
Rassul Ayani

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49EEHeiko Aydt, Stephen John Turner, Wentong Cai, Malcolm Yoke-Hean Low, Peter Lendermann, Boon-Ping Gan, Rassul Ayani: Preventive what-if analysis in symbiotic simulation. Winter Simulation Conference 2008: 750-758
48EEMarianela Garcia Lozano, Farshad Moradi, Rassul Ayani: SDR: A Semantic Based Distributed Repository for Simulation Models and Resources. Asia International Conference on Modelling and Simulation 2007: 171-176
47EEFarzad Kamrani, Rassul Ayani: Simulation-aided path planning of UAV. Winter Simulation Conference 2007: 1306-1314
46EEHans-Emil Skogh, Jonas Haeggstrom, Ali Ghodsi, Rassul Ayani: Fast Freenet: Improving Freenet Performance by Preferential Partition Routing and File Mesh Propagation. CCGRID 2006: 9
45EEFarshad Moradi, Peder Nordvaller, Rassul Ayani: Simulation Model Composition using BOMs. DS-RT 2006: 242-252
44EEShell-Ying Huang, Wentong Cai, Stephen John Turner, Wen-Jing Hsu, Suiping Zhou, Malcolm Yoke-Hean Low, Richard Fujimoto, Rassul Ayani: A Generic Symbiotic Simulation Framework. PADS 2006: 131
43EEMartin Eklöf, Rassul Ayani, Farshad Moradi: Evaluation of a Fault-Tolerance Mechanism for HLA-Based Distributed Simulations. PADS 2006: 175-182
42EEGary S. H. Tan, Anders Persson, Rassul Ayani: HLA Federate Migration. Annual Simulation Symposium 2005: 243-250
41EEJenny Ulriksson, Rassul Ayani: Consistency Overhead using HLA for Collaborative Work. DS-RT 2005: 7-15
40EEVerdi March, Yong Meng Teo, Hock-Beng Lim, Peter Eriksson, Rassul Ayani: Collision Detection and Resolution in Hierarchical Peer-to-Peer Systems. LCN 2005: 2-9
39EEMartin Eklöf, Farshad Moradi, Rassul Ayani: A framework for fault-tolerance in HLA-based distributed simulations. Winter Simulation Conference 2005: 1182-1189
38EECarla-Fabiana Chiasserini, Rassul Ayani: Editorial. Wireless Networks 11(5): 541-542 (2005)
37 Rassul Ayani, Carla-Fabiana Chiasserini, Hossam S. Hassanein: Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Modeling Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems, MSWiM 2003, San Diego, CA, USA, September 19, 2003 ACM 2003
36EERassul Ayani, Yong Meng Teo, Yean Seen Ng: Cache Pollution in Web Proxy Servers. IPDPS 2003: 248
35EEIyad Al Khatib, Gerald Q. Maguire Jr., Rassul Ayani, Daniel Forsgren: MobiCom poster: wireless LAN access points as queuing systems: performance analysis and service time. Mobile Computing and Communications Review 7(1): 28-30 (2003)
34EEIyad Al Khatib, Rassul Ayani: Wireless LAN access points: buffer size estimation. MWCN 2002: 656-660
33EEMichael Liljenstam, Robert Rönngren, Rassul Ayani: MobSim++: Parallel Simulation of Personal Communication Networks. IEEE Distributed Systems Online 2(2): (2001)
32 Michael Liljenstam, Robert Rönngren, Rassul Ayani: Partitioning WCN Models for Parallel Simulation of Radio Resource Management. Wireless Networks 7(3): 307-324 (2001)
31EEGary S. H. Tan, Rassul Ayani, Yusong Zhang, Farshad Moradi: Grid-Based Data Management in Distributed Simulation. Annual Simulation Symposium 2000: 7-13
30EEGary S. H. Tan, Yusong Zhang, Rassul Ayani: A Hybrid Approach to Data Distribution Management. DS-RT 2000: 55-
29EERassul Ayani, Farshad Moradi, Gary S. H. Tan: Optimizing cell-size in grid-based DDM. PADS 2000: 93-100
28EEFarshad Moradi, Rassul Ayani, Gary S. H. Tan: Object and Ownership Management in Air Traffic Control Simulations. DIS-RT 1999: 41-48
27EEMichael Liljenstam, Rassul Ayani: Interference Radius in PCS Radio Resource Management Simulations. Winter Simulation Conference 1998: 1629-1640
26EESeng Chuan Tay, Yong Meng Teo, Rassul Ayani: Performance Analysis of Time Warp Simulation with Cascading Rollbacks. Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation 1998: 30-37
25EEMichael Liljenstam, Rassul Ayani: Partitioning PCS for Parallel Simulation. MASCOTS 1997: 38-
24EERobert Rönngren, Rassul Ayani: A Comparative Study of Parallel and Sequential Priority Queue Algorithms. ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul. 7(2): 157-209 (1997)
23EERobert Rönngren, Michael Liljenstam, Rassul Ayani, Johan Montagnat: A comparative study of state saving mechanisms for time warp synchronized parallel discrete event simulation. Annual Simulation Symposium 1996: 5-14
22EERobert Rönngren, Luis Barriga, Rassul Ayani: An Incremental Benchmark Suite for Performance Tuning of Parallel Discrete Event Simulation. HICSS (1) 1996: 373-382
21 Vladimir Vlassov, Hallo Ahmed, Lars-Erik Thorelli, Rassul Ayani: A Simulation Platform for Multi-Threaded Architectures. MASCOTS 1996: 102-108
20 Michael Liljenstam, Rassul Ayani: A Model for Parallel Simulation of Mobile Telecommunication Systems. MASCOTS 1996: 168-173
19 Luis Barriga, Mats Brorsson, Rassul Ayani: A Model or Parallel Simulation of Distributed Shared Memory. MASCOTS 1996: 179-184
18EERobert Rönngren, Michael Liljenstam, Rassul Ayani, Johan Montagnat: Transparent Incremental State Saving in Time Warp Parallel Discrete Event Simulation. Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation 1996: 70-77
17 Sven Sköld, Robert Rönngren, Michael Liljenstam, Rassul Ayani: Parallel Simulation of Mobile Communication Networks Using Time Warp. EUROSIM 1995: 559-564
16 Luis Barriga, Rassul Ayani: New Trends in Simulation of Distributed Shared Memory Architectures. PaCT 1995: 314-319
15EELuis Barriga, Rassul Ayani: Lazy Update: An Efficient Implementation of LRU Stacks. Inf. Process. Lett. 54(2): 81-84 (1995)
14 Hallo Ahmed, Robert Rönngren, Rassul Ayani: Impact of Event Scheduling on Performance of Time Warp Parallel Simulations. HICSS (2) 1994: 455-462
13EERobert Rönngren, Rassul Ayani: Service oriented scheduling in Time Warp. Winter Simulation Conference 1994: 1340-1346
12EERassul Ayani, Hassan Rajaei: Parallel simulation based on conservative time windows: A performance study. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 6(2): 119-142 (1994)
11 Luis Barriga, Rassul Ayani: Parallel Cache Simulation on Multiprocessor Workstations. ICPP 1993: 171-174
10 Adrian Popescu, Yuri Ismailov, Hassan Rajaei, Rassul Ayani: Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Multiaccess Mechanisms at SUPERLAN. MASCOTS 1993: 176-182
9 Robert Rönngren, Jens Riboe, Rassul Ayani: Fast Implementations of the Pending Event Set. MASCOTS 1993: 210-215
8 Rassul Ayani: Parallel Simulation. Performance/SIGMETRICS Tutorials 1993: 1-20
7EEHassan Rajaei, Rassul Ayani: Design Issues in Parallel Simulation Languages. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 10(4): 52-63 (1993)
6 Rassul Ayani, Boris Berkman: Parallel Discrete Event Simulation on SIMD Computers. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 18(4): 501-508 (1993)
5 Rassul Ayani, Hassan Rajaei: Event Scheduling in Window Based Parallel Simulation Schemes. SPDP 1992: 56-60
4EERassul Ayani, Hassan Rajaei: Parallel Simulation Using Conservative Time Windows. Winter Simulation Conference 1992: 709-717
3EERobert Rönngren, Jens Riboe, Rassul Ayani: Lazy queue: an efficient implementation of the pending-event set. Annual Simulation Symposium 1991: 194-204
2 Rassul Ayani: Parallel Discrete - Event Simulation on Shared Memory Multiprocessors. International Journal in Computer Simulation 1(1): (1991)
1EERassul Ayani: LR-algorithm: concurrent operations on priority queues. SPDP 1990: 22-25

