
Assaf J. Kfoury

A. J. Kfoury

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48EEYarom Gabay, Assaf J. Kfoury: A calculus for java's reference objects. SIGPLAN Notices 42(8): 9-17 (2007)
47EEKevin Donnelly, J. J. Hallett, Assaf J. Kfoury: Formal semantics of weak references. ISMM 2006: 126-137
46EEMichael J. Ocean, Azer Bestavros, Assaf J. Kfoury: snBench: programming and virtualization framework for distributed multitasking sensor networks. VEE 2006: 89-99
45EEAzer Bestavros, Adam Bradley, Assaf J. Kfoury, Ibrahim Matta: Typed Abstraction of Complex Network Compositions. ICNP 2005: 289-300
44EEJ. J. Hallett, Assaf J. Kfoury: Programming Examples Needing Polymorphic Recursion. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 136: 57-102 (2005)
43EESébastien Carlier, Jeff Polakow, J. B. Wells, A. J. Kfoury: System E: Expansion Variables for Flexible Typing with Linear and Non-linear Types and Intersection Types. ESOP 2004: 294-309
42EEAdam Bradley, Azer Bestavros, Assaf J. Kfoury: A Typed Model for Encoding-Based Protocol Interoperability. ICNP 2004: 72-83
41EEAzer Bestavros, Adam Bradley, Assaf J. Kfoury, Ibrahim Matta: Safe compositional specification of networking systems. Computer Communication Review 34(3): 21-34 (2004)
40EEA. J. Kfoury, J. B. Wells: Principality and type inference for intersection types using expansion variables. Theor. Comput. Sci. 311(1-3): 1-70 (2004)
39EEAdam Bradley, Azer Bestavros, Assaf J. Kfoury: Systematic Verification of Safety Properties of Arbitrary Network Protocol Compositions Using CHAIN. ICNP 2003: 234-
38 Torben Amtoft, A. J. Kfoury, Santiago M. Pericás-Geertsen: Orderly communication in the Ambient Calculus. Comput. Lang. 28(1): 29-60 (2002)
37EEAssaf J. Kfoury, Geoffrey Washburn, Joe Wells: Implementing Compositional Analysis Using Intersection Types With Expansion Variables. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 70(1): (2002)
36EETorben Amtoft, A. J. Kfoury, Santiago M. Pericás-Geertsen: What Are Polymorphically-Typed Ambients? ESOP 2001: 206-220
35 A. J. Kfoury: A linearization of the Lambda-calculus and consequences. J. Log. Comput. 10(3): 411-436 (2000)
34EEA. J. Kfoury, Harry G. Mairson, Franklyn A. Turbak, J. B. Wells: Relating Typability and Expressiveness in Finite-Rank Intersection Type Systems (Extended Abstract). ICFP 1999: 90-101
33EEA. J. Kfoury, Santiago M. Pericás-Geertsen: Type Inference for Recursive Definitions. LICS 1999: 119-129
32EEA. J. Kfoury, J. B. Wells: Principality and Decidable Type Inference for Finite-Rank Intersection Types. POPL 1999: 161-174
31 A. J. Kfoury, Simona Ronchi Della Rocca, Jerzy Tiuryn, Pawel Urzyczyn: Alpha-Conversion and Typability. Inf. Comput. 150(1): 1-21 (1999)
30EEA. J. Kfoury: Recursion Versus Iteration at Higher-Orders. FSTTCS 1997: 57-73
29 A. J. Kfoury, Alexei P. Stolboushkin: An Infinite Pebble Game and Applications. Inf. Comput. 136(1): 53-66 (1997)
28 A. J. Kfoury, J. B. Wells: New Notions of Reduction and Non-Semantic Proofs of beta-Strong Normalization in Typed lambda-Calculi LICS 1995: 311-321
27EEA. J. Kfoury, J. B. Wells: A Direct Algorithm for Type Inference in the Rank-2 Fragment of the Second-Order lambda-Calculus. LISP and Functional Programming 1994: 196-207
26EEA. J. Kfoury, Jerzy Tiuryn, Pawel Urzyczyn: An Analysis of ML Typability. J. ACM 41(2): 368-398 (1994)
25EEA. J. Kfoury, Jerzy Tiuryn, Pawel Urzyczyn: Type Reconstruction in the Presence of Polymorphic Recursion. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 15(2): 290-311 (1993)
24 A. J. Kfoury, Jerzy Tiuryn, Pawel Urzyczyn: The Undecidability of the Semi-unification Problem Inf. Comput. 102(1): 83-101 (1993)
23 A. J. Kfoury, Jerzy Tiuryn: Type Reconstruction in Finite Rank Fragments of the Second-Order lambda-Calculus Inf. Comput. 98(2): 228-257 (1992)
