
Tristan Cazenave

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23EETristan Cazenave: Multi-player Go. Computers and Games 2008: 50-59
22EETristan Cazenave, Nicolas Jouandeau: A Parallel Monte-Carlo Tree Search Algorithm. Computers and Games 2008: 72-80
21EETristan Cazenave: Overestimation for Multiple Sequence Alignment. CIBCB 2007: 159-164
20EETristan Cazenave: A Phantom-Go Program. ACG 2006: 120-125
19EETristan Cazenave: Optimizations of data structures, heuristics and algorithms for path-finding on maps. CIG 2006: 27-33
18EETristan Cazenave: Virtual Global Search: Application to 9×9 Go. Computers and Games 2006: 62-71
17EETristan Cazenave, Bernard Helmstetter: Combining Tactical Search and Monte-Carlo in the Game of Go. CIG 2005
16EETristan Cazenave, Bernard Helmstetter: Search for transitive connections. Inf. Sci. 175(4): 284-295 (2005)
15EEBernard Helmstetter, Tristan Cazenave: Incremental Transpositions. Computers and Games 2004: 220-231
14 Tristan Cazenave: Generalized Widening. ECAI 2004: 156-160
13 R. Vilà, Tristan Cazenave: When One Eye is Sufficient: A Static Classification. ACG 2003: 109-124
12 Bernard Helmstetter, Tristan Cazenave: Searching with Analysis of Dependencies in a Solitaire Card Game. ACG 2003: 343-360
11EETristan Cazenave: Metarules to improve tactical Go knowledge. Inf. Sci. 154(3-4): 173-188 (2003)
10EETristan Cazenave: A Generalized Threats Search Algorithm. Computers and Games 2002: 75-87
9 Tristan Cazenave: Metarules to Improve Tactical Go Knowledge. JCIS 2002: 465-468
8EETristan Cazenave: Admissible Moves in Two-Player Games. SARA 2002: 52-63
7 Tristan Cazenave: Iterative Widening. IJCAI 2001: 523-528
6EEBruno Bouzy, Tristan Cazenave: Computer Go: An AI oriented survey. Artif. Intell. 132(1): 39-103 (2001)
5EETristan Cazenave: Abstract Proof Search. Computers and Games 2000: 39-54
4EETristan Cazenave: Metaprogramming Domain Specific Metaprograms. Reflection 1999: 235-249
3 Tristan Cazenave: Metaprogramming Forced Moves. ECAI 1998: 645-649
2 Tristan Cazenave: Strategic Evaluation in Complex Domains. FLAIRS Conference 1998: 2-6
1EETristan Cazenave: Synthesis of an Efficient Tactical Theorem Prover for the Game of Go. ACM Comput. Surv. 30(3es): 18 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Bruno Bouzy [6]
2Bernard Helmstetter [12] [15] [16] [17]
3Nicolas Jouandeau [22]
4R. Vilà [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)