Coauthor Index

1Hallo Ahmed [14] [21]
2Heiko Aydt [49]
3Luis Barriga [11] [15] [16] [19] [22]
4Boris Berkman [6]
5Mats Brorsson [19]
6Wentong Cai [44] [49]
7Carla-Fabiana Chiasserini [37] [38]
8Martin Eklöf [39] [43]
9Peter Eriksson [40]
10Daniel Forsgren [35]
11Richard M. Fujimoto (Richard Fujimoto) [44]
12Boon-Ping Gan [49]
13Ali Ghodsi [46]
14Jonas Haeggstrom [46]
15Hossam S. Hassanein [37]
16Wen-Jing Hsu [44]
17Shell-Ying Huang [44]
18Yuri Ismailov [10]
19Farzad Kamrani [47]
20Iyad Al Khatib [34] [35]
21Peter Lendermann [49]
22Michael Liljenstam [17] [18] [20] [23] [25] [27] [32] [33]
23Hock-Beng Lim [40]
24Malcolm Yoke-Hean Low (Yoke-Hean Low) [44] [49]
25Marianela Garcia Lozano [48]
26Gerald Q. Maguire Jr. [35]
27Verdi March [40]
28Johan Montagnat [18] [23]
29Farshad Moradi [28] [29] [31] [39] [43] [45] [48]
30Yean Seen Ng [36]
31Peder Nordvaller [45]
32Anders Persson [42]
33Adrian Popescu [10]
34Hassan Rajaei [4] [5] [7] [10] [12]
35Jens Riboe [3] [9]
36Robert Rönngren [3] [9] [13] [14] [17] [18] [22] [23] [24] [32] [33]
37Hans-Emil Skogh [46]
38Sven Sköld [17]
39Gary S. H. Tan [28] [29] [30] [31] [42]
40Seng Chuan Tay [26]
41Yong Meng Teo [26] [36] [40]
42Lars-Erik Thorelli [21]
43Stephen John Turner [44] [49]
44Jenny Ulriksson [41]
45Vladimir Vlassov [21]
46Yusong Zhang [30] [31]
47Suiping Zhou [44]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)