Volume 58,
Number 1,
January 1996
- Rajiv Mehrotra, Shiming Zhan:
A Computational Approach to Zero-Crossing-Based Two-Dimensional Edge Detection.
1-17 BibTeX
- Zoltan Kato, Marc Berthod, Josiane Zerubia:
A Hierarchical Markov Random Field Model and Multitemperature Annealing for Parallel Image Classification.
18-37 BibTeX
- Yachin Pnueli, Alfred M. Bruckstein:
Gridless Halftoning: A Reincarnation of the Old Method.
38-64 BibTeX
- Robert Azencott, Bernard Chalmond, Jia-Ping Wang:
Transfer Function Estimation, Film Fusion and Image Restoration.
65-74 BibTeX
- Thomas W. Sederberg, Alan K. Zundel:
Pyramids That Bound Surface Patches.
75-81 BibTeX
- Gonzalo Hernandez, Hans J. Herrmann:
Cellular Automata for Elementary Image Enhancement.
82-89 BibTeX
- Bing Zhang, Mehdi N. Shirazi, Hideki Noda:
NOTE: Blind Restoration of Degraded Binary Markov Random Field Images.
90-98 BibTeX
Volume 58,
Number 2,
March 1996
Volume 58,
Number 3,
May 1996
- Vassili A. Kovalev, Maria Petrou:
Multidimensional Co-occurrence Matrices for Object Recognition and Matching.
187-197 BibTeX
- L.-M. Reissell:
Wavelet Multiresolution Representation of Curves and Surfaces.
198-217 BibTeX
- Shi-Min Hu, Guo-Zhao Wang, Tong-Guang Jin:
Generalized Subdivision of Bézier Surfaces.
218-222 BibTeX
- Lejun Shao, Hao Zhou:
Curve Fitting with Bézier Cubics.
223-232 BibTeX
- Lori Belcastro, William C. Carl, Alan S. Willsky:
Tomographic Reconstruction of Polygons from Knot Location and Chord Length Measurements.
233-245 BibTeX
- Jayaram K. Udupa, Supun Samarasekera:
Fuzzy Connectedness and Object Definition: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications in Image Segmentation.
246-261 BibTeX
- Min-Ho Kyung, Myung-Soo Kim, Sung Je Hong:
A New Approach to Through-the-Lens Camera Control.
262-285 BibTeX
- Reinhard Klette, Ivan Stojmenovic, Jovisa D. Zunic:
A Parametrization of Digital Planes by Least-Squares Fits and Generalizations.
295-300 BibTeX
Volume 58,
Number 4,
July 1996
- Chung-Lin Huang, Kou-Chang Chen:
Directional Moving Averaging Interpolation for Texture Mapping.
301-313 BibTeX
- Patrick Moreau, Christian Ronse:
Generation of Shading-Off in Images by Extrapolation of Lipschitz Functions.
314-333 BibTeX
- W. M. Krueger, S. D. Jost, K. Rossi, U. Axen:
On Synthesizing Discrete Fractional Brownian Motion with Applications to Image Processing.
334-344 BibTeX
- Ron Aharoni, Gabor T. Herman, Martin Loebl:
Jordan Graphs.
345-359 BibTeX
- L. Hayat, Martin Fleury, Adrian F. Clark:
Candidate Functions for a Parallel Multi-level Thresholding Technique.
360-381 BibTeX
- Cherng-Min Ma:
Connectivity Preservation of 3D 6-Subiteration Thinning Algorithms.
382-386 BibTeX
- Dominique Astruc, Jean-Régis Angilella, Alain Vincent:
The Cone of Vision: A New Technique for Interactive Volumetric Display.
387-393 BibTeX
- H. Olkkonen, P. Pesola:
Gaussian Pyramid Wavelet Transform for Multiresolution Analysis of Images.
394-398 BibTeX
Volume 58,
Number 5,
September 1996
- Roberto Brunelli, Ornella Mich:
SpotIt!An Interactive Identikit System.
399-404 BibTeX
- Polina Golland, Alfred M. Bruckstein:
Why R.G.B.? Or How to Design Color Displays for Martians.
405-412 BibTeX
- Kenichi Arakawa, Eric Krotkov:
Fractal Modeling of Natural Terrain: Analysis and Surface Reconstruction with Range Data.
413-436 BibTeX
- Yoichi Sato, Katsushi Ikeuchi:
Reflectance Analysis for 3D Computer Graphics Model Generation.
437-451 BibTeX
- Robert G. Aykroyd, J. G. B. Haigh, S. Zimeras:
Unexpected Spatial Patterns in Exponential Family Auto Models.
452-463 BibTeX
- Huub van de Wetering, Kees van Overveld:
Chain Codes and Their Application in Curve Design.
464-470 BibTeX
- Nick Foster, Dimitris N. Metaxas:
Realistic Animation of Liquids.
471-483 BibTeX
- S. W. Chen, George C. Stockman, C. Y. Dai, C. P. Chuang:
Two-Stage Dynamic Deformation for Construction of 3D Models.
484-493 BibTeX
Volume 58,
Number 6,
September 1996
- Jean-Philippe Thirion, Alexis Gourdon:
The 3D Marching Lines Algorithm.
503-509 BibTeX
- Norberto Ezquerra, Rakesh Mullick:
Knowledge-Guided Segmentation of 3D Imagery.
510-523 BibTeX
- Chandrajit L. Bajaj, Edward J. Coyle, Kwun-Nan Lin:
Arbitrary Topology Shape Reconstruction from Planar Cross Sections.
524-543 BibTeX
- Helmut Pottmann, Wei Lü, Bahram Ravani:
Rational Ruled Surfaces and Their Offsets.
544-552 BibTeX
- Candemir Toklu, A. Tanju Erdem, M. Ibrahim Sezan, A. Murat Tekalp:
Tracking Motion and Intensity Variations Using Hierarchical 2-D Mesh Modeling for Synthetic Object Transfiguration.
553-573 BibTeX
- Evan C. Sherbrooke, Nicholas M. Patrikalakis, Franz-Erich Wolter:
Differential and Topological Properties of Medial Axis Transforms.
574-592 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:55:00 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)