
Alice Bayliss

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2EEMick Wallis, Sita Popat, Alice Bayliss, Joslin McKinney, John Bryden, David Hogg, Matthew Godden, Rich Walker: SpiderCrab and the emergent object: designing for the twenty-first century. DUX 2007: 3
1 Jennifer G. Sheridan, Alan J. Dix, Simon Lock, Alice Bayliss: Understanding Interaction in Ubiquitous Guerrilla Performances in Playful Arenas. BCS HCI 2004: 3-18

Coauthor Index

1John Bryden [2]
2Alan J. Dix [1]
3Matthew Godden [2]
4David Hogg (David C. Hogg) [2]
5Simon Lock [1]
6Joslin McKinney [2]
7Sita Popat [2]
8Jennifer G. Sheridan [1]
9Rich Walker [2]
10Mick Wallis [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)