K. L. Kwok
List of publications from the DBLP Bibliography Server - FAQ
2008 | ||
53 | EE | Ho Chung Wu, K. F. Dang, Robert Wing Pong Luk, G. Ngai, Yinghao Li, James Allan, Kui-Lam Kwok, Kam-Fai Wong: Evaluating a Novel Kind of Retrieval Models Based on Relevance Decision Making in a Relevance Feedback Environment. TREC 2008 |
52 | EE | Ho Chung Wu, Robert Wing Pong Luk, Kam-Fai Wong, Kui-Lam Kwok: Interpreting TF-IDF term weights as making relevance decisions. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 26(3): (2008) |
2007 | ||
51 | EE | Kui-Lam Kwok, Norbert Dinstl: Testing an Entity Ranking Function for English Factoid QA. TREC 2007 |
50 | EE | Kui-Lam Kwok, Laszlo Grunfeld, Peter Deng: Employing web mining and data fusion to improve weak ad hoc retrieval. Inf. Process. Manage. 43(2): 406-419 (2007) |
49 | EE | Ho Chung Wu, Robert W. P. Luk, K. F. Wong, K. L. Kwok: A retrospective study of a hybrid document-context based retrieval model. Inf. Process. Manage. 43(5): 1308-1331 (2007) |
2006 | ||
48 | EE | Kui-Lam Kwok, Peter Deng: Chinese Question-Answering: Comparing Monolingual with English-Chinese Cross-Lingual Results. AIRS 2006: 244-257 |
47 | EE | Ho Chung Wu, Robert Wing Pong Luk, Kam-Fai Wong, K. L. Kwok: Probabilistic document-context based relevance feedback with limited relevance judgments. CIKM 2006: 854-855 |
46 | EE | D. Y. Wang, Robert Wing Pong Luk, Kam-Fai Wong, K. L. Kwok: An Information Retrieval Approach Based on Discourse Type. NLDB 2006: 197-202 |
45 | EE | Tze Leung Chung, Robert Wing Pong Luk, Kam-Fai Wong, Kui-Lam Kwok, Dik Lun Lee: Adapting pivoted document-length normalization for query size: Experiments in Chinese and English. ACM Trans. Asian Lang. Inf. Process. 5(3): 245-263 (2006) |
2005 | ||
44 | EE | Kui-Lam Kwok, Laszlo Grunfeld, Peter Deng: Improving Weak Ad-Hoc Retrieval by Web Assistance and Data Fusion. AIRS 2005: 17-30 |
43 | EE | Ho Chung Wu, Robert W. P. Luk, Kam-Fai Wong, Kui-Lam Kwok, W. J. Li: A retrospective study of probabilistic context-based retrieval. SIGIR 2005: 663-664 |
42 | EE | Kui-Lam Kwok, Sora Choi, Norbert Dinstl: Rich results from poor resources: NTCIR-4 monolingual and cross-lingual retrieval of korean texts using chinese and english. ACM Trans. Asian Lang. Inf. Process. 4(2): 136-162 (2005) |
41 | EE | Yun Xiao, Robert W. P. Luk, Kam-Fai Wong, K. L. Kwok: Using Longest Common Subsequence Matching for Chinese Information Retrieval. Journal of Chinese Language and Computing 15(1): (2005) |
2003 | ||
40 | EE | Laszlo Grunfeld, Kui-Lam Kwok, Norbert Dinstl, Peter Deng: TREC 2003 Robust, HARD and QA Track Experiments using PIRCS. TREC 2003: 510-521 |
2002 | ||
39 | EE | Howard C. Wasserman, Keitaro Yukawa, Bon K. Sy, Kui-Lam Kwok, Ihsin T. Phillips: A Theoretical Foundation and a Method for Document Table Structure Extraction and Decompositon. Document Analysis Systems 2002: 291-294 |
38 | EE | K. L. Kwok: Higher precision for two-word queries. SIGIR 2002: 395-396 |
37 | EE | Kui-Lam Kwok, Peter Deng, Norbert Dinstl, M. Chan: TREC 2002 Web, Novelty and Filtering Track Experiments using PIRCS. TREC 2002 |
