
Michael A. Arbib

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79EEMichael A. Arbib, Giorgio Metta, P. Patrick van der Smagt: Neurorobotics: From Vision to Action. Springer Handbook of Robotics 2008: 1453-1480
78EEMichael A. Arbib, JinYong Lee: Vision and Action in the Language-Ready Brain: From Mirror Neurons to SemRep. BVAI 2007: 104-123
77EEMichael A. Arbib: How Neural Computing Can Still Be Unconventional After All These Years. UC 2007: 1
76EEJames Bonaiuto, Edina Rosta, Michael A. Arbib: Extending the mirror neuron system model, I. Biological Cybernetics 96(1): 9-38 (2007)
75EEPatricia Zukow-Goldring, Michael A. Arbib: Affordances, effectivities, and assisted imitation: Caregivers and the directing of attention. Neurocomputing 70(13-15): 2181-2193 (2007)
74EEMichael A. Arbib: Modular models of brain function. Scholarpedia 2(3): 1869 (2007)
73EEErhan Oztop, Mitsuo Kawato, Michael A. Arbib: Mirror neurons and imitation: A computationally guided review. Neural Networks 19(3): 254-271 (2006)
72EEMichael A. Arbib: Modules, Brains and Schemas. Formal Methods in Software and Systems Modeling 2005: 153-166
71EEFernando J. Corbacho, Kiisa C. Nishikawa, Ananda Weerasuriya, Jim-Shih Liaw, Michael A. Arbib: Schema-based learning of adaptable and flexible prey-catching in anurans I. The basic architecture. Biological Cybernetics 93(6): 391-409 (2005)
70EEFernando J. Corbacho, Kiisa C. Nishikawa, Ananda Weerasuriya, Jim-Shih Liaw, Michael A. Arbib: Schema-based learning of adaptable and flexible prey- catching in anurans II. Learning after lesioning. Biological Cybernetics 93(6): 410-425 (2005)
69EEMichael A. Arbib: Evolving Emotions In Animal And Robot. International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications 4(3): 225-236 (2004)
68 Michael A. Arbib: Linguistic Evolution through Language Acquisition: Formal and Computational Models, edited by Ted Briscoe. Computational Linguistics 29(3): 503-506 (2003)
67EEMichael A. Arbib: Towards a neurally-inspired computer architecture. Natural Computing 2(1): 1-46 (2003)
66EEShun-ichi Amari, Michael A. Arbib, Rolf Kötter: Neuroinformatics - Introduction. Neural Networks 16(9): 1235-1236 (2003)
65EEMichael A. Arbib, Mihail Bota: Language evolution: neural homologies and neuroinformatics. Neural Networks 16(9): 1237-1260 (2003)
64EEErhan Oztop, Michael A. Arbib: Schema design and implementation of the grasp-related mirror neuron system. Biological Cybernetics 87(2): 116-140 (2002)
63 Jacob Spoelstra, Michael A. Arbib: Cerebellar Microcomplexes and the Modulation of Motor Pattern Generators. Auton. Robots 11(3): 273-278 (2001)
62EEMihail Bota, Michael A. Arbib: The NeuroHomology database. Neurocomputing 38-40: 1627-1631 (2001)
61 Ying Shu, Michael A. Arbib, Jim-Shih Liaw: Supporting connections between simulators and databases. IRMA Conference 2000: 590-593
60EEMichael A. Arbib, Aude Billard, Marco Iacoboni, Erhan Oztop: Synthetic brain imaging: grasping, mirror neurons and imitation. Neural Networks 13(8-9): 975-997 (2000)
59 M. Anthony Lewis, Michael A. Arbib: Introduction to the Special Issue on Biomorphic Robots. Auton. Robots 7(3): 207-209 (1999)
58EEIlia A. Ovsiannikov, Michael A. Arbib, Thomas H. Mcneill: Annotation technology. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 50(4): 329-362 (1999)
57EEAlex Guazzelli, Mihail Bota, Michael A. Arbib: Incorporating path integration capabilities in the TAM-WG model of rodent navigation. Neurocomputing 26-27: 713-719 (1999)
56EEJacob Spoelstra, Michael A. Arbib, Nicolas Schweighofer: Cerebellar adaptive control of a biomimetic manipulator. Neurocomputing 26-27: 881-889 (1999)
55EEStéphane Zrehen, Michael A. Arbib: Understanding Jokes: A Neural Approach to Content-Based Information Retrieval. Agents 1998: 343-349
54EEMichael A. Arbib: The Metaphorical Brains. Artif. Intell. 101(1-2): 323-335 (1998)
53EEAndrew H. Fagg, Michael A. Arbib: Modeling parietal-premotor interactions in primate control of grasping. Neural Networks 11(7-8): 1277-1303 (1998)
