
Christophe Braillon

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6EEManuel Yguel, Christopher Tay Meng Keat, Christophe Braillon, Christian Laugier, Olivier Aycard: Dense Mapping for Range Sensors: Efficient Algorithms and Sparse Representations. Robotics: Science and Systems 2007
5EEChristophe Braillon, Kane Usher, Cédric Pradalier, James L. Crowley, Christian Laugier: Real-time stereo and optical flow data fusion. IROS 2006: 531-536
4EEChristophe Braillon, Cédric Pradalier, Kane Usher, James L. Crowley, Christian Laugier: Occupancy Grids from Stereo and Optical Flow Data. ISER 2006: 367-376
3EEAmaury Nègre, Christophe Braillon, James L. Crowley, Christian Laugier: Real-Time Time-to-Collision from Variation of Intrinsic Scale. ISER 2006: 75-84
2EECédric Pradalier, Jorge Hermosillo, Carla Koike, Christophe Braillon, Pierre Bessière, Christian Laugier: The CyCab: a car-like robot navigating autonomously and safely among pedestrians. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 50(1): 51-67 (2005)
1EECédric Pradalier, Jorge Hermosillo, Carla Koike, Christophe Braillon, Pierre Bessière, Christian Laugier: An Autonomous Car-like Robot Navigating Safely among Pedestrians. ICRA 2004: 1945-1950

Coauthor Index

1Olivier Aycard [6]
2Pierre Bessière [1] [2]
3James L. Crowley [3] [4] [5]
4Jorge Hermosillo [1] [2]
5Christopher Tay Meng Keat [6]
6Carla Koike [1] [2]
7Christian Laugier [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
8Amaury Nègre [3]
9Cédric Pradalier [1] [2] [4] [5]
10Kane Usher [4] [5]
11Manuel Yguel [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)