
Rosemary Emery

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6 Rosemary Emery, Kevin Sikorski, Tucker R. Balch: Protocols for Collaboration, Coordination and Dynamic Role Assignment in a Robot Team. ICRA 2002: 3008-3015
5 Yufeng Liu, Rosemary Emery, Deepayan Chakrabarti, Wolfram Burgard, Sebastian Thrun: Using EM to Learn 3D Models of Indoor Environments with Mobile Robots. ICML 2001: 329-336
4 Rosemary Emery, Tucker R. Balch: Behavior-Based Control of a Non-Holonomic Robot in Pushing Tasks. ICRA 2001: 2381-2388
3EESebastian Thrun, Wolfram Burgard, Deepayan Chakrabarti, Rosemary Emery, Yufeng Liu, Christian Martin: A Real-time Algorithm for Acquiring Multi-Planar Volumetric Models with Mobile Robots. ISRR 2001: 21-35
2EESteve Stancliff, Ravi Balasubramanian, Tucker R. Balch, Rosemary Emery, Kevin Sikorski, Ashley W. Stroupe: CMU Hammerheads 2001 Team Description. RoboCup 2001: 631-634
1EERosemary Emery, Tucker R. Balch, Rande Shern, Kevin Sikorski, Ashley W. Stroupe: CMU Hammerheads Team Description. RoboCup 2000: 575-578

Coauthor Index

1Ravi Balasubramanian [2]
2Tucker R. Balch [1] [2] [4] [6]
3Wolfram Burgard [3] [5]
4Deepayan Chakrabarti [3] [5]
5Yufeng Liu [3] [5]
6Christian Martin [3]
7Rande Shern [1]
8Kevin Sikorski [1] [2] [6]
9Steve Stancliff [2]
10Ashley W. Stroupe [1] [2]
11Sebastian Thrun [3] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)