52 Fernando J. Corbacho, Michael A. Arbib: Schema-Based Learning: Towards a Theory of Organization for Biologically-inspired Autonomous Agents. Agents 1997: 520-521
51 Fernando J. Corbacho, Michael A. Arbib: Schema-Based Learning: Biologically Inspired Principles of Dynamic Organization. IWANN 1997: 678-687
50 Alex Guazzelli, Michael A. Arbib: NeWG: In Search of the Rat's World Graph. J. Braz. Comp. Soc. 4(1): (1997)
49 Fernando J. Corbacho, Michael A. Arbib: Schema Based Learning & Learning to Detour. IWANN 1995: 412-418
48EEMichael A. Arbib, Jim-Shih Liaw: Sensorimotor Transformations in the Worlds of Frogs and Robots. Artif. Intell. 72(1-2): 53-79 (1995)
47EEN. Alberto Borghese, Michael A. Arbib: Generation of temporal sequences using local dynamic programming. Neural Networks 8(1): 39-54 (1995)
46EEToshio Uchiyama, Michael A. Arbib: Color Image Segmentation using Competitive Learning. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 16(12): 1197-1206 (1994)
45EEJim-Shih Liaw, Ananda Weerasuriya, Michael A. Arbib: Snapping: A paradigm for modeling coordination of motor synergies. Neural Networks 7(6-7): 1137-1152 (1994)
44EEToshio Uchiyama, Michael A. Arbib: An algorithm for competitive learning in clustering problems. Pattern Recognition 27(10): 1415-1421 (1994)
43 Fernando J. Corbacho, Michael A. Arbib: Integrated Learning in Rana Computatrix. IWANN 1993: 12-19
42 Michael A. Arbib: Allen Newell, Unified Theories of Cognition. Artif. Intell. 59(1-2): 265-283 (1993)
41 Michael A. Arbib: Book Review: Andrew Ortony, Gerald L. Clore and Allan Collins, The Cognitive Structure of Emotions. Artif. Intell. 54(1): 229-240 (1992)
40 Michael A. Arbib: Neural computing in perspective. Applied Artificial Intelligence 5(2): 171-185 (1991)
39 Alfredo Weitzenfeld, Michael A. Arbib: A concurrent object-oriented framework for the simulation of neural networks. OOPS Messenger 2(2): 120-124 (1991)
38 Hartmut Ehrig, Michael A. Arbib: Linking Schemas and Module Specifications: A Proposal. Bulletin of the EATCS 42: 135 (1990)
37 Michael A. Arbib: Neural Computing. Guest Editor's Introduction. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 6(2): 183-184 (1989)
36 Michael A. Arbib: Schemas and Neural Networks for Sixth Generation Computing. Invited Survey. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 6(2): 185-216 (1989)
35 Robert N. Moll, Michael A. Arbib, A. J. Kfoury: An Introduction to Formal Language Theory Springer 1988
34 Michael A. Arbib: Neural Computing and Parallel Computation-Invited Talk. PPSC 1987: 393-402
33 Michael A. Arbib: On Being Human in the Computer Age. Impacts of Artificial Intelligence 1986: 52-63
32EEJohn M. Prager, Michael A. Arbib: Computing the optic flow: The MATCH algorithm and prediction. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 24(3): 271-304 (1983)
31 Martha Steenstrup, Michael A. Arbib, Ernest G. Manes: Port Automata and the Algebra of Concurrent Processes. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 27(1): 29-50 (1983)
30 Michael A. Arbib, Ernest G. Manes: Parametrized Data Types Do Not Need Highly Constrained Parameters Information and Control 52(2): 139-158 (1982)
29EEMichael A. Arbib, Ernest G. Manes: The Pattern-of-Calls Expansion Is the Canonical Fixpoint for Recursive Definitions. J. ACM 29(2): 577-602 (1982)
28 Michael A. Arbib, Ernest G. Manes: Tree transformations and the semantics of loop-free programs. Acta Cybern. 4: 11-17 (1980)
27 Michael A. Arbib, Ernest G. Manes: Foundations of System Theory: The Hankel Matrix. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 20(3): 330-378 (1980)
26 Michael A. Arbib, Suad Alagic: Proof Rules for Gotos. Acta Inf. 11: 139-148 (1979)
25 Michael A. Arbib, Ernest G. Manes: Intertwined Recursion, Tree Transformations, and Linear Systems Information and Control 40(2): 144-180 (1979)
24 Suad Alagic, Michael A. Arbib: The Design of Well-Structured and Correct Programs Springer 1978
23 Michael A. Arbib, Ernest G. Manes: Partially-Additive Monoids, Graph-Growing, and the Algebraic Semantics of Recursive Calls. Graph-Grammars and Their Application to Computer Science and Biology 1978: 127-138
