
Steve M. Potter

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4EESteve M. Potter: What Can AI Get from Neuroscience? 50 Years of Artificial Intelligence 2006: 174-185
3EECollin J. Lobb, Zenas Chao, Richard M. Fujimoto, Steve M. Potter: Parallel Event-Driven Neural Network Simulations Using the Hodgkin-Huxley Neuron Model. PADS 2005: 16-25
2EEDouglas J. Bakkum, Alexander C. Shkolnik, Guy Ben-Ary, Phil Gamblen, Thomas B. DeMarse, Steve M. Potter: Removing Some 'A' from AI: Embodied Cultured Networks. Embodied Artificial Intelligence 2003: 130-145
1 Thomas B. DeMarse, Daniel A. Wagenaar, Axel W. Blau, Steve M. Potter: The Neurally Controlled Animat: Biological Brains Acting with Simulated Bodies. Auton. Robots 11(3): 305-310 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Douglas J. Bakkum [2]
2Guy Ben-Ary [2]
3Axel W. Blau [1]
4Zenas Chao [3]
5Thomas B. DeMarse [1] [2]
6Richard M. Fujimoto (Richard Fujimoto) [3]
7Phil Gamblen [2]
8Collin J. Lobb [3]
9Alexander C. Shkolnik [2]
10Daniel A. Wagenaar [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)