
Stephen John Turner

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91EEXiaorong Li, Stephen John Turner, Kok Heng Tong, Hoong-Maeng Chan, Terence Hung: Design of an SLA-Driven QoS Management Platform for Provisioning Multimedia Personalized Services. AINA Workshops 2008: 1405-1409
90EEXinjun Chen, Wentong Cai, Stephen John Turner, Yong Wang: Shared Variable Management in SOAr-DSGrid. Asia International Conference on Modelling and Simulation 2008: 154-161
89EEHeiko Aydt, Stephen John Turner, Wentong Cai, Malcolm Yoke-Hean Low, Peter Lendermann, Boon-Ping Gan: Symbiotic Simulation Control in Semiconductor Manufacturing. ICCS (3) 2008: 26-35
88EEYuanxi Liang, Stephen John Turner, Boon-Ping Gan: Predictive-conservative synchronization for commercial simulation package interoperability. Winter Simulation Conference 2008: 1103-1111
87EEZengxiang Li, Wentong Cai, Stephen John Turner, Ke Pan: Improving performance by replicating simulations with alternative synchronization approaches. Winter Simulation Conference 2008: 1112-1120
86EESimon J. E. Taylor, Stephen John Turner, Steffen Straßburger: Guidelines for commercial off-the-shelf Simulation Package interoperability. Winter Simulation Conference 2008: 193-204
85EEHeiko Aydt, Stephen John Turner, Wentong Cai, Malcolm Yoke-Hean Low, Peter Lendermann, Boon-Ping Gan, Rassul Ayani: Preventive what-if analysis in symbiotic simulation. Winter Simulation Conference 2008: 750-758
84EEXiuju Fu, Xiaorong Li, Lipo Wang, David Ong, Stephen John Turner: Data Mining in QoS-Aware Media Grids. Computational Intelligence: A Compendium 2008: 689-714
83EEDan Chen, Georgios K. Theodoropoulos, Stephen John Turner, Wentong Cai, Rob Minson, Yi Zhang: Large scale agent-based simulation on the grid. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 24(7): 658-671 (2008)
82EEDan Chen, Stephen John Turner, Wentong Cai, Muzhou Xiong: A decoupled federate architecture for high level architecture-based distributed simulation. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 68(11): 1487-1503 (2008)
81EEKe Pan, Stephen John Turner, Wentong Cai, Zengxiang Li: A Service Oriented HLA RTI on the Grid. ICWS 2007: 984-992
80EEKe Pan, Stephen John Turner, Wentong Cai, Zengxiang Li: An Efficient Sort-Based DDM Matching Algorithm for HLA Applications with a Large Spatial Environment. PADS 2007: 70-82
79EEYong Wang, Stephen John Turner, Wentong Cai, Xinjun Chen: Time management in a service-oriented architecture for distributed simulation on the grid. SCSC 2007: 392-399
78EEMalcolm Yoke-Hean Low, Stephen John Turner, Ding Ling, Hai L. Peng, Lai Peng Chan, Peter Lendermann, Steve Buckley: Symbiotic simulation for business process re-engineering in high-tech manufacturing and service networks. Winter Simulation Conference 2007: 568-576
77EESimon J. E. Taylor, Navonil Mustafee, Steffen Straßburger, Stephen John Turner, Malcolm Yoke-Hean Low, John Ladbrook: The SISO CSPI PDG standard for commercial off-the-shelf simulation package interoperability reference models. Winter Simulation Conference 2007: 594-602
76EESuiping Zhou, Wentong Cai, Stephen John Turner, Bu-Sung Lee, Junhu Wei: Critical causal order of events in distributed virtual environments. TOMCCAP 3(3): (2007)
