Costin Pribeanu, Jean Vanderdonckt (Eds.):
Task Models and Diagrams for User Interface Design: Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Task Models and Diagrams for User Interface Design - TAMODIA 2002, 18-19 July 2002, Bucharest, Romania.
INFOREC Publishing House Bucharest 2002, ISBN 973-8360-01-3 BibTeX
editor = {Costin Pribeanu and
Jean Vanderdonckt},
title = {Task Models and Diagrams for User Interface Design: Proceedings
of the First International Workshop on Task Models and Diagrams
for User Interface Design - TAMODIA 2002, 18-19 July 2002, Bucharest,
booktitle = {TAMODIA},
publisher = {INFOREC Publishing House Bucharest},
year = {2002},
isbn = {973-8360-01-3},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
Invited Papers
Task Modeling
Task Models in Extraordinary Contexts of Use
Model-Based Approaches
Pattern-Based Approaches
Plastic User Interfaces
- Kevin A. Schneider:
Using the AUI Model to Increase the Plasticity of an Interactive System.
120-126 BibTeX
- Gaëlle Calvary, Joëlle Coutaz, David Thevenin, Quentin Limbourg, Nathalie Souchon, Laurent Bouillon, Murielle Florins, Jean Vanderdonckt:
Plasticity of User Interfaces: A Revised Reference Framework.
127-134 BibTeX
- Donatien Grolaux, Peter Van Roy, Jean Vanderdonckt:
FlexClock, a Plastic Clock Written in Oz with the QTk toolkit.
135-142 BibTeX
Task-Based Evaluation
- Elyon DeKoven, David V. Keyson:
Evaluating task models embedded in consumer products.
143-150 BibTeX
- Gaëlle Calvary, Joëlle Coutaz:
CatchIt, a Development Environment for Transparent Usability Testing.
151-160 BibTeX
- Marco Winckler, Philippe A. Palanque, Christelle Farenc, Marcelo Soares Pimenta:
Task-Based Assessment of Web Navigation Design.
161-169 BibTeX
- Ion Juvina, Stefan Trausan-Matu, Gheorghe Iosif, Gerrit C. van der Veer, Ana-Maria Marhan, Cristina Chisalita:
Analysis of Web Browsing Behavior - a great potential for psychological research.
170-178 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:43:31 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)