22 Michael A. Arbib: Free Dynamic and Algebraic Semantics. FCT 1977: 212-227
21 Michael A. Arbib, Ernest G. Manes: Efficient State-Splitting. FCT 1977: 228-239
20 Michael A. Arbib: Artificial Intelligence: Cooperative Computation and Man-Machine Symbiosis. IEEE Trans. Computers 25(12): 1346-1352 (1976)
19 Michael A. Arbib: From Automata Theory to Brain Theory. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 7(3): 279-295 (1975)
18 Richard L. Didday, Michael A. Arbib: Eye Movements and Visual Perception: A "Two Visual System" Model. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 7(4): 547-569 (1975)
17 Michael A. Arbib, Ernest G. Manes: Basic concepts of category theory applicable to computation and control. Category Theory Applied to Computation and Control 1974: 1-34
16 Michael A. Arbib, Ernest G. Manes: A categorist's view of automata and systems. Category Theory Applied to Computation and Control 1974: 51-64
15 Brian D. O. Anderson, Michael A. Arbib, Ernest G. Manes: Realization of multilinear and multidcomposable machines. Category Theory Applied to Computation and Control 1974: 73-79
14 Michael A. Arbib, Ernest G. Manes: Fuzzy morphism in automata theory. Category Theory Applied to Computation and Control 1974: 80-86
13 Michael A. Arbib, Ernest G. Manes: Time-varying sytems. Category Theory Applied to Computation and Control 1974: 87-92
12 Karel Culík, Michael A. Arbib: Sequential and Jumping Machines and their Relation to Computers Acta Inf. 2: 162-171 (1973)
11 Michael A. Arbib: Coproducts and Decomposable Machines. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 7(3): 278-287 (1973)
10 Michael A. Arbib: Toward an Automata Theory of Brains. Commun. ACM 15(7): 521-527 (1972)
9 Michael A. Arbib: Transformations and Somatotopy in Perceiving Systems. IJCAI 1971: 140-147
8 Michael A. Arbib, Yehoshafat Give'on: Algebra Automata I: Parallel Programming as a Prolegomena to the Categorical Approach Information and Control 12(4): 331-345 (1968)
7 Yehoshafat Give'on, Michael A. Arbib: Algebra Automata II: The Categorical Framework for Dynamic Analysis Information and Control 12(4): 346-370 (1968)
6 Philip M. Spira, Michael A. Arbib: Computation Times for Finite Groups, Semigroups and Automata FOCS 1967: 291-295
5 Michael A. Arbib: Automaton Automorphisms Information and Control 11(1/2): 147-154 (1967)
4 Michael A. Arbib: Realization of Stochastic Systems FOCS 1966: 262-266
3 Michael A. Arbib: Simple Self-Reproducing Universal Automata Information and Control 9(2): 177-189 (1966)
2EEMichael A. Arbib: Letters to the editor: self-reproducing automata. Commun. ACM 4(9): 379 (1961)
1EEMichael A. Arbib: Turing Machines, Finite Automata and Neural Nets. J. ACM 8(4): 467-475 (1961)

Coauthor Index

1Suad Alagic [24] [26]
2Shun-ichi Amari [66]
3Brian D. O. Anderson [15]
4Aude Billard [60]
5James Bonaiuto [76]
6N. Alberto Borghese [47]
7Mihail Bota [57] [62] [65]
8Fernando J. Corbacho [43] [49] [51] [52] [70] [71]
9Karel Culík [12]
10Richard L. Didday [18]
11Hartmut Ehrig [38]
12Andrew H. Fagg [53]
13Yehoshafat Give'on [7] [8]
14Alex Guazzelli [50] [57]
15Marco Iacoboni [60]
16Mitsuo Kawato [73]
17Assaf J. Kfoury (A. J. Kfoury) [35]
18Rolf Kötter [66]
19JinYong Lee [78]
20M. Anthony Lewis [59]
21Jim-Shih Liaw [45] [48] [61] [70] [71]
22Ernest G. Manes [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [21] [23] [25] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31]
23Thomas H. Mcneill [58]
24Giorgio Metta [79]
25Robert Moll (Robert N. Moll) [35]
26Kiisa C. Nishikawa [70] [71]
27Ilia A. Ovsiannikov [58]
28Erhan Oztop [60] [64] [73]
29John M. Prager [32]
30Edina Rosta [76]
31Nicolas Schweighofer [56]
32Ying Shu [61]
33P. Patrick van der Smagt [79]
34Philip M. Spira [6]
35Jacob Spoelstra [56] [63]
36Martha Steenstrup [31]
37Toshio Uchiyama [44] [46]
38Ananda Weerasuriya [45] [70] [71]
39Alfredo Weitzenfeld [39]
40Stéphane Zrehen [55]
41Patricia Zukow-Goldring [75]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)