75EEWei Jie, Terence Hung, Stephen John Turner, Wentong Cai: Architecture Model for Information Service in Large Scale Grid Environments. CCGRID 2006: 107-114
74EEGeorgios K. Theodoropoulos, Yi Zhang, Dan Chen, Rob Minson, Stephen John Turner, Wentong Cai, Yong Xie, Brian Logan: Large Scale Distributed Simulation on the Grid. CCGRID 2006: 63
73EEShell-Ying Huang, Wentong Cai, Stephen John Turner, Wen-Jing Hsu, Suiping Zhou, Malcolm Yoke-Hean Low, Richard Fujimoto, Rassul Ayani: A Generic Symbiotic Simulation Framework. PADS 2006: 131
72EEDan Chen, Stephen John Turner, Wentong Cai: A Framework for Robust HLA-based Distributed Simulations. PADS 2006: 183-192
71EEXiaoguang Wang, Stephen John Turner, Simon J. E. Taylor: COTS Simulation Package (CSP) Interoperability -A Solution to Synchronous Entity Passing. PADS 2006: 201-210
70EEXinjun Chen, Wentong Cai, Stephen John Turner, Yong Wang: SOAr-DSGrid: Service-Oriented Architecture for Distributed Simulation on the Grid. PADS 2006: 65-73
69EEJohn Ladbrook, Malcolm Yoke-Hean Low, Steffen Straßburger, Simon J. E. Taylor, Stephen John Turner, Xiaoguang Wang: Developing interoperability standards for distributed simulaton and COTS simulation packages with the CSPI PDG. Winter Simulation Conference 2006: 1101-1110
68EEBoon-Ping Gan, Lai Peng Chan, Stephen John Turner: Interoperating simulations of automatic material handling systems and manufacturing processes. Winter Simulation Conference 2006: 1129-1135
67EESimon J. E. Taylor, Xiaoguang Wang, Stephen John Turner, Malcolm Yoke-Hean Low: Integrating Heterogeneous Distributed COTS Discrete-Event Simulation Packages: An Emerging Standards-Based Approach. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 36(1): 109-122 (2006)
66EEMalcolm Yoke-Hean Low, Kong Wei Lye, Peter Lendermann, Stephen John Turner, Reman Tat Wee Chim, Surya Hadisaputra Leo: An agent-based approach for managing symbiotic simulation of semiconductor assembly and test operation. AAMAS Industrial Applications 2005: 85-92
65EEWentong Cai, Stephen John Turner, Suiping Zhou, Junhu Wei, Wenbo Zong: Performance Evaluation of a Bandwidth Requirements Reduction Technique Based on Timely State Update. Annual Simulation Symposium 2005: 225-232
64EESimon J. E. Taylor, Leif Bohli, Xiaoguang Wang, Stephen John Turner: Investigating Distributed Simulation at The Ford Motor Company. DS-RT 2005: 139-147
63EEBoon-Ping Gan, Malcolm Yoke-Hean Low, Xiaoguang Wang, Stephen John Turner: Using Manufacturing Process Flow for Time Synchronization in HLA-Based Simulation. DS-RT 2005: 148-160
62EEYong Xie, Yong Meng Teo, Wentong Cai, Stephen John Turner: Servicing Provisioning for HLA-Based Distributed Simulation on the Grid. PADS 2005: 282-291
61EEPeihan Teo, Stephen John Turner, Zoltan Juhasz: Optimistic Protocol Analysis in a Performance Analyzer and Prediction Tool. PADS 2005: 49-58
60EEPeter Lendermann, Malcolm Yoke-Hean Low, Boon-Ping Gan, Nirupam Julka, Lai Peng Chan, Loo Hay Lee, Simon J. E. Taylor, Stephen John Turner, Wentong Cai, Xiaoguang Wang, Terence Hung, Leon F. McGinnis, Stephen J. Buckley: An integrated and adaptive decision-support framework for high-tech manufacturing and service networks. Winter Simulation Conference 2005: 2052-2062
