
Bert Jüttler

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65EEMartin Aigner, Bert Jüttler, Laureano González-Vega, Josef Schicho: Parameterizing surfaces with certain special support functions, including offsets of quadrics and rationally supported surfaces. J. Symb. Comput. 44(2): 180-191 (2009)
64 Falai Chen, Bert Jüttler: Advances in Geometric Modeling and Processing, 5th International Conference, GMP 2008, Hangzhou, China, April 23-25, 2008. Proceedings Springer 2008
63EEMartin Aigner, Bert Jüttler: Gauss-Newton-type techniques for robustly fitting implicitly defined curves and surfaces to unorganized data points. Shape Modeling International 2008: 121-130
62EEWenping Wang, Bert Jüttler, Dayue Zheng, Yang Liu: Computation of rotation minimizing frames. ACM Trans. Graph. 27(1): (2008)
61EERida T. Farouki, Bert Jüttler, Carla Manni: Pythagorean-hodograph curves and related topics. Computer Aided Geometric Design 25(4-5): 203-204 (2008)
60EEJens Gravesen, Bert Jüttler, Zbynek Sír: On rationally supported surfaces. Computer Aided Geometric Design 25(4-5): 320-331 (2008)
59EEBert Jüttler, Otto Röschel, Emil Zagar: Classical Techniques for Applied Geometry. Computer Aided Geometric Design 25(9): 705-706 (2008)
58EEGiovanni Della Vecchia, Bert Jüttler, Myung-Soo Kim: A construction of rational manifold surfaces of arbitrary topology and smoothness from triangular meshes. Computer Aided Geometric Design 25(9): 801-815 (2008)
57EERobert Feichtinger, Matthias Fuchs, Bert Jüttler, Otmar Scherzer, Huaiping Yang: Dual evolution of planar parametric spline curves and T-spline level sets. Computer-Aided Design 40(1): 13-24 (2008)
56EEBohumír Bastl, Bert Jüttler, Jirí Kosinka, Miroslav Lávicka: Computing exact rational offsets of quadratic triangular Bézier surface patches. Computer-Aided Design 40(2): 197-209 (2008)
55EEHuaiping Yang, Bert Jüttler: Evolution of T-spline level sets for meshing non-uniformly sampled and incomplete data. The Visual Computer 24(6): 435-448 (2008)
54EEZbynek Sír, Jens Gravesen, Bert Jüttler: Curves and surfaces represented by polynomial support functions. Theor. Comput. Sci. 392(1-3): 141-157 (2008)
53EEJirí Kosinka, Bert Jüttler: MOS Surfaces: Medial Surface Transforms with Rational Domain Boundaries. IMA Conference on the Mathematics of Surfaces 2007: 245-262
52EEHenrik Almegaard, Anne Bagger, Jens Gravesen, Bert Jüttler, Zbynek Sír: Surfaces with Piecewise Linear Support Functions over Spherical Triangulations. IMA Conference on the Mathematics of Surfaces 2007: 42-63
51EEHuaiping Yang, Bert Jüttler: Meshing Non-uniformly Sampled and Incomplete Data Based on Displaced T-spline Level Sets. Shape Modeling International 2007: 251-260
50EEOswin Aichholzer, Franz Aurenhammer, Thomas Hackl, Bert Jüttler, Margot Oberneder, Zbynek Sír: Computational and Structural Advantages of Circular Boundary Representation. WADS 2007: 374-385
49EEPavel Chalmovianský, Bert Jüttler: A non-linear circle-preserving subdivision scheme. Adv. Comput. Math. 27(4): 375-400 (2007)
48EEBert Jüttler, Pavel Chalmovianský: A predictor-corrector-type technique for the approximate parameterization of intersection curves. Appl. Algebra Eng. Commun. Comput. 18(1-2): 151-168 (2007)
47EEMohamed Shalaby, Bert Jüttler, Josef Schicho: Approximate implicitization of planar curves by piecewise rational approximation of the distance function. Appl. Algebra Eng. Commun. Comput. 18(1-2): 71-89 (2007)
46EEMichael Barton, Bert Jüttler: Computing roots of polynomials by quadratic clipping. Computer Aided Geometric Design 24(3): 125-141 (2007)
45EEMartin Aigner, Zbynek Sír, Bert Jüttler: Evolution-based least-squares fitting using Pythagorean hodograph spline curves. Computer Aided Geometric Design 24(6): 310-322 (2007)
44EEMartin Aigner, Bert Jüttler: Hybrid curve fitting. Computing 79(2-4): 237-247 (2007)
43EEBert Jüttler, Helmut Pottmann, Otmar Scherzer: Variational and PDE level set methods. Computing 81(2-3): 107-108 (2007)
