Volume 1,
Number 1,
- Lorna Uden:
1- BibTeX
- Silvia Mara Abrahão, Oscar Pastor:
Measuring the functional size of web applications.
5-16 BibTeX
- Olga De Troyer, Sven Casteleyn:
Exploiting link types during the conceptual design of websites.
17-40 BibTeX
- Steve Ward, Mat Hostetter:
Curl: a language for web content.
41-62 BibTeX
- Evan Golub, Ben Shneiderman:
Dynamic query visualizations on World Wide Web clients: a DHTML solution for maps and scattergrams.
63-78 BibTeX
- Gerti Kappel, Birgit Pröll, Werner Retschitzegger, Wieland Schwinger:
Customisation for ubiquitous web applications a comparison of approaches.
79-111 BibTeX
- Alan J. Dix, Andrew Howes, Stephen J. Payne:
Post-web cognition: evolving knowledge strategies for global information environments.
112-126 BibTeX
- Ziv Baida, Hans de Bruin, Jaap Gordijn:
e-business cases assessment: from business value to system feasibility.
127-144 BibTeX
Volume 1,
Number 2,
- Yannis Psaromiligkos, Symeon Retalis:
An approach for managing the evolution of web-based educational applications.
148-167 BibTeX
- Pat Jefferies, Peter Waterhouse:
Campus-based managed learning environments: beyond technology.
168-181 BibTeX
- Patrick D. Lynch, Paul F. Nunes, Robert J. Kent:
Advice through mice: individual and advisor-system differences in online recommendations.
182-201 BibTeX
- Kuanchin Chen, Hy Sockel:
The impact of interactivity on business website visibility.
202-217 BibTeX
- Ilario Benetti, Francesco Guerra, Maurizio Vincini, Sonia Bergamaschi:
SOAP-enabled web services for knowledge management.
218-235 BibTeX
- G. Michael McGrath:
Integrated semantic web services delivery: a cautionary tale.
236-250 BibTeX
- Yan Wang, Kian-Lee Tan, Yue Wang:
A study of securing route structures for mobile agents dispatched in parallel.
251-274 BibTeX
Volume 1,
Number 3,
- Rafael Corchuelo, Antonio Ruiz Cortés, Robert Wrembel:
Editorial: web and database technologies in business solutions.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Muhammad Younas, Barry Eaglestone, Kuo-Ming Chao:
A low-latency resilient protocol for e-business transactions.
278-296 BibTeX
- Bing Li, Wei-Tek Tsai, Liang-Jie Zhang:
Building e-commerce systems using semantic application framework.
297-319 BibTeX
- Davide Di Ruscio, Henry Muccini, Alfonso Pierantonio:
A data-modelling approach to web application synthesis.
320-337 BibTeX
- Hoi Kit Lau, Vincent Ng:
INode*: an effective approach for storing XML using relational database.
338-352 BibTeX
- Manish Malhotra, Zahir Tari:
MIDAS: an integrated e-commerce solution for Australian transport industries.
353-373 BibTeX
- Vicente Luque Centeno, Carlos Delgado Kloos, Luis Sánchez Fernández, Norberto Fernández García:
Web task automation: a standards-based proposal.
374-391 BibTeX
Volume 1,
Number 4,
- Sviatoslav Braynov:
Coalitions of malicious intelligent agents.
397-413 BibTeX
- Javier Ignacio Carbó Rubiera, José M. Molina:
Agent-based collaborative filtering based on fuzzy recommendations.
414-426 BibTeX
- Emilio Corchado, Donald MacDonald, Colin Fyfe:
Internet agents who structure concept formation using kernel self-organising maps.
427-436 BibTeX
- Jose R. Villar, Carmen Benavides, Isaias Garcia, Angel Alonso, Francisco Rodriguez:
A web-based multi-agent system approach to document engineering.
437-453 BibTeX
- Analía Amandi, Marcelo Armentano:
Connecting web applications with interface agents.
454-470 BibTeX
- Jorge J. Gómez-Sanz, Rubén Fuentes:
Agent oriented software engineering with web applications.
471-483 BibTeX
- Bernhard Bauer, Marc-Philippe Huget:
Modelling web service composition with UML 2.0.
484-501 BibTeX
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:03:27 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)