59EEBoon-Ping Gan, Peter Lendermann, Malcolm Yoke-Hean Low, Stephen John Turner, Xiaoguang Wang, Simon J. E. Taylor: Interoperating autosched AP using the high level architecture. Winter Simulation Conference 2005: 394-401
58EEXiaoguang Wang, Stephen John Turner, Simon J. E. Taylor, Malcolm Yoke-Hean Low, Boon-Ping Gan: A COTS Simulation Package Emulator (CSPE) for investigating COTS simulation package interoperability. Winter Simulation Conference 2005: 402-411
57EEWentong Cai, Stephen John Turner, Bu-Sung Lee, Junlan Zhou: An alternative time management mechanism for distributed simulations. ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul. 15(2): 109-137 (2005)
56EEDan Chen, Stephen John Turner, Wentong Cai, Boon-Ping Gan, Malcolm Yoke-Hean Low: Algorithms for HLA-based distributed simulation cloning. ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul. 15(4): 316-345 (2005)
55EEWentong Cai, Zijing Yuan, Malcolm Yoke-Hean Low, Stephen John Turner: Federate migration in HLA-based simulation. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 21(1): 87-95 (2005)
54EEWei Jie, Tianyi Zang, Terence Hung, Stephen John Turner, Wentong Cai: Information Management for Computational Grids. Int. J. Web Service Res. 2(3): 69-82 (2005)
53EEWenbo Zong, Yong Wang, Wentong Cai, Stephen John Turner: Grid Services and Service Discovery for HLA-Based Distributed Simulation. DS-RT 2004: 116-124
52EESimon J. E. Taylor, George V. Popescu, J. Mark Pullen, Stephen John Turner: Distributed Simulation and the Grid: Position Statements. DS-RT 2004: 144-149
51EEDan Chen, Stephen John Turner, Boon-Ping Gan, Wentong Cai: HLA-Based Distributed Simulation Cloning. DS-RT 2004: 244-247
50EETianyi Zang, Wei Jie, Terence Hung, Zhou Lei, Stephen John Turner, Wentong Cai: The Design and Implementation of An OGSA-based Grid Information Service. ICWS 2004: 566-
49EEZijing Yuan, Wentong Cai, Yoke-Hean Low, Stephen John Turner: Federate Migration in HLA-Based Simulation. International Conference on Computational Science 2004: 856-864
48EEFang Wang, Stephen John Turner, Lihua Wang: Agent Communication in Distributed Simulations. MABS 2004: 11-24
47EESuiping Zhou, Stephen John Turner, Wentong Cai, Hanfeng Zhao, Xiaolin Pang: A Utility Model for Timely State Update in Distributed Wargame Simulations. PADS 2004: 105-111
46EEXiaoguang Wang, Stephen John Turner, Yoke-Hean Low, Boon-Ping Gan: Optimistic Synchronization in HLA Based Distributed Simulation. PADS 2004: 123-130
45EEYi Zeng, Wentong Cai, Stephen John Turner: Batch Based Cancellation: A Rollback Optimal Cancellation Scheme in Time Warp Simulations. PADS 2004: 78-86
44EESimon J. E. Taylor, Peter Lendermann, Ray J. Paul, Steven W. Reichenthal, Steffen Straßburger, Stephen John Turner: Panel on Future Challenges in Modeling Methodology. Winter Simulation Conference 2004: 327-
43EEDan Chen, Stephen John Turner, Wentong Cai, Boon-Ping Gan, Malcolm Yoke-Hean Low: Incremental HLA-Based Distributed Simulation Cloning. Winter Simulation Conference 2004: 386-394
42EELihua Wang, Stephen John Turner, Fang Wang: Resolving Mutually Exclusive Interactions in Agent Based Distributed Simulations. Winter Simulation Conference 2004: 783-791
41EESuiping Zhou, Wentong Cai, Bu-Sung Lee, Stephen John Turner: Time-space consistency in large-scale distributed virtual environments. ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul. 14(1): 31-47 (2004)
