2009 | ||
89 | EE | Corina Sas, Alan J. Dix, Jennefer Hart, Ronghui Su: Emotional experience on facebook site. CHI Extended Abstracts 2009: 4345-4350 |
88 | EE | Corina Sas, Alan J. Dix: Designing for reflection on experience. CHI Extended Abstracts 2009: 4741-4744 |
2008 | ||
87 | EE | Akrivi Katifori, George Lepouras, Alan J. Dix, Azrina Kamaruddin: Evaluating the Significance of the Desktop Area in Everyday Computer Use. ACHI 2008: 31-38 |
86 | EE | Alan J. Dix, Damon Oram: Query-through-drilldown: data-oriented extensional queries. AVI 2008: 251-259 |
85 | EE | George Lepouras, Aggelos Papatriantafyllou, Akrivi Katifori, Alan J. Dix: Time2Hide: spatial searches and clutter alleviation for the desktop. AVI 2008: 355-358 |
84 | EE | Corina Sas, Alan J. Dix: Designing and evaluating mobile phone-based interaction with public displays. CHI Extended Abstracts 2008: 3941-3944 |
83 | EE | Akrivi Katifori, Costas Vassilakis, Alan J. Dix: Using Spreading Activation through Ontologies to Support Personal Information Management. CSKGOI 2008 |
82 | EE | Jennefer Hart, Charlene Ridley, Faisal Taher, Corina Sas, Alan J. Dix: Exploring the facebook experience: a new approach to usability. NordiCHI 2008: 471-474 |
81 | EE | Alan J. Dix: Tasks = Data + Action + Context: Automated Task Assistance through Data-Oriented Analysis. TAMODIA/HCSE 2008: 1-13 |
80 | EE | Alan J. Dix, Masitah Ghazali, Devina Ramduny-Ellis: Modelling Devices for Natural Interaction. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 208: 23-40 (2008) |
79 | EE | Alan J. Dix: Response to "Sometimes it's hard to be a robot: A call for action on the ethics of abusing artificial agents". Interacting with Computers 20(3): 334-337 (2008) |
2007 | ||
78 | EE | Tiziana Catarci, Alan J. Dix, Akrivi Katifori, Giorgos Lepouras, Antonella Poggi: Task-Centred Information Management. DELOS Conference 2007: 197-206 |
77 | EE | Geoffrey Ellis, Alan J. Dix: A Taxonomy of Clutter Reduction for Information Visualisation. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 13(6): 1216-1223 (2007) |
2006 | ||
76 | EE | Geoffrey Ellis, Alan J. Dix: The plot, the clutter, the sampling and its lens: occlusion measures for automatic clutter reduction. AVI 2006: 266-269 |
75 | EE | Geoffrey Ellis, Alan J. Dix: An explorative analysis of user evaluation studies in information visualisation. BELIV 2006: 1-7 |
74 | EE | Alan J. Dix, Tiziana Catarci, Benjamin Habegger, Yannis E. Ioannidis, Azrina Kamaruddin, Akrivi Katifori, Giorgos Lepouras, Antonella Poggi, Devina Ramduny-Ellis: Intelligent context-sensitive interactions on desktop and the web. CAI 2006: 23-27 |
73 | EE | Steve Benford, Andy Crabtree, Stuart Reeves, Jennifer G. Sheridan, Alan J. Dix, Martin Flintham, Adam Drozd: Designing for the opportunities and risks of staging digital experiences in public settings. CHI 2006: 427-436 |
72 | EE | Antonella De Angeli, Sheryl Brahnam, Peter Wallis, Alan J. Dix: Misuse and abuse of interactive technologies. CHI Extended Abstracts 2006: 1647-1650 |
71 | EE | Corina Sas, Alan J. Dix: Designing for collective remembering. CHI Extended Abstracts 2006: 1727-1730 |
70 | EE | Akiyo Kano, Janet C. Read, Alan J. Dix: Children's phrase set for text input method evaluations. NordiCHI 2006: 449-452 |
