
Fernando Diaz

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14EEFernando Diaz: Integration of news content into web results. WSDM 2009: 182-191
13EERosie Jones, Ahmed Hassan, Fernando Diaz: Geographic features in web search retrieval. GIR 2008: 57-58
12EEFernando Diaz, Donald Metzler: Pseudo-Aligned Multilingual Corpora. IJCAI 2007: 2727-2732
11EEFernando Diaz: Performance prediction using spatial autocorrelation. SIGIR 2007: 583-590
10EERosie Jones, Fernando Diaz: Temporal profiles of queries. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 25(3): (2007)
9EEEsther Alvarez, Fernando Diaz: Framework for the dynamic scheduling of complex job shops. IJMTM 11(3/4): 411-425 (2007)
8EEFernando Diaz: Regularizing query-based retrieval scores. Inf. Retr. 10(6): 531-562 (2007)
7EEFernando Diaz, Donald Metzler: Improving the estimation of relevance models using large external corpora. SIGIR 2006: 154-161
6EEFernando Diaz: Regularizing ad hoc retrieval scores. CIKM 2005: 672-679
5EEDiane Kelly, Fernando Diaz, Nicholas J. Belkin, James Allan: A User-Centered Approach to Evaluating Topic Models. ECIR 2004: 27-41
4EEFernando Diaz, Rosie Jones: Using temporal profiles of queries for precision prediction. SIGIR 2004: 18-24
3EEFernando Diaz: Using Wearable Computers to Construct Semantic Representations of Physical Spaces. ISWC 2002: 197-204
2EEQinghang Li, Lucia Zamorano, Zhaowei Jiang, Fernando Vinas, Fernando Diaz: The Application Accuracy of the Frameless Implantable Marker System and Analysis of Related Affecting Factors. MICCAI 1998: 253-260
1 Qinghang Li, Hans J. Holdener, Lucia Zamorano, Paul King, Zhaowei Jiang, Federico C. Vinas, L. Nolte, H. Visarius, Fernando Diaz: Computer-Assisted Insertion of Pedicle Screws. VBC 1996: 571-580

Coauthor Index

1James Allan [5]
2Esther Alvarez [9]
3Nicholas J. Belkin [5]
4Ahmed Hassan [13]
5Hans J. Holdener [1]
6Zhaowei Jiang [1] [2]
7Rosie Jones [4] [10] [13]
8Diane Kelly [5]
9Paul King [1]
10Qinghang Li [1] [2]
11Donald Metzler [7] [12]
12L. Nolte [1]
13Federico C. Vinas [1]
14Fernando Vinas [2]
15H. Visarius [1]
16Lucia Zamorano [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)