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International Teletraffic Congress 2007: Ottawa, Canada

Lorne Mason, Tadeusz Drwiega, James Yan (Eds.): Managing Traffic Performance in Converged Networks, 20th International Teletraffic Congress, ITC20 2007, Ottawa, Canada, June 17-21, 2007, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4516 Springer 2007, ISBN 978-3-540-72989-1 BibTeX

Invited Presentations

IPTV Planning and Modeling

Network Performance


Server/Switch Performance

Service Overlay Networks

Traffic Source and Aggregate Models

Mesh Networks - Performance Optimization - I

QoS in Converged Networks

Traffic Engineering

Mesh Networks - Performance Optimization - II

End-to-End Delay in Converged Networks

Queuing Models - I

Performance of Peer-to-Peer Networks

Traffic Measurements and Demand Forecast

Queuing Models - II

Impact of Convergence and Divergence Forces on Network Performance and Provisioning

Loss/Blocking Probability

Traffic Management in Wireless Networks

Traffic Measurements and Characterization

Network Design for Capacity and Performance

Performance of Wireless Networks


Plenary Session - Contributed Papers

Copyright © Sat May 16 23:43:42 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)