
P. Cova

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6EEP. Cova, Roberto Menozzi, M. Portesine: Experimental and numerical study of the recovery softness and overvoltage dependence on p-i-n diode design. Microelectronics Journal 37(5): 409-416 (2006)
5EEP. Cova, N. Delmonte, Roberto Menozzi: Thermal characterization and modeling of power hybrid converters for distributed power systems. Microelectronics Reliability 46(9-11): 1760-1765 (2006)
4EEP. Cova, N. Delmonte, Roberto Menozzi: On state breakdown in PHEMTs and its temperature dependence. Microelectronics Reliability 45(9-11): 1605-1610 (2005)
3EEP. Cova, Roberto Menozzi, M. Portesine: Power p-i-n diodes for snubberless application: H+ irradiation for soft and reliable reverse recovery. Microelectronics Reliability 43(1): 81-87 (2003)
2EEP. Cova, Roberto Menozzi, M. Dammann, T. Feltgen, W. Jantz: High-field step-stress and long term stability of PHEMTs with different gate and recess lengths. Microelectronics Reliability 42(9-11): 1587-1592 (2002)
1EEMauro Ciappa, Flavio Carbognani, P. Cova, Wolfgang Fichtner: A Novel Thermomechanics -Based Lifetime Prediction Model for Cycle Fatigue Failure Mechanisms in Power Semiconductors. Microelectronics Reliability 42(9-11): 1653-1658 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Flavio Carbognani [1]
2Mauro Ciappa [1]
3M. Dammann [2]
4N. Delmonte [4] [5]
5T. Feltgen [2]
6Wolfgang Fichtner [1]
7W. Jantz [2]
8Roberto Menozzi [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
9M. Portesine [3] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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