36 | EE | Robert W. P. Luk, Kui-Lam Kwok: A comparison of Chinese document indexing strategies and retrieval models. ACM Trans. Asian Lang. Inf. Process. 1(3): 225-268 (2002) |
2001 | ||
35 | EE | Kui-Lam Kwok, Laszlo Grunfeld, Norbert Dinstl, M. Chan: TREC2001 Question-Answer, Web and Cross Language Experiments using PIRCS. TREC 2001 |
34 | EE | Ken C. W. Chow, Robert W. P. Luk, Kam-Fai Wong, Kui-Lam Kwok: Hybrid Term Indexing for Weighted Boolean and Vector Space Models. Int. J. Comput. Proc. Oriental Lang. 14(2): 133-151 (2001) |
33 | EE | Kui-Lam Kwok: Exploiting the LDC Chinese-English Bilingual Wordlist for Cross Language Information Retrieval. Int. J. Comput. Proc. Oriental Lang. 14(2): 173-191 (2001) |
2000 | ||
32 | EE | K. L. Kwok: Exploiting a Chinese-English bilingual wordlist for English-Chinese cross language information retrieval. IRAL 2000: 173-179 |
31 | EE | C. K. P. Wong, Robert Wing Pong Luk, Kam-Fai Wong, K. L. Kwok: Text categorization using hybrid (mined) terms (poster session). IRAL 2000: 217-218 |
30 | EE | Ken C. W. Chow, Robert W. P. Luk, K. F. Wong, K. L. Kwok: Hybrid term indexing for different IR models. IRAL 2000: 49-54 |
29 | EE | Kui-Lam Kwok, Laszlo Grunfeld, Norbert Dinstl, M. Chan: TREC-9 Cross Language, Web and Question-Answering Track Experiments using PIRCS. TREC 2000 |
28 | K. L. Kwok: Improving English and Chinese Ad-Hoc Retrieval: A Tipster Text Phase 3 Project Report. Inf. Retr. 3(4): 313-338 (2000) | |
1999 | ||
27 | EE | K. L. Kwok, Laszlo Grunfeld, M. Chan: TREC-8 Ad-Hoc, Query and Filtering Track Experiments using PIRCS. TREC 1999 |
26 | K. L. Kwok: Employing Multiple Representations for Chinese Information Retrieval. JASIS 50(8): 709-723 (1999) | |
1998 | ||
25 | EE | K. L. Kwok, M. Chan: Improving Two-Stage Ad-Hoc Retrieval for Short Queries. SIGIR 1998: 250-256 |
24 | Kui-Lam Kwok, Laszlo Grunfeld, M. Chan, Norbert Dinstl, Colleen Cool: TREC-7 Ad-Hoc, High Precision and Filtering Experiments using PIRCS. TREC 1998: 287-297 | |
23 | K. L. Kwok: Book Review: Information Storage and Retrieval by R. R. Korfhage. Inf. Process. Manage. 34(4): 490-492 (1998) | |
1997 | ||
22 | EE | K. L. Kwok: Comparing Representations in Chinese Information Retrieval. SIGIR 1997: 34-41 |
21 | EE | K. L. Kwok, Laszlo Grunfeld, J. H. Xu: TREC-6 English and Chinese Retrieval Experiments using PIRCS. TREC 1997: 207-214 |
1996 | ||
20 | EE | K. L. Kwok: A New Method of Weighting Query Terms for Ad-Hoc Retrieval. SIGIR 1996: 187-195 |
19 | EE | K. L. Kwok, Laszlo Grunfeld: TREC-5 English and Chinese Retrieval Experiments using PIRCS. TREC 1996 |
1995 | ||
18 | EE | K. L. Kwok, Laszlo Grunfeld: TREC-4 Ad-Hoc, Routing Retrieval and Filtering Experiments using PIRCS. TREC 1995 |
17 | K. L. Kwok: A Network Approach to Probabilistic Information Retrieval. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 13(3): 325-354 (1995) | |
1994 | ||
16 | EE | K. L. Kwok, Laszlo Grunfeld: Learning from Relevant Documents in Large Scale Routing Retrieval. HLT 1994 |
15 | EE | K. L. Kwok: PIRCS: a Network-Based Document Routing and Retrieval System. HLT 1994 |