69 | EE | George Saslis-Lagoudakis, Keith Cheverst, Alan J. Dix, Dan Fitton, Mark Rouncefield: Hermes@Home: supporting awareness and intimacy between distant family members. OZCHI 2006: 23-30 |
68 | EE | Cliff Randell, Erik Geelhoed, Alan J. Dix, Henk L. Muller: Exploring the Effects of Target Location Size and Position System Accuracy on Location Based Applications. Pervasive 2006: 305-320 |
67 | EE | Geoffrey Ellis, Alan J. Dix: Enabling Automatic Clutter Reduction in Parallel Coordinate Plots. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 12(5): 717-724 (2006) |
2005 | ||
66 | EE | Geoffrey Ellis, Enrico Bertini, Alan J. Dix: The sampling lens: making sense of saturated visualisations. CHI Extended Abstracts 2005: 1351-1354 |
65 | EE | Kiel Mark Gilleade, Alan J. Dix, Jennifer Allanson: Affective Videogames and Modes of Affective Gaming: Assist Me, Challenge Me, Emote Me (ACE). DIGRA Conf. 2005 |
64 | EE | Alan J. Dix, Jennifer G. Sheridan, Stuart Reeves, Steve Benford, Claire O'Malley: Formalising Performative Interaction. DSV-IS 2005: 15-25 |
63 | EE | Dominic Furniss, Alan J. Dix, Christophe Ponsard, Guo-Qiang Zhang: Outdated Ideas of the Design Process and the Future of Formal Models, Methods and Notations. DSV-IS 2005: 265 |
62 | EE | Nigel Davies, Keith Cheverst, Alan J. Dix, Andre Hesse: Understanding the role of image recognition in mobile tour guides. Mobile HCI 2005: 191-198 |
61 | EE | Keith Cheverst, Alan J. Dix, Daniel Fitton, Christian Kray, Mark Rouncefield, Corina Sas, George Saslis-Lagoudakis, Jennifer G. Sheridan: Exploring bluetooth based mobile phone interaction with the hermes photo display. Mobile HCI 2005: 47-54 |
60 | EE | Keith Cheverst, Alan J. Dix, Dan Fitton, Christian Kray, Mark Rouncefield, George Saslis-Lagoudakis, Jennifer G. Sheridan: Exploring Mobile Phone Interaction with Situated Displays. PERMID 2005: 43-47 |
2004 | ||
59 | EE | Geoffrey Ellis, Alan J. Dix: Quantum web fields and molecular meanderings: visualising web visitations. AVI 2004: 197-200 |
58 | EE | Kiel Mark Gilleade, Alan J. Dix: Using frustration in the design of adaptive videogames. Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology 2004: 228-232 |
57 | Jennifer G. Sheridan, Alan J. Dix, Simon Lock, Alice Bayliss: Understanding Interaction in Ubiquitous Guerrilla Performances in Playful Arenas. BCS HCI 2004: 3-18 | |
56 | James Allan Hudson, Alan J. Dix, Alan Parkes: User Interface Overloading: A Novel Approach for Handheld Device Text Input. BCS HCI 2004: 69-86 | |
55 | EE | Michael Hildebrandt, Alan J. Dix, Herbert A. Meyer: Time design. CHI Extended Abstracts 2004: 1737-1738 |
54 | EE | Geoffrey Ellis, Alan J. Dix: Visualising Web Visitations: A Probabilistic Approach. IV 2004: 599-604 |
53 | EE | Victor Onditi, Paul Rayson, B. Ransom, Devina Ramduny, Ian Sommerville, Alan J. Dix: Language Resources and Tools for Supporting the System Engineering Process. NLDB 2004: 147-158 |
52 | EE | Alan J. Dix: Taking fun seriously. Interactions 11(5): 63-64 (2004) |
2003 | ||
51 | EE | Anton Nijholt, Oliviero Stock, Alan J. Dix, John Morkes: Humor modeling in the interface. CHI Extended Abstracts 2003: 1050-1051 |
50 | Paul Rayson, Bernadette Sharp, Albert Alderson, John Cartmell, Caroline Chibelushi, Rodney J. Clarke, Alan J. Dix, Victor Onditi, Amanda Quek, Devina Ramduny, Andy Salter, Hanifa Shah, Ian Sommerville, Philip C. Windridge: Tracker: A Framework to Support Reducing Rework Through Decision Management. ICEIS (2) 2003: 344-351 | |
