
Paul Walsh

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10EEPio Fenton, Paul Walsh: Improving the performance of the repeating permutation representation using morphogenic computation and generalised modified order crossover. Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2005: 1372-1379
9EEPio Fenton, Paul Walsh: A comparison of messy GA and permutation based GA for job shop scheduling. GECCO 2005: 1593-1594
8 Dónal Doyle, Padraig Cunningham, Paul Walsh: An Evaluation of the Usefulness of Explanation in a CBR System for Decision-Support in Bronchiolitis Treatment. ICCBR Workshops 2005: 32-41
7EEFionn Murtagh, Xiaoyu Qiao, Danny Crookes, Paul Walsh, P. Basheer, Adrian Long, Jean-Luc Starck: A machine vision approach to the grading of crushed aggregate. Mach. Vis. Appl. 16(4): 229-235 (2005)
6EEPaul Walsh, Jason Meade: Speech Enabled E-Learning for Adult Literacy Tutoring. ICALT 2003: 17-21
5EERobert Wall, Padraig Cunningham, Paul Walsh, Stephen Byrne: Explaining the output of ensembles in medical decision support on a case by case basis. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 28(2): 191-206 (2003)
4EERobert Wall, Padraig Cunningham, Paul Walsh: Explaining Predictions from a Neural Network Ensemble One at a Time. PKDD 2002: 449-460
3 Conor Ryan, Paul Walsh: Paragen II: Evolving Parallel Transformation Rules. Fuzzy Days 1997: 573
2 Jakob Nielsen, Susan M. Dray, James D. Foley, Paul Walsh, Peter C. Wright: Usability engineering on a budget. INTERACT 1990: 1067-1070
1 Andrew F. Monk, Paul Walsh, Alan J. Dix: A Comparison of Hypertext, Scrolling and Folding as Mechanisms for Program Browsing. BCS HCI 1988: 421-435

Coauthor Index

1P. Basheer [7]
2Stephen Byrne [5]
3Danny Crookes [7]
4Padraig Cunningham [4] [5] [8]
5Alan J. Dix [1]
6Dónal Doyle [8]
7Susan M. Dray [2]
8Pio Fenton [9] [10]
9James D. Foley [2]
10Adrian Long [7]
11Jason Meade [6]
12Andrew F. Monk [1]
13Fionn Murtagh [7]
14Jakob Nielsen [2]
15Xiaoyu Qiao [7]
16Conor Ryan [3]
17Jean-Luc Starck [7]
18Robert Wall [4] [5]
19Peter C. Wright [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)