22 A. J. Kfoury, Jerzy Tiuryn, Pawel Urzyczyn: On the Expressive Power of Finitely and Universally Polymorphic Recursive Procedures. Theor. Comput. Sci. 93(1): 1-41 (1992)
21 A. J. Kfoury, Jerzy Tiuryn, Pawel Urzyczyn: ML Typability is DEXTIME-Complete. CAAP 1990: 206-220
20 A. J. Kfoury, Jerzy Tiuryn: Type Reconstruction in Finite-Rank Fragments of the Polymorphic lambda-Calculus (Extended Summary) LICS 1990: 2-11
19 A. J. Kfoury, Jerzy Tiuryn, Pawel Urzyczyn: The Undecidability of the Semi-Unification Problem (Preliminary Report) STOC 1990: 468-476
18 A. J. Kfoury, Jerzy Tiuryn, Pawel Urzyczyn: Computational Consequences and Partial Solutions of a Generalized Unification Problem (Partial Report) LICS 1989: 98-105
17 A. J. Kfoury, Pawel Urzyczyn: Algo-Like Languages with Higher-Order Procedures and Their Expressive Power. Logic at Botik 1989: 186-199
16 Robert N. Moll, Michael A. Arbib, A. J. Kfoury: An Introduction to Formal Language Theory Springer 1988
15 A. J. Kfoury, Jerzy Tiuryn, Pawel Urzyczyn: On the Computational Power of Universally Polymorphic Recursion LICS 1988: 72-81
14 A. J. Kfoury, Jerzy Tiuryn, Pawel Urzyczyn: A Proper Extension of ML with an Effective Type-Assignment. POPL 1988: 58-69
13 A. J. Kfoury: A Linear-Time Algorithm to Decide Whether A Binary Word Contains An Overlap. ITA 22(2): 135-145 (1988)
12 A. J. Kfoury, Jerzy Tiuryn, Pawel Urzyczyn: The Hierarchy of Finitely Typed Functional Programs (Short Version) LICS 1987: 225-235
11 A. J. Kfoury: A linear-time algorithm to decide whether a binary word contains an overlap. Bulletin of the EATCS 30: 74-79 (1986)
10 A. J. Kfoury, Pawel Urzyczyn: Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for the Universality of Programming Formalisms. Acta Inf. 22(4): 347-377 (1985)
9 A. J. Kfoury: The Unwind Property for Programs with Bounded Memory. Inf. Process. Lett. 21(5): 233-238 (1985)
8 A. J. Kfoury: Definability by Deterministic and Non-deterministic Programs (with Applications to First-Order Dynamic Logic) Information and Control 65(2/3): 98-121 (1985)
7 A. J. Kfoury, Pawel Urzyczyn: Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for University of Programming Formalisms (Partial Report). Logic of Programs 1983: 279-289
6 A. J. Kfoury: Definability by Programs in First-Order Structures. Theor. Comput. Sci. 25: 1-66 (1983)
5 A. J. Kfoury: Some Connections Between iterative Programs, Recursive Programs, and First-Order Logic. Logic of Programs 1981: 150-166
4 A. J. Kfoury: Loop Elimination and Loop Reduction-A Model-Theoretic Analysis of Programs (Partial Report) FOCS 1980: 173-184
3 A. J. Kfoury: Analysis of Simple Programs Over Different Sets of Primitives. POPL 1980: 56-61
2 A. J. Kfoury, David Michael Ritchie Park: On the Termination of Program Schemas Information and Control 29(3): 243-251 (1975)
1 A. J. Kfoury: Translatability of Schemas over Restricted Interpretations. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 8(3): 387-408 (1974)

Coauthor Index

1Torben Amtoft (Torben Amtoft Hansen) [36] [38]
2Michael A. Arbib [16]
3Azer Bestavros [39] [41] [42] [45] [46]
4Adam Bradley [39] [41] [42] [45]
5Sébastien Carlier [43]
6Kevin Donnelly [47]
7Yarom Gabay [48]
8J. J. Hallett [44] [47]
9Harry G. Mairson [34]
10Ibrahim Matta [41] [45]
11Robert Moll (Robert N. Moll) [16]
12Michael J. Ocean [46]
13David Michael Ritchie Park [2]
14Santiago M. Pericás-Geertsen [33] [36] [38]
15Jeff Polakow (Jeffrey Polakow) [43]
16Simona Ronchi Della Rocca [31]
17Alexei P. Stolboushkin [29]
18Jerzy Tiuryn [12] [14] [15] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [31]
19Franklyn A. Turbak [34]
20Pawel Urzyczyn [7] [10] [12] [14] [15] [17] [18] [19] [21] [22] [24] [25] [26] [31]
21Geoffrey Washburn [37]
22J. B. Wells [27] [28] [32] [34] [40] [43]
23Joe Wells [37]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)