
Marco Gritti

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4EEAlessandro Saffiotti, Mathias Broxvall, Marco Gritti, Kevin LeBlanc, Robert Lundh, Md. Jayedur Rashid, B. S. Seo, Young-Jo Cho: The PEIS-Ecology project: Vision and results. IROS 2008: 2329-2335
3 BeomSu Seo, Mathias Broxvall, Marco Gritti, Alessandro Saffiotti, JungBae Kim: Using JavaSpace for a PEIS Ecology. IAS 2006: 831-838
2 Mathias Broxvall, Marco Gritti, Alessandro Saffiotti, BeomSu Seo, Young-Jo Cho: PEIS Ecology: Integrating Robots into Smart Environments. ICRA 2006: 212-218
1 Thimoty Barbieri, Franca Garzotto, Giovanni Beltrame, Luca Ceresoli, Marco Gritti, Daniele Misani: From Dust to Stardust: A Collaborative 3D Virtual Museum of Computer Science. ICHIM (2) 2001: 341-345

Coauthor Index

1Thimoty Barbieri [1]
2Giovanni Beltrame [1]
3Mathias Broxvall [2] [3] [4]
4Luca Ceresoli [1]
5Young-Jo Cho [2] [4]
6Franca Garzotto [1]
7JungBae Kim [3]
8Kevin LeBlanc [4]
9Robert Lundh [4]
10Daniele Misani [1]
11Md. Jayedur Rashid [4]
12Alessandro Saffiotti [2] [3] [4]
13B. S. Seo [4]
14BeomSu Seo [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)