenitra M. Clay [1]
14Robert G. Cole [55]
15David Dagon [32]
16Amogh Dhamdhere [26]
17Xenofontas A. Dimitropoulos [20] [25] [30] [33] [34] [35] [37] [44] [45] [46] [50] [53] [54]
18Steve L. Ferenci [11]
19Marina Fomenkov [45] [53]
20Richard M. Fujimoto (Richard Fujimoto) [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [10] [11] [12] [13] [17] [18] [19] [21] [23] [24] [28]
21Guofei Gu [32]
22John A. Hamilton [60]
23Cyrus Harvesf [48]
24Qi He [13] [19] [23]
25Bonnie S. Heck [41] [51]
26Bradley Huffaker [33] [35] [45] [53]
27Young Hyun [45] [53]
28Talal M. Jaafar [12] [28] [47] [61]
29Pradnya Karbhari [26]
30Jintae Kim [25]
31Steven Y. Ko [25]
32Dmitri V. Krioukov [33] [34] [35] [37] [45] [46] [53] [54]
33Vijaykumar Krishnaswamy [2]
34Bryan Larish [52]
35Wenke Lee [31] [32] [38]
36Young J. Lee [40]
37John G. Levine [22]
38Thom McLean [10]
39Vincent John Mooney III (Vincent John Mooney) [14]
40Richard E. Nance [60]
41Barry L. Nelson [60]
42David M. Nicol [25]
43ElMoustapha Ould-Ahmed-Vall [41] [51]
44Henry L. Owen [22]
45Alfred Park [17] [21] [24]
46Kalyan S. Perumalla [8] [10] [11] [17] [21] [24]
47Nam Phamdo [55]
48Xinzhou Qin [32]
49Veena Raghavan [61]
50Himanshu Raj [19] [26]
51Dheeraj Reddy [39] [41] [47] [49] [52] [56]
52Giovanni Resta [48]
53Patrick Riley [15]
54Paolo Santi [48]
55Lee W. Schruben (Lee Schruben) [60]
56Monirul I. Sharif [31] [32] [38]
57Eung S. Shin [14]
58Charles R. Simpson [49]
59Charles Robert Simpson Jr. [27]
60Jeffrey S. Smith [60]
61Nitya Sundareswaran [57]
62Simon J. E. Taylor [59]
63Brad Topol [2]
64Amin Vahdat [54]
65Dan Walther [2]
66Hao Wu [6] [21]
67Donghua Xu [7] [8] [18] [24]
68Ellen W. Zegura [26]
69Xin Zhang [29] [36] [42]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)