
Paul Rayson

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18EEDanny Hughes, Paul Rayson, James Walkerdine, Kevin Lee, Phil Greenwood, Awais Rashid, Corinne May-Chahal, Margaret Brennan: Supporting Law Enforcement in Digital Communities through Natural Language Analysis. IWCF 2008: 122-134
17EEVander Alves, Christa Schwanninger, Luciano Barbosa, Awais Rashid, Peter Sawyer, Paul Rayson, Christoph Pohl, Andreas Rummler: An Exploratory Study of Information Retrieval Techniques in Domain Analysis. SPLC 2008: 67-76
16EEJames Walkerdine, Danny Hughes, Paul Rayson, John Simms, Kiel Mark Gilleade, John A. Mariani, Ian Sommerville: A framework for P2P application development. Computer Communications 31(2): 387-401 (2008)
15EERicardo Gacitua, Peter Sawyer, Paul Rayson: A flexible framework to experiment with ontology learning techniques. Knowl.-Based Syst. 21(3): 192-199 (2008)
14EERuzanna Chitchyan, Awais Rashid, Paul Rayson, Robert Waters: Semantics-based composition for aspect-oriented requirements engineering. AOSD 2007: 36-48
13EEAmérico Sampaio, Awais Rashid, Ruzanna Chitchyan, Paul Rayson: EA-Miner: Towards Automation in Aspect-Oriented Requirements Engineering. T. Aspect-Oriented Software Development 3: 4-39 (2007)
12EEPaul Rayson, Dawn Archer, Alistair Baron, Nicholas Smith: Tagging Historical Corpora - the problem of spelling variation. Digital Historical Corpora 2006
11EEAmérico Sampaio, Ruzanna Chitchyan, Paul Rayson: EA-Miner: a tool for automating aspect-oriented requirements identification. ASE 2005: 352-355
10EEAmérico Sampaio, Awais Rashid, Paul Rayson: Early-AIM: An Approach for Identifying Aspects in Requirements. RE 2005: 487-488
9EEScott Songlin Piao, Paul Rayson, Dawn Archer, Tony McEnery: Comparing and combining a semantic tagger and a statistical tool for MWE extraction. Computer Speech & Language 19(4): 378-397 (2005)
8EEPeter Sawyer, Paul Rayson, Ken Cosh: Shallow Knowledge as an Aid to Deep Understanding in Early Phase Requirements Engineering. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 31(11): 969-981 (2005)
7EEVictor Onditi, Paul Rayson, B. Ransom, Devina Ramduny, Ian Sommerville, Alan J. Dix: Language Resources and Tools for Supporting the System Engineering Process. NLDB 2004: 147-158
6EEJames Walkerdine, Paul Rayson: P2P-4-DL: Digital Library over Peer-to-Peer. Peer-to-Peer Computing 2004: 264-265
5 Paul Rayson, Bernadette Sharp, Albert Alderson, John Cartmell, Caroline Chibelushi, Rodney J. Clarke, Alan J. Dix, Victor Onditi, Amanda Quek, Devina Ramduny, Andy Salter, Hanifa Shah, Ian Sommerville, Philip C. Windridge: Tracker: A Framework to Support Reducing Rework Through Decision Management. ICEIS (2) 2003: 344-351
4EEPeter Sawyer, Paul Rayson, Roger Garside: REVERE: Support for Requirements Synthesis from Documents. Information Systems Frontiers 4(3): 343-353 (2002)
3EEPaul Rayson, Luke Emmet, Roger Garside, Peter Sawyer: The REVERE Project: Experiments with the Application of Probabilistic NLP to Systems Engineering. NLDB 2000: 288-300
2 Paul Rayson, Roger Garside, Peter Sawyer: Assisting requirements engineering with semantic document analysis. RIAO 2000: 1363-1371
1 Ian Sommerville, Tom Rodden, Paul Rayson, Andrew Kirby, Alan J. Dix: Supporting Information Evolution on the WWW. World Wide Web 1(1): 45-54 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Albert Alderson [5]
2Vander Alves [17]
3Dawn Archer [9] [12]
4Luciano Barbosa [17]
5Alistair Baron [12]
6Margaret Brennan [18]
7John Cartmell [5]
8Caroline Chibelushi [5]
9Ruzanna Chitchyan [11] [13] [14]
10Rodney J. Clarke [5]
11Ken Cosh [8]
12Alan J. Dix [1] [5] [7]
13Luke Emmet [3]
14Ricardo Gacitua [15]
15Roger Garside [2] [3] [4]
16Kiel Mark Gilleade [16]
17Phil Greenwood [18]
18Danny Hughes (Daniel Hughes) [16] [18]
19Andrew Kirby [1]
20Kevin Lee [18]
21John A. Mariani [16]
22Corinne May-Chahal [18]
23Tony McEnery [9]
24Victor Onditi [5] [7]
25Scott Songlin Piao [9]
26Christoph Pohl [17]
27Amanda Quek [5]
28Devina Ramduny-Ellis (Devina Ramduny) [5] [7]
29B. Ransom [7]
30Awais Rashid [10] [13] [14] [17] [18]
31Tom Rodden [1]
32Andreas Rummler [17]
33Andy Salter [5]
34Américo Sampaio [10] [11] [13]
35Peter Sawyer [2] [3] [4] [8] [15] [17]
36Christa Schwanninger [17]
37Hanifa Shah [5]
38Bernadette Sharp [5]
39John Simms [16]
40Nicholas Smith [12]
41Ian Sommerville [1] [5] [7] [16]
42James Walkerdine [6] [16] [18]
43Robert Waters [14]
44Philip C. Windridge [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)