40EEStephen John Turner: Special Issue: Distributed Simulation and Real-Time Applications. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 16(15): 1477-1481 (2004)
39EEYi Zeng, Wentong Cai, Stephen John Turner, Suiping Zhou, Bu-Sung Lee: Characterization and delivery of directly coupled causal messages in distributed systems. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 20(1): 171-178 (2004)
38EEDan Chen, Bu-Sung Lee, Wentong Cai, Stephen John Turner: Design and Development of a Cluster Gateway for Cluster-based HLA Distributed Virtual Simulation Environments. Annual Simulation Symposium 2003: 193-200
37EEDan Chen, Boon-Ping Gan, Nirupam Julka, Stephen John Turner, Wentong Cai, Junhu Wei: Evaluating Alternative Solutions for Cloning in Distributed Simulation. Annual Simulation Symposium 2003: 201-208
36EELi Liu, Wentong Cai, Stephen John Turner, Guangya Li: Improving Data Filtering Accuracy in Hierarchical Federations. Annual Simulation Symposium 2003: 209-215
35EESuiping Zhou, Wentong Cai, Stephen John Turner, Hanfeng Zhao: A Consistency Model for Evaluating Distributed Virtual Environments. CW 2003: 85-91
34EELihua Wang, Stephen John Turner, Fang Wang: Interest Management in Agent-Based Distributed Simulations. DS-RT 2003: 20-29
33EEWentong Cai, Guangya Li, Stephen John Turner, Bu-Sung Lee, Li Liu: Implementation of Federation Management Services over Federation Community Networks. PADS 2003: 50-60
32EEBoon-Ping Gan, Yoke-Hean Low, Junhu Wei, Xiaoguang Wang, Stephen John Turner, Wentong Cai: Distributed simulation and manufacturing: synchronization and management of shared state in HLA-based distributed simulation. Winter Simulation Conference 2003: 847-854
31EEYi Zeng, Wentong Cai, Stephen John Turner: Parallel distributed simulation and modeling methods: causal order based time warp: a tradeoff of optimism. Winter Simulation Conference 2003: 855-863
30EEWentong Cai, Guangya Li, Stephen John Turner, Bu-Sung Lee, Li Liu: Automatic Construction of Hierarchical Federations Architecture. DS-RT 2002: 50-58
29EEWentong Cai, Stephen John Turner, Hanfeng Zhao: A Load Management System for Running HLA-Based Distributed Simulations over the Grid. DS-RT 2002: 7-14
28EESuiping Zhou, Wentong Cai, Stephen John Turner, Francis B. S. Lee: Critical causality in distributed virtual environments. PADS 2002: 53-59
27EEWentong Cai, Percival Xavier, Stephen John Turner, Bu-Sung Lee: A scalable architecture for supporting interactive games on the internet. PADS 2002: 60-67
26 Wei Jie, Wentong Cai, Stephen John Turner, Wai Keong Chong: A Parallel Object-oriented Environment for Cluster Computing. PDPTA 2002: 1948-1954
25EEWei Jie, Wentong Cai, Stephen John Turner: POEMS: A Parallel Object-oriented Environment for Multi-computer Systems. Comput. J. 45(5): 540-560 (2002)
24EEZhengrong Ji, Boon-Ping Gan, Stephen John Turner, Wentong Cai: Parallel Federates - An Architecture for Hybrid Distributed Simulation. DS-RT 2001: 97-104
23 Wei Jie, Wentong Cai, Stephen John Turner: Dynamic Load-Balancing in a Data Parallel Object-Oriented System. ICPADS 2001: 279-288
22 Wei Jie, Wentong Cai, Stephen John Turner: Dynamic Load-balancing Using Prediction in a Parallel Object-oriented System. IPDPS 2001: 76
