
Syed M. Alam

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8EESyed M. Alam, Robert E. Jones, Scott Pozder, Ankur Jain: Die/wafer stacking with reciprocal design symmetry (RDS) for mask reuse in three-dimensional (3D) integration technology. ISQED 2009: 569-575
7EESyed M. Alam, Mike Ignatowski, Yuan Xie: Technology, CAD tools, and designs for emerging 3D integration technology. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2008: 1-2
6EESyed M. Alam, Robert E. Jones, Shahid Rauf, Ritwik Chatterjee: Inter-Strata Connection Characteristics and Signal Transmission in Three-Dimensional (3D) Integration Technology. ISQED 2007: 580-585
5EESyed M. Alam, Chee Lip Gan, Carl V. Thompson, Donald E. Troxel: Reliability computer-aided design tool for full-chip electromigration analysis and comparison with different interconnect metallizations. Microelectronics Journal 38(4-5): 463-473 (2007)
4EESyed M. Alam, Donald E. Troxel, Carl V. Thompson: Thermal aware cell-based full-chip electromigration reliability analysis. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2005: 26-31
3EESyed M. Alam, Frank L. Wei, Chee Lip Gan, Carl V. Thompson, Donald E. Troxel: Electromigration Reliability Comparison of Cu and Al Interconnects. ISQED 2005: 303-308
2EESyed M. Alam, Chee Lip Gan, Carl V. Thompson, Donald E. Troxel: Circuit Level Reliability Analysis of Cu Interconnects. ISQED 2004: 238-243
1EESyed M. Alam, Donald E. Troxel, Carl V. Thompson: A Comprehensive Layout Methodology and Layout-Specific Circuit Analyses for Three-Dimensional Integrated Circuits. ISQED 2002: 246-251

Coauthor Index

1Ritwik Chatterjee [6]
2Chee Lip Gan [2] [3] [5]
3Mike Ignatowski [7]
4Ankur Jain [8]
5Robert E. Jones [6] [8]
6Scott Pozder [8]
7Shahid Rauf [6]
8Carl V. Thompson [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
9Donald E. Troxel [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
10Frank L. Wei [3]
11Yuan Xie [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)