2008 |
27 | EE | Sebastian Martin,
Peter Kaufmann,
Mario Botsch,
Martin Wicke,
Markus H. Gross:
Polyhedral Finite Elements Using Harmonic Basis Functions.
Comput. Graph. Forum 27(5): 1521-1529 (2008) |
26 | EE | Roland Angst,
Nils Thürey,
Mario Botsch,
Markus H. Gross:
Robust and Efficient Wave Simulations on Deforming Meshes.
Comput. Graph. Forum 27(7): 1895-1900 (2008) |
25 | EE | Mario Botsch,
Renato Pajarola:
Guest editorial: Special section on the Symposium on Point-Based Graphics 2007.
Computers & Graphics 32(2): 187-188 (2008) |
24 | EE | Mario Botsch,
Olga Sorkine:
On Linear Variational Surface Deformation Methods.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 14(1): 213-230 (2008) |
2007 |
23 | EE | Bernd Bickel,
Mario Botsch,
Roland Angst,
Wojciech Matusik,
Miguel A. Otaduy,
Hanspeter Pfister,
Markus H. Gross:
Multi-scale capture of facial geometry and motion.
ACM Trans. Graph. 26(3): 33 (2007) |
22 | EE | Tim Weyrich,
Simon Heinzle,
Timo Aila,
Daniel Bernhard Fasnacht,
Stephan Oetiker,
Mario Botsch,
Cyril Flaig,
Simon Mall,
Kaspar Rohrer,
Norbert Felber,
Hubert Kaeslin,
Markus H. Gross:
A hardware architecture for surface splatting.
ACM Trans. Graph. 26(3): 90 (2007) |
21 | EE | Mario Botsch,
Mark Pauly,
Martin Wicke,
Markus H. Gross:
Adaptive Space Deformations Based on Rigid Cells.
Comput. Graph. Forum 26(3): 339-347 (2007) |
20 | EE | Martin Wicke,
Mario Botsch,
Markus H. Gross:
A Finite Element Method on Convex Polyhedra.
Comput. Graph. Forum 26(3): 355-364 (2007) |
19 | EE | Mario Botsch,
Baoquan Chen,
Raghu Machiraju,
Torsten Möller:
Special section on the joint Symposium on Point-based Graphics and Volume Graphics 2006.
Computers & Graphics 31(2): 155-156 (2007) |
2006 |
18 | EE | Mario Botsch,
Mark Pauly,
Markus H. Gross,
Leif Kobbelt:
PriMo: coupled prisms for intuitive surface modeling.
Symposium on Geometry Processing 2006: 11-20 |
17 | EE | Leif Kobbelt,
Vadim Shapiro,
Mario Botsch,
Frédéric Cazals,
Daniel Cohen-Or,
Hugues Hoppe,
Shi-Min Hu,
Bert Jüttler,
Myung-Soo Kim,
James O'Brien:
Special issue on SPM 05.
Graphical Models 68(3): 235-236 (2006) |
2005 |
16 | EE | Mario Botsch,
David Bommes,
Leif Kobbelt:
Efficient Linear System Solvers for Mesh Processing.
IMA Conference on the Mathematics of Surfaces 2005: 62-83 |
15 | EE | Mario Botsch,
Leif Kobbelt:
Real-Time Shape Editing using Radial Basis Functions.
Comput. Graph. Forum 24(3): 611-621 (2005) |
2004 |
14 | | Matthias Zwicker,
Jussi Räsänen,
Mario Botsch,
Carsten Dachsbacher,
Mark Pauly:
Perspective Accurate Splatting.
Graphics Interface 2004: 247-254 |
13 | EE | Mario Botsch,
David Bommes,
Christoph Vogel,
Leif Kobbelt:
GPU-Based Tolerance Volumes for Mesh Processing.
Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications 2004: 237-243 |
12 | | Mario Botsch,
Leif Kobbelt:
A Remeshing Approach to Multiresolution Modeling.
Symposium on Geometry Processing 2004: 189-196 |
11 | EE | Mario Botsch,
Leif Kobbelt:
An intuitive framework for real-time freeform modeling.
ACM Trans. Graph. 23(3): 630-634 (2004) |
10 | EE | Leif Kobbelt,
Mario Botsch:
A survey of point-based techniques in computer graphics.
Computers & Graphics 28(6): 801-814 (2004) |
2003 |
9 | EE | Mario Botsch,
Leif Kobbelt:
High-Quality Point-Based Rendering on Modern GPUs.
Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications 2003: 335- |
8 | EE | Leif Kobbelt,
Mario Botsch:
Freeform Shape Representations for Efficient Geometry Processing.
Shape Modeling International 2003: 111-118 |
7 | EE | Mario Botsch,
Leif Kobbelt:
Multiresolution Surface Representation Based on Displacement Volumes.
Comput. Graph. Forum 22(3): 483-492 (2003) |
2002 |
6 | | Mario Botsch,
Andreas Wiratanaya,
Leif Kobbelt:
Efficient High Quality Rendering of Point Sampled Geometry.
Rendering Techniques 2002: 53-64 |
2001 |
5 | EE | Leif Kobbelt,
Mario Botsch,
Ulrich Schwanecke,
Hans-Peter Seidel:
Feature sensitive surface extraction from volume data.
SIGGRAPH 2001: 57-66 |
4 | EE | Mario Botsch,
Leif Kobbelt:
A Robust Procedure to Eliminate Degenerate Faces from Triangle Meshes.
VMV 2001: 283-290 |
3 | | Mario Botsch,
Leif Kobbelt:
Resampling Feature Regions in Polygonal Meshes for Surface Anti-Aliasing.
Comput. Graph. Forum 20(3): (2001) |
2000 |
2 | | Mario Botsch,
Christian Rössl,
Leif Kobbelt:
Feature Sensitive Sampling for Interactive Remeshing.
VMV 2000: 129-136 |
1 | | Leif Kobbelt,
Mario Botsch:
An interactive approach to point cloud triangulation.
Comput. Graph. Forum 19(3): (2000) |