
Courtney Wade

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3EEJames Allan, Courtney Wade, Alvaro Bolivar: Retrieval and novelty detection at the sentence level. SIGIR 2003: 314-321
2EENasreen Abdul Jaleel, Andrés Corrada-Emmanuel, Qi Li, Xiaoyong Liu, Courtney Wade, James Allan: UMass at TREC 2003: HARD and QA. TREC 2003: 715-725
1EELeah S. Larkey, James Allan, Margaret E. Connell, Alvaro Bolivar, Courtney Wade: UMass at TREC 2002: Cross Language and Novelty Tracks. TREC 2002

Coauthor Index

1James Allan [1] [2] [3]
2Alvaro Bolivar [1] [3]
3Margaret E. Connell [1]
4Andrés Corrada-Emmanuel [2]
5Nasreen Abdul Jaleel [2]
6Leah S. Larkey [1]
7Qi Li [2]
8Xiaoyong Liu [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)