
Mathias Broxvall

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20EEMd. Jayedur Rashid, Mathias Broxvall, Alessandro Saffiotti: Digital representation of everyday objects in a robot ecology via proxies. IROS 2008: 1908-1914
19EEJohan Larsson, Mathias Broxvall, Alessandro Saffiotti: Laser based intersection detection for reactive navigation in an underground mine. IROS 2008: 2222-2227
18EEAlessandro Saffiotti, Mathias Broxvall, Marco Gritti, Kevin LeBlanc, Robert Lundh, Md. Jayedur Rashid, B. S. Seo, Young-Jo Cho: The PEIS-Ecology project: Vision and results. IROS 2008: 2329-2335
17EELars Karlsson, Abdelbaki Bouguerra, Mathias Broxvall, Silvia Coradeschi, Alessandro Saffiotti: To secure an anchor - a recovery planning approach to ambiguity in perceptual anchoring. AI Commun. 21(1): 1-14 (2008)
16EEMirko Bordignon, Md. Jayedur Rashid, Mathias Broxvall, Alessandro Saffiotti: Seamless integration of robots and tiny embedded devices in a PEIS-Ecology. IROS 2007: 3101-3106
15EEMathias Broxvall: A middleware for ecologies of robotic devices. ROBOCOMM 2007: 30
14 BeomSu Seo, Mathias Broxvall, Marco Gritti, Alessandro Saffiotti, JungBae Kim: Using JavaSpace for a PEIS Ecology. IAS 2006: 831-838
13 Mathias Broxvall, Silvia Coradeschi, Amy Loutfi, Alessandro Saffiotti: An Ecological Approach to Odour Recognition in Intelligent Environments. ICRA 2006: 2066-2071
12 Mathias Broxvall, Marco Gritti, Alessandro Saffiotti, BeomSu Seo, Young-Jo Cho: PEIS Ecology: Integrating Robots into Smart Environments. ICRA 2006: 212-218
11 Mathias Broxvall, Silvia Coradeschi, Lars Karlsson, Alessandro Saffiotti: Recovery Planning for Ambiguous Cases in Perceptual Anchoring. AAAI 2005: 1254-1260
10EEJohan Larsson, Mathias Broxvall, Alessandro Saffiotti: A Navigation System for Automated Loaders in Underground Mines. FSR 2005: 129-140
9EEAmy Loutfi, Mathias Broxvall, Silvia Coradeschi, Lars Karlsson: Object recognition: A new application for smelling robots. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 52(4): 272-289 (2005)
8EEMathias Broxvall, Peter Jonsson: Point algebras for temporal reasoning: Algorithms and complexity. Artif. Intell. 149(2): 179-220 (2003)
7 Mathias Broxvall: A Method for Metric Temporal Reasoning. AAAI/IAAI 2002: 513-518
6 Mathias Broxvall: Constraint Satisfaction on Infinite Domains: Composing Domains and Decomposing Constraints. KR 2002: 509-520
5EEMathias Broxvall, Peter Jonsson, Jochen Renz: Disjunctions, independence, refinements. Artif. Intell. 140(1/2): 153-173 (2002)
4EEMathias Broxvall: The Point Algebra for Branching Time Revisited. KI/ÖGAI 2001: 106-121
3 Mathias Broxvall, Peter Jonsson: Disjunctive Temporal Reasoning in Partially Ordered Models of Time. AAAI/IAAI 2000: 464-469
2EEMathias Broxvall, Peter Jonsson, Jochen Renz: Refinements and Independence: A Simple Method for Identifying Tractable Disjunctive Constraints. CP 2000: 114-127
1 Mathias Broxvall, Peter Jonsson: Towards a Complete Classification of Tractability in Point Algebras for Nonlinear Time. CP 1999: 129-143

Coauthor Index

1Mirko Bordignon [16]
2Abdelbaki Bouguerra [17]
3Young-Jo Cho [12] [18]
4Silvia Coradeschi [9] [11] [13] [17]
5Marco Gritti [12] [14] [18]
6Peter Jonsson [1] [2] [3] [5] [8]
7Lars Karlsson [9] [11] [17]
8JungBae Kim [14]
9Johan Larsson [10] [19]
10Kevin LeBlanc [18]
11Amy Loutfi [9] [13]
12Robert Lundh [18]
13Md. Jayedur Rashid [16] [18] [20]
14Jochen Renz [2] [5]
15Alessandro Saffiotti [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20]
16B. S. Seo [18]
17BeomSu Seo [12] [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)