21EEBoon-Ping Gan, Li Liu, Zhengrong Ji, Stephen John Turner, Wentong Cai: Managing event traces for a web front-end to a parallel simulation. Winter Simulation Conference 2001: 637-644
20EEYe Zhang, Wentong Cai, Stephen John Turner: A parallel object-oriented manufacturing simulation language. Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation 2001: 101-108
19EEWentong Cai, Stephen John Turner, Boon-Ping Gan: Hierarchical federations: an architecture for information hiding. Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation 2001: 67-74
18EEAlois Ferscha, James Johnson, Stephen John Turner: Distributed simulation performance data mining. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 18(1): 157-174 (2001)
17 Bu-Sung Lee, Wentong Cai, Stephen John Turner, Jit-Beng Koh: Comparison of Network Protocol and Architecture for Distributed Virtual Simulation Environment. Operating Systems Review 35(3): 30-42 (2001)
16EEStephen John Turner, Wentong Cai, Boon-Ping Gan: Adapting a Supply-Chain Simulation for HLA. DS-RT 2000: 71-78
15 Ye Zhang, Wentong Cai, Stephen John Turner: Parallel discrete event simulation of manufacturing systems using parsec. ESM 2000: 296-301
14EEBoon-Ping Gan, Yoke-Hean Low, Sanjay Jain, Stephen John Turner, Wentong Cai, Wen-Jing Hsu, Shell-Ying Huang: Load balancing for conservative simulation on shared memory multiprocessor systems. PADS 2000: 139-146
13EEBoon-Ping Gan, Li Liu, Sanjay Jain, Stephen John Turner, Wentong Cai, Wen-Jing Hsu: Manufacturing sypply chain management: distributed supply chain simulation across enterprise boundaries. Winter Simulation Conference 2000: 1245-1251
12EELawrence A. H. Liang, Wentong Cai, Bu-Sung Lee, Stephen John Turner: Performance Analysis of Packet Bundling Techniques in DIS. DIS-RT 1999: 75-
11 Wentong Cai, Kang Zhang, Stephen John Turner, Chengzheng Sun: Interlock avoidance in transparent and dynamic parallel program instrumentation using logical clocks. Parallel Computing 25(5): 569-591 (1999)
10 Qung Ming Cui, Stephen John Turner: Reducing Null Messages in The Conservative Parallel Simulation of Timed Petri Nets. ESM 1998: 69-73
9 Chu-Cheow Lim, Yoke-Hean Low, Wentong Cai, Wen-Jing Hsu, Shell-Ying Huang, Stephen John Turner: An Empirical Comparison of Runtime Systems for Conservative Parallel Simulation. IPPS/SPDP Workshops 1998: 123-134
8EEStephen John Turner, Wentong Cai, Chu-Cheow Lim, Yoke-Hean Low, Wen-Jing Hsu, Shell-Ying Huang: A Methodology for Automating the Parallelization of Manufacturing Simulations. Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation 1998: 126-133
7 Stephen John Turner, Norlaily Yaacob: A Transformational Approach to Object-Based Concurrent Reflective Language. PDPTA 1997: 226-244
6EEWentong Cai, Emmanuelle Letertre, Stephen John Turner: Dag Consistent Parallel Simulation: A Predictable and Robust Conservative Algorithm. Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation 1997: 178-181
5 Hung-Khoon Tan, Wentong Cai, Stephen John Turner: VPE: A Visual Programming Environment for Parallel Processing. Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems 1995: 359-362
4 Wentong Cai, Stephen John Turner: An Approach to the Run-Time Monitoring of Parallel Programs. Comput. J. 37(4): 333-345 (1994)