42EEHuaiping Yang, Bert Jüttler: 3D shape metamorphosis based on T-spline level sets. The Visual Computer 23(12): 1015-1025 (2007)
41EELiyong Shen, Falai Chen, Bert Jüttler, Jiansong Deng: Approximate µ-Bases of Rational Curves and Surfaces. GMP 2006: 175-188
40EEMartin Aigner, Zbynek Sír, Bert Jüttler: Least-Squares Approximation by Pythagorean Hodograph Spline Curves Via an Evolution Process. GMP 2006: 45-58
39EEHuaiping Yang, Matthias Fuchs, Bert Jüttler, Otmar Scherzer: Evolution of T-Spline Level Sets with Distance Field Constraints for Geometry Reconstruction and Image Segmentation. SMI 2006: 37
38EEMaria Lucia Sampoli, Martin Peternell, Bert Jüttler: Rational surfaces with linear normals and their convolutions with rational surfaces. Computer Aided Geometric Design 23(2): 179-192 (2006)
37EEJirí Kosinka, Bert Jüttler: G1 Hermite interpolation by Minkowski Pythagorean hodograph cubics. Computer Aided Geometric Design 23(5): 401-418 (2006)
36EEBert Jüttler, Margot Oberneder, Astrid Sinwel: On the existence of biharmonic tensor-product Bézier surface patches. Computer Aided Geometric Design 23(7): 612-615 (2006)
35EEZbynek Sír, Robert Feichtinger, Bert Jüttler: Approximating curves and their offsets using biarcs and Pythagorean hodograph quintics. Computer-Aided Design 38(6): 608-618 (2006)
34EELeif Kobbelt, Vadim Shapiro, Mario Botsch, Frédéric Cazals, Daniel Cohen-Or, Hugues Hoppe, Shi-Min Hu, Bert Jüttler, Myung-Soo Kim, James O'Brien: Special issue on SPM 05. Graphical Models 68(3): 235-236 (2006)
33EEIbolya Szilágyi, Bert Jüttler, Josef Schicho: Local parametrization of cubic surfaces. J. Symb. Comput. 41(1): 30-48 (2006)
32EEZbynek Sír, Bert Jüttler: Spatial Pythagorean Hodograph Quintics and the Approximation of Pipe Surfaces. IMA Conference on the Mathematics of Surfaces 2005: 364-380
31EEElmar Wurm, Bert Jüttler, Myung-Soo Kim: Approximate Rational Parameterization of Implicitly Defined Surfaces. IMA Conference on the Mathematics of Surfaces 2005: 434-447
30EEZbynek Sír, Bert Jüttler: Euclidean and Minkowski Pythagorean hodograph curves over planar cubics. Computer Aided Geometric Design 22(8): 753-770 (2005)
29EEDae-Eun Hyun, Seung-Hyun Yoon, Jung-Woo Chang, Joon-Kyung Seong, Myung-Soo Kim, Bert Jüttler: Sweep-based human deformation. The Visual Computer 21(8-10): 542-550 (2005)
28EEMartin Aigner, Bert Jüttler, Myung-Soo Kim: Analyzing and Enhancing the Robustness of Implicit Representations. GMP 2004: 131-142
27EEElmar Wings, Bert Jüttler: Generating tool paths on surfaces for a numerically controlled calotte cutting system. Computer-Aided Design 36(4): 325-331 (2004)
26EEPavel Chalmovianský, Bert Jüttler: Fairness Criteria for Algebraic Curves. Computing 72(1-2): 41-51 (2004)
25EEPavel Chalmovianský, Bert Jüttler: Filling Holes in Point Clouds. IMA Conference on the Mathematics of Surfaces 2003: 196-212
24EEBert Jüttler, Katharina Rittenschober: Using Line Congruences for Parameterizing Special Algebraic Surfaces. IMA Conference on the Mathematics of Surfaces 2003: 223-243
23EEDae-Eun Hyun, Seung-Hyun Yoon, Myung-Soo Kim, Bert Jüttler: Modeling and Deformation of Arms and Legs Based on Ellipsoidal Sweeping. Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications 2003: 204-
22 Elmar Wurm, Bert Jüttler: Approximate implicitization via curve fitting. Symposium on Geometry Processing 2003: 240-247
21EEMohamed Shalaby, Bert Jüttler, Josef Schicho: C1 Spline Implicitization of Planar Curves. Automated Deduction in Geometry 2002: 161-177
20EEKyung-Ah Sohn, Bert Jüttler, Myung-Soo Kim, Wenping Wang: Computing Distances between Surfaces Using Line Geometry. Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications 2002: 236-245
19EEBert Jüttler, Alf Felis: Least-Squares Fitting of Algebraic Spline Surfaces. Adv. Comput. Math. 17(1-2): 135-152 (2002)
18EEDae-Eun Hyun, Bert Jüttler, Myung-Soo Kim: Minimizing the Distortion of Affine Spline Motions. Graphical Models 64(2): 128-144 (2002)
17EEBert Jüttler, Ulrich Schwanecke: Analysis and design of Hermite subdivision schemes. The Visual Computer 18(5-6): 326-342 (2002)