14 | K. L. Kwok, Laszlo Grunfeld, David D. Lewis: TREC-3 Ad-Hoc, Routing Retrieval and Thresholding Experiments using PIRCS. TREC 1994: 247-255 | |
1993 | ||
13 | EE | K. L. Kwok, Laszlo Grunfeld: TREC-2 Document Retrieval Experiments using PIRCS. TREC 1993: 233-242 |
1992 | ||
12 | EE | K. L. Kwok, L. Papadopoulos, Kathy Y. Y. Kwan: Retrieval Experiments with a Large Collection using PIRCS. TREC 1992: 153-172 |
1991 | ||
11 | K. L. Kwok: Query Learning Using an ANN with Adaptive Architecture. ML 1991: 260-264 | |
10 | EE | K. L. Kwok: Query Modification and Expansion in a Network with Adaptive Architecture. SIGIR 1991: 192-201 |
1990 | ||
9 | EE | K. L. Kwok: Experiments with a Component Theory of Probabilistic Information Retrieval Based on Single Terms as Document Components. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 8(4): 363-386 (1990) |
1989 | ||
8 | EE | K. L. Kwok: A Neural Network for Probabilistic Information Retrieval. SIGIR 1989: 21-30 |
1988 | ||
7 | EE | K. L. Kwok: On the use of bibliographically related titles for the enhancement of document representations. Inf. Process. Manage. 24(2): 123-131 (1988) |
6 | EE | K. L. Kwok, William Kuan: Experiments with document components for indexing and retrieval. Inf. Process. Manage. 24(4): 405-417 (1988) |
1987 | ||
5 | EE | K. L. Kwok: Some Considerations for Approximate Optimal Queries. SIGIR 1987: 19-24 |
1986 | ||
4 | EE | K. L. Kwok: An Interpretation of Index Term Weighting Schemes Based on Document Components. SIGIR 1986: 275-283 |
1985 | ||
3 | K. L. Kwok: Experiments with Cited Titles for Automatic Document Indexing and Similarity Measure in a Probabilistic Context. SIGIR 1985: 165-178 | |
1984 | ||
2 | K. L. Kwok: A Document-Document Similarity Measure Based on Cited Titles and Probability Theory, and Its Application to Relevance Feedback Retrieval. SIGIR 1984: 221-231 | |
1975 | ||
1 | EE | K. L. Kwok: The use of title and cited titles as document representation for automatic classification. Inf. Process. Manage. 11(8-12): 201-206 (1975) |
1 | James Allan | [53] |
2 | M. Chan | [24] [25] [27] [29] [35] [37] |
3 | Sora Choi | [42] |
4 | Ken C. W. Chow | [30] [34] |
5 | Tze Leung Chung | [45] |
6 | Colleen Cool | [24] |
7 | K. F. Dang | [53] |
8 | Peter Deng | [37] [40] [44] [48] [50] |
9 | Norbert Dinstl | [24] [29] [35] [37] [40] [42] [51] |
10 | Laszlo Grunfeld | [13] [14] [16] [18] [19] [21] [24] [27] [29] [35] [40] [44] [50] |
11 | William Kuan | [6] |
12 | Kathy Y. Y. Kwan | [12] |
13 | Dik Lun Lee | [45] |
14 | David D. Lewis | [14] |
15 | W. J. Li | [43] |
16 | Yinghao Li | [53] |
17 | Robert Wing Pong Luk (Robert W. P. Luk) | [30] [31] [34] [36] [41] [43] [45] [46] [47] [49] [52] [53] |
18 | G. Ngai | [53] |
19 | L. Papadopoulos | [12] |
20 | Ihsin T. Phillips | [39] |
21 | Bon K. Sy | [39] |
22 | D. Y. Wang | [46] |
23 | Howard C. Wasserman | [39] |
24 | C. K. P. Wong | [31] |
25 | K. F. Wong | [30] [49] |
26 | Kam-Fai Wong | [31] [34] [41] [43] [45] [46] [47] [52] [53] |
27 | Ho Chung Wu | [43] [47] [49] [52] [53] |
28 | Yun Xiao | [41] |
29 | J. H. Xu | [21] |
30 | Keitaro Yukawa | [39] |