3 Wentong Cai, Wendy J. Milne, Stephen John Turner: Graphical Views of the Behavior of Parallel Programs. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 18(2): 223-230 (1993)
2EEStephen John Turner: A concurrent solution to computer security. Artif. Intell. Rev. 6(2): 191-201 (1992)
1 Stephen John Turner: W-Grammars for Logic Programming. Implementations of Prolog 1984: 352-368

Coauthor Index

1Rassul Ayani [73] [85]
2Heiko Aydt [85] [89]
3Leif Bohli [64]
4Stephen J. Buckley [60]
5Steve Buckley [78]
6Wentong Cai [3] [4] [5] [6] [8] [9] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [35] [36] [37] [38] [39] [41] [43] [45] [47] [49] [50] [51] [53] [54] [55] [56] [57] [60] [62] [65] [70] [72] [73] [74] [75] [76] [79] [80] [81] [82] [83] [85] [87] [89] [90]
7Hoong-Maeng Chan [91]
8Lai Peng Chan [60] [68] [78]
9Dan Chen [37] [38] [43] [51] [56] [72] [74] [82] [83]
10Xinjun Chen [70] [79] [90]
11Reman Tat Wee Chim [66]
12Wai Keong Chong [26]
13Qung Ming Cui [10]
14Alois Ferscha [18]
15Xiuju Fu [84]
16Richard M. Fujimoto (Richard Fujimoto) [73]
17Boon-Ping Gan [13] [14] [16] [19] [21] [24] [32] [37] [43] [46] [51] [56] [58] [59] [60] [63] [68] [85] [88] [89]
18Wen-Jing Hsu [8] [9] [13] [14] [73]
19Shell-Ying Huang [8] [9] [14] [73]
20Terence Hung [50] [54] [60] [75] [91]
21Sanjay Jain [13] [14]
22Zhengrong Ji [21] [24]
23Wei Jie [22] [23] [25] [26] [50] [54] [75]
24James Johnson [18]
25Zoltan Juhasz [61]
26Nirupam Julka [37] [60]
27Jit-Beng Koh [17]
28John Ladbrook [69] [77]
29Bu-Sung Lee (Francis Bu-Sung Lee) [12] [17] [27] [30] [33] [38] [39] [41] [57] [76]
30Francis B. S. Lee [28]
31Loo Hay Lee [60]
32Zhou Lei [50]
33Peter Lendermann [44] [59] [60] [66] [78] [85] [89]
34Surya Hadisaputra Leo [66]
35Emmanuelle Letertre [6]
36Guangya Li [30] [33] [36]
37Xiaorong Li [84] [91]
38Zengxiang Li [80] [81] [87]
39Lawrence A. H. Liang [12]
40Yuanxi Liang [88]
41Chu-Cheow Lim [8] [9]
42Ding Ling [78]
43Li Liu [13] [21] [30] [33] [36]
44Brian Logan [74]
45Malcolm Yoke-Hean Low (Yoke-Hean Low) [8] [9] [14] [32] [43] [46] [49] [55] [56] [58] [59] [60] [63] [66] [67] [69] [73] [77] [78] [85] [89]
46Kong Wei Lye [66]
47Leon F. McGinnis [60]
48Wendy J. Milne [3]
49Rob Minson [74] [83]
50Navonil Mustafee [77]
51David Ong [84]
52Ke Pan [80] [81] [87]
53Xiaolin Pang [47]
54Ray J. Paul [44]
55Hai L. Peng [78]
56George V. Popescu [52]
57J. Mark Pullen [52]
58Steven W. Reichenthal [44]
59Steffen Straßburger [44] [69] [77] [86]
60Chengzheng Sun [11]
61Hung-Khoon Tan [5]
62Simon J. E. Taylor [44] [52] [58] [59] [60] [64] [67] [69] [71] [77] [86]
63Peihan Teo [61]
64Yong Meng Teo [62]
65Georgios K. Theodoropoulos [74] [83]
66Kok Heng Tong [91]
67Fang Wang [34] [42] [48]
68Lihua Wang [34] [42] [48]
69Lipo Wang [84]
70Xiaoguang Wang [32] [46] [58] [59] [60] [63] [64] [67] [69] [71]
71Yong Wang [53] [70] [79] [90]
72Junhu Wei [32] [37] [65] [76]
73Percival Xavier [27]
74Yong Xie [62] [74]
75Muzhou Xiong [82]
76Norlaily Yaacob [7]
77Zijing Yuan [49] [55]
78Tianyi Zang [50] [54]
79Yi Zeng [31] [39] [45]
80Kang Zhang [11]
81Ye Zhang [15] [20]
82Yi Zhang [74] [83]
83Hanfeng Zhao [29] [35] [47]
84Junlan Zhou [57]
85Suiping Zhou [28] [35] [39] [41] [47] [65] [73] [76]
86Wenbo Zong [53] [65]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)