49 | EE | Christian Bornträger, Keith Cheverst, Nigel Davies, Alan J. Dix, Adrian Friday, Jochen Seitz: Experiments with Multi-modal Interfaces in a Context-Aware City Guide. Mobile HCI 2003: 116-130 |
48 | EE | Keith Cheverst, Alan J. Dix, Dan Fitton, Adrian Friday, Mark Rouncefield: Exploring the Utility of Remote Messaging and Situated Office Door Displays. Mobile HCI 2003: 336-341 |
47 | Alan J. Dix, Andrew Howes, Stephen J. Payne: Post-web cognition: evolving knowledge strategies for global information environments. Int. J. Web Eng. Technol. 1(1): 112-126 (2003) | |
2002 | ||
46 | EE | Alan J. Dix: Towards a Ubiquitous Semantics of Interaction: Phenomenology, Scenarios, and Traces. DSV-IS 2002: 238-252 |
45 | EE | Geoffrey Ellis, Alan J. Dix: Density Control Through Random Sampling: an Architectural Perspective. IV 2002: 82- |
44 | Alan J. Dix: Managing the Ecology of Interaction. TAMODIA 2002: 1-9 | |
2001 | ||
43 | Alan J. Dix: In a Strange Land: modelling and understanding cyberspace. Mensch-Computer Interaktion im 21. Jahrhundert 2001: 39-51 | |
42 | EE | Kecheng Liu, Lily Sun, Alan J. Dix, Mohan Narasipuram: Norm-based agency for designing collaborative information systems. Inf. Syst. J. 11(3): 229-248 (2001) |
41 | Dave Clarke, Alan J. Dix: Interfaces for the Active Web. Interacting with Computers 13(3): 323-324 (2001) | |
40 | Dave Clarke, Alan J. Dix: Interfaces for the Active Web (Part 2). Interacting with Computers 13(6): 627-629 (2001) | |
2000 | ||
39 | EE | Yong Sun, Hongji Yang, Alan J. Dix: TDL: A Language for Transition Diagrams in the Derivation of LOTOS Specifications. APAQS 2000: 226-238 |
38 | Alan J. Dix, Russell Beale, Andy Wood: Architectures to make Simple Visualisations using Simple Systems. Advanced Visual Interfaces 2000: 51-60 | |
37 | EE | Alan J. Dix, Tom Rodden, Nigel Davies, Jonathan Trevor, Adrian Friday, Kevin Palfreyman: Exploiting space and location as a design framework for interactive mobile systems. ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact. 7(3): 285-321 (2000) |
36 | Alan J. Dix, Devina Ramduny, Tom Rodden, Nigel Davies: Places to Stay on the Move: Software Architectures for Mobile User Interfaces. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 4(2/3): (2000) | |
1999 | ||
35 | Ronan Fitzpatrick, Alan J. Dix: A Process for Appraising Commercial Usability Evaluation Methods. HCI (1) 1999: 1068-1072 | |
34 | EE | Alan J. Dix: Design of User Interfaces for the Web. UIDIS 1999: 2-11 |
1998 | ||
33 | EE | Alan J. Dix, Geoffrey Ellis: Starting simple: adding value to static visualisation through simple interaction. AVI 1998: 124-134 |
32 | EE | Devina Ramduny, Alan J. Dix, Tom Rodden: Exploring the Design Space for Notification Servers. CSCW 1998: 227-235 |
31 | Alan J. Dix, John Fabre, Steve Howard: Introduction to the Special Issue on Temporal Aspects of Usability. Interacting with Computers 11(1): 1-7 (1998) | |
30 | Alan J. Dix, Devina Ramduny, Julie Wilkinson: Interaction in the large. Interacting with Computers 11(1): 9-32 (1998) | |
29 | Ian Sommerville, Tom Rodden, Paul Rayson, Andrew Kirby, Alan J. Dix: Supporting Information Evolution on the WWW. World Wide Web 1(1): 45-54 (1998) | |
1997 | ||
28 | Devina Ramduny, Alan J. Dix: Why, What, Where, When: Architectures for Cooperative work on the World Wide Web. BCS HCI 1997: 283-301 | |
