2. DSV-IS 1995:
Chateau de Bonas,
Philippe A. Palanque, Rémi Bastide (Eds.):
Design, Specification and Verification of Interactive Systems '95, Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop in Toulouse, France June 7-9, 1995.
Springer 1995, ISBN 3-211-82739-0 BibTeX
- David A. Duce, David J. Duke:
Interaction, Cognition and Visualization.
1-20 BibTeX
- Marie-Claude Gaudel:
Formal Specification Techniques for Interactive Systems.
21-26 BibTeX
- Dan R. Olsen:
Interacting with Information.
27-34 BibTeX
- Fabio Paternò, M. S. Sciacchitano, Jonas Löwgren:
A User Interface Evaluation Mapping Physical User Actions to Task-Driven Formal Specifications.
35-53 BibTeX
- David J. Duke, Michael D. Harrison:
Interaction and Task Requirements.
54-75 BibTeX
- Thomas G. Moher, Victor Dirda:
Revising Mental Models to Accomodate Expectation Failures in Human-Computer Dialogues.
76-92 BibTeX
- Chris Johnson:
The Application of Petri Nets to Represent and Reason about Human Factors Problems during Accident Analyses.
93-112 BibTeX
- Philip D. Gray, Chris Johnson:
Requirements for the Next Generation of User Interface Specification Languages.
113-133 BibTeX
- Chris Bramwell, Bob Fields, Michael D. Harrison:
Exploring Design Options Rationally.
134-148 BibTeX
- Alan J. Dix:
Moving between Contexts.
149-173 BibTeX
- Peter Bumbulis, Paulo S. C. Alencar, Donald D. Cowan, Carlos José Pereira de Lucena:
Combining Formal Techniques and Prototyping in User Interface Construction and Verification.
174-192 BibTeX
- Thomas Elwert, Egbert Schlungbaum:
Modelling and Generation of Graphical User Interfaces in the TADEUS Approach.
193-208 BibTeX
- Matthias Rauterberg:
Four Different Measures to Quantify Three Usability Attributes: 'Feedback', 'Interface Directeness' and 'Flexibility'.
209-223 BibTeX
- Bernhard Bauer:
Proving the Correctness of Formal User Interface Specifications .
224-241 BibTeX
- Niels Ole Bernsen, S. Lu:
A Software Demonstrator of Modality Theory.
242-261 BibTeX
- François Bodart, Anne-Marie Hennebert, Jean-Marie Leheureux, Isabelle Provot, Benoît Sacré, Jean Vanderdonckt:
Towards a Systematic Building of Software Architectures: the TRIDENT Methodological Guide.
262-278 BibTeX
- Mark Green:
The Design of Narrative Virtual Environments.
279-293 BibTeX
- Panos Markopoulos:
On the Expression of Interaction Properties within an Interactor Model.
294-310 BibTeX
- James Middlemass, Adam Stork, John Long:
Applying a Structured Method for Usability Engineering To Recreational Facilities Booking User Requirements: A Successful Case Study.
311-328 BibTeX
- Roger K. Took:
A Formal Design for Mutually Composed Multiple Media in Presentations.
329-341 BibTeX
- Michael D. Harrison:
Reports from Working Groups: Role of Verification.
342-344 BibTeX
- Chris Johnson:
Reports from Working Groups: The Challenge of Time.
345-357 BibTeX
- Thomas G. Moher:
Reports from Working Groups: User and Task Modelling.
358-361 BibTeX
- Reports from Working Groups: Towards a Taxonomy for Interactive Graphics Systems.
362-370 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:07:36 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)