
Alfredo Weitzenfeld

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11EEAlejandra Barrera, Alfredo Weitzenfeld: Biologically-inspired robot spatial cognition based on rat neurophysiological studies. Auton. Robots 25(1-2): 147-169 (2008)
10EEAlfredo Weitzenfeld: A Prey Catching and Predator Avoidance Neural-Schema Architecture for Single and Multiple Robots. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 51(2): 203-233 (2008)
9EEAlfredo Weitzenfeld: From schemas to neural networks: A multi-level modelling approach to biologically-inspired autonomous robotic systems. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 56(2): 177-197 (2008)
8EEAlejandra Barrera, Alfredo Weitzenfeld: Bio-inspired Model of Robot Spatial Cognition: Topological Place Recognition and Target Learning. CIRA 2007: 61-66
7EEAlfredo Weitzenfeld, Peter Ford Dominey: Cognitive Robotics: Command, Interrogation and Teaching in Robot Coaching. RoboCup 2006: 379-386
6 Alfredo Weitzenfeld, Oscar Peguero, Sebastian Gutierrez-Nolasco: NSL/ASL: Distributed Simulation of Modular Neural Networks. MICAI 2000: 326-337
5 Alfredo Weitzenfeld: From Brain Theory to Autonomous Robotic Agents. PRICAI 2000: 351-361
4EERonald C. Arkin, Khaled Ali, Alfredo Weitzenfeld, Francisco Cervantes-Pérez: Behavioral models of the praying mantis as a basis for robotic behavior. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 32(1): 39-60 (2000)
3 Ronald C. Arkin, Francisco Cervantes-Pérez, Alfredo Weitzenfeld: Ecological Robotics: A Schema-Theoretic Approach. Intelligent Robots 1996: 377-393
2 Alfredo Weitzenfeld: NSL-Neural Simulation Language. IWANN 1995: 683-688
1 Alfredo Weitzenfeld, Michael A. Arbib: A concurrent object-oriented framework for the simulation of neural networks. OOPS Messenger 2(2): 120-124 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Khaled Ali [4]
2Michael A. Arbib [1]
3Ronald C. Arkin [3] [4]
4Alejandra Barrera [8] [11]
5Francisco Cervantes-Pérez [3] [4]
6Peter Ford Dominey [7]
7Sebastian Gutierrez-Nolasco [6]
8Oscar Peguero [6]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)