27 | Alan J. Dix, Roberta Mancini, Stefano Levialdi: Communication, Action and History. CHI 1997: 542-543 | |
26 | Roberta Mancini, Alan J. Dix, Stefano Levialdi: Dealing with Undo. INTERACT 1997: 703-705 | |
25 | Alan J. Dix: Challenges for Cooperative Work on the Web: An Analytical Approach. Computer Supported Cooperative Work 6(2/3): 135-156 (1997) | |
24 | Alan J. Dix, Tom Rodden, Ian Sommerville: Modelling versions in collaborative work. IEE Proceedings - Software 144(4): 195-205 (1997) | |
1996 | ||
23 | EE | Alan J. Dix: Closing the loop: modelling action, perception and information. AVI 1996: 20-28 |
22 | EE | Alan J. Dix, Devina Ramduny, Julie Wilkinson: Long-Term Interaction: Learning the 4 Rs. CHI Conference Companion 1996: 169-170 |
21 | Alan J. Dix, Tom Rodden, Ian Sommerville: Modeling the Sharing of Versions. SCM 1996: 282-290 | |
1995 | ||
20 | Mark A. R. Kirby, Alan J. Dix, Janet Finlay: People and Computers X, Proceedings of HCI '95, Huddersfield, August 1995 Cambridge University Press 1995 | |
19 | Alan J. Dix: Moving between Contexts. DSV-IS 1995: 149-173 | |
18 | Stephen A. Brewster, Peter C. Wright, Alan J. Dix, Alistair D. N. Edwards: The sonic enhancement of graphical buttons. INTERACT 1995: 43-48 | |
17 | EE | Alan J. Dix: Cooperation without (reliable) communication: Interfaces for mobile applications. Distributed Systems Engineering 2(3): 171- (1995) |
1994 | ||
16 | Alan J. Dix: Que Sera Sera - The Problem of the Future Perfect in Open and Cooperative Systems. BCS HCI 1994: 397-408 | |
15 | Alan J. Dix: LADA - a logic for the Analysis of Distributed Actions. DSV-IS 1994: 317-332 | |
14 | Alan J. Dix, Andrew Patrick: Query by Browsing. IDS 1994: 236-248 | |
13 | EE | Gregory D. Abowd, Alan J. Dix: Integrating Status and Event Phenomena in Formal Specifications of Interactive Systems. SIGSOFT FSE 1994: 44-52 |
12 | Ian Toyn, Alan J. Dix: Efficient Binary Transfer of Pointer Structures. Softw., Pract. Exper. 24(11): 1001-1023 (1994) | |
1992 | ||
11 | Alan J. Dix: Beyond the Interface. Engineering for Human-Computer Interaction 1992: 171-190 | |
10 | Gregory D. Abowd, Alan J. Dix: Giving Undo Attention. Interacting with Computers 4(3): 317-342 (1992) | |
1990 | ||
9 | Alan J. Dix: Information processing, context and privacy. INTERACT 1990: 15-20 | |
1989 | ||
8 | Alan J. Dix: Software Engineering Implications for Formal Refinement. ESEC 1989: 243-259 | |
1988 | ||
7 | Andrew F. Monk, Paul Walsh, Alan J. Dix: A Comparison of Hypertext, Scrolling and Folding as Mechanisms for Program Browsing. BCS HCI 1988: 421-435 | |
6 | Alan J. Dix: Abstract, Generic Models of Interactive Systems. BCS HCI 1988: 63-77 | |
5 | Michael D. Harrison, Alan J. Dix: Modelling the relationship between state and display in interactive systems. Informatics and Psychology Workshop 1988: 241-249 | |
1987 | ||
4 | Andrew F. Monk, Alan J. Dix: Refining Early Design Decision with a Black-Box Model. BCS HCI 1987: 147-158 | |
3 | Alan J. Dix: The Myth of the Infinitely Fast Machine. BCS HCI 1987: 215-228 | |
2 | Alan J. Dix, Michael D. Harrison, Colin Runciman, Harold W. Thimbleby: Interaction Models and the Principled Design of Interactive Systems. ESEC 1987: 118-126 | |
1 | Ian Toyn, Alan J. Dix, Colin Runciman: Performance polymorphism. FPCA 1987: 325-346 |