
Jorge G. Cham

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8EEMichael T. Wolf, Jorge G. Cham, Edward A. Branchaud, Joel W. Burdick: A miniature robot for isolating and tracking neurons in extracellular cortical recordings. ICRA 2008: 1594-1601
7 Richard A. Andersen, Sam Musallam, Joel W. Burdick, Jorge G. Cham: Cognitive Based Neural Prosthetics. ICRA 2005: 1908-1913
6 Edward A. Branchaud, Jorge G. Cham, Zoran Nenadic, Richard A. Andersen, Joel W. Burdick: A Miniature Robot for Autonomous Single Neuron Recordings. ICRA 2005: 1920-1926
5EEJorge G. Cham, Jonathan K. Karpick, Mark R. Cutkosky: Stride Period Adaptation of a Biomimetic Running Hexapod. I. J. Robotic Res. 23(2): 141-153 (2004)
4 Jorge G. Cham, Sean A. Bailey, Jonathan E. Clark, Robert J. Full, Mark R. Cutkosky: Fast and Robust. I. J. Robotic Res. 21(10-11): 869-882 (2002)
3 Jonathan E. Clark, Jorge G. Cham, Sean A. Bailey, Edward M. Froehlich: Biomimetic Design and Fabrication of a Hexapedal Running Robot. ICRA 2001: 3643-3649
2EEJonathan K. Karpick, Jorge G. Cham, Jonathan E. Clark, Mark R. Cutkosky: Stride Period Adaptation for a Biomimetic Running Hexapod. ISRR 2001: 133-145
1EESean A. Bailey, Jorge G. Cham, Mark R. Cutkosky, Robert J. Full: Comparing the Locomotion Dynamics of the Cockroach and a Shape Deposition Manufactured Biomimetic Hexapod. ISER 2000: 239-248

Coauthor Index

1Richard A. Andersen [6] [7]
2Sean A. Bailey [1] [3] [4]
3Edward A. Branchaud [6] [8]
4Joel W. Burdick [6] [7] [8]
5Jonathan E. Clark [2] [3] [4]
6Mark R. Cutkosky [1] [2] [4] [5]
7Edward M. Froehlich [3]
8Robert J. Full [1] [4]
9Jonathan K. Karpick [2] [5]
10Sam Musallam [7]
11Zoran Nenadic [6]
12Michael T. Wolf [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)