16EEDae-Eun Hyun, Myung-Soo Kim, Bert Jüttler: Minimizing the Distortion of Affine Spline Motions. Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications 2001: 50-59
15 Bert Jüttler: Hermite interpolation by Pythagorean hodograph curves of degree seven. Math. Comput. 70(235): 1089-1111 (2001)
14 Bert Jüttler: Least-Squares Fitting of Algebraic Spline Curves via Normal Vector Estimation. IMA Conference on the Mathematics of Surfaces 2000: 263-280
13EEBert Jüttler, Maria Lucia Sampoli: Hermite interpolation by piecewise polynomial surfaces with rational offsets. Computer Aided Geometric Design 17(4): 361-385 (2000)
12EEBert Jüttler, Christoph Mäurer: Cubic Pythagorean hodograph spline curves and applications to sweep surface modeling. Computer-Aided Design 31(1): 73-83 (1999)
11EEBert Jüttler, Michael G. Wagner: Rational motion-based surface generation. Computer-Aided Design 31(3): 203-213 (1999)
10EEBert Jüttler: The dual basis functions for the Bernstein polynomials. Adv. Comput. Math. 8(4): 345-352 (1998)
9EEBert Jüttler, Michael G. Wagner: Special issue: Motion design and kinematics. Computer-Aided Design 30(3): 167 (1998)
8EEThomas Horsch, Bert Jüttler: Cartesian spline interpolation for industrial robots. Computer-Aided Design 30(3): 217-224 (1998)
7EEBert Jüttler: Shape preserving least-squares approximation by polynomial parametric spline curves. Computer Aided Geometric Design 14(8): 731-747 (1997)
6EEBert Jüttler: A vegetarian approach to optimal parameterizations. Computer Aided Geometric Design 14(9): 887-890 (1997)
5EERoland Dietz, Josef Hoschek, Bert Jüttler: Rational patches on quadric surfaces. Computer-Aided Design 27(1): 27-40 (1995)
4EEBert Jüttler: Visualization of moving objects using dual quaternion curves. Computers & Graphics 18(3): 315-326 (1994)
3EEGerhard Geise, Bert Jüttler: A geometrical approach to curvature continuous joints of rational curves. Computer Aided Geometric Design 10(2): 109-122 (1993)
2EERoland Dietz, Josef Hoschek, Bert Jüttler: An algebraic approach to curves and surfaces on the sphere and on other quadrics. Computer Aided Geometric Design 10(3-4): 211-229 (1993)
1EEBert Jüttler, Peter Wassum: Some remarks on geometric continuity of rational surface patches. Computer Aided Geometric Design 9(2): 143-157 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Oswin Aichholzer [50]
2Martin Aigner [28] [40] [44] [45] [63] [65]
3Henrik Almegaard [52]
4Franz Aurenhammer [50]
5Anne Bagger [52]
6Michael Barton [46]
7Bohumír Bastl [56]
8Mario Botsch [34]
9Frédéric Cazals [34]
10Pavel Chalmovianský [25] [26] [48] [49]
11Jung-Woo Chang [29]
12Falai Chen [41] [64]
13Daniel Cohen-Or [34]
14Jiansong Deng [41]
15Roland Dietz [2] [5]
16Rida T. Farouki [61]
17Robert Feichtinger [35] [57]
18Alf Felis [19]
19Matthias Fuchs [39] [57]
20Gerhard Geise [3]
21Laureano González-Vega [65]
22Jens Gravesen [52] [54] [60]
23Thomas Hackl [50]
24Hugues Hoppe [34]
25Thomas Horsch [8]
26Josef Hoschek [2] [5]
27Shi-Min Hu [34]
28Dae-Eun Hyun [16] [18] [23] [29]
29Myung-Soo Kim [16] [18] [20] [23] [28] [29] [31] [34] [58]
30Leif Kobbelt [34]
31Jirí Kosinka [37] [53] [56]
32Miroslav Lávicka [56]
33Yang Liu [62]
34Carla Manni [61]
35Christoph Mäurer [12]
36James O'Brien [34]
37Margot Oberneder [36] [50]
38Martin Peternell [38]
39Helmut Pottmann [43]
40Katharina Rittenschober [24]
41Otto Röschel [59]
42Maria Lucia Sampoli [13] [38]
43Otmar Scherzer [39] [43] [57]
44Josef Schicho [21] [33] [47] [65]
45Ulrich Schwanecke [17]
46Joon-Kyung Seong [29]
47Mohamed Shalaby [21] [47]
48Vadim Shapiro [34]
49Liyong Shen [41]
50Astrid Sinwel [36]
51Zbynek Sír [30] [32] [35] [40] [45] [50] [52] [54] [60]
52Kyung-Ah Sohn [20]
53Ibolya Szilágyi [33]
54Giovanni Della Vecchia [58]
55Michael G. Wagner [9] [11]
56Wenping Wang [20] [62]
57Peter Wassum [1]
58Elmar Wings [27]
59Elmar Wurm [22] [31]
60Huaiping Yang [39] [42] [51] [55] [57]
61Seung-Hyun Yoon [23] [29]
62Emil Zagar [59]
63Dayue Zheng [62]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)