
Kathleen Spaey

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6EEMehdi Amirijoo, Remco Litjens, Kathleen Spaey, Martin Döttling, Thomas Jansen, Neil Scully, Ulrich Türke: Use Cases, Requirements and Assessment Criteria for Future Self-Organising Radio Access Networks. IWSOS 2008: 275-280
5EEKathleen Spaey, Chris Blondia: Analysis of the Influence of Video-Aware Traffic Management on the Performance of the Dejittering Mechanism. International Teletraffic Congress 2007: 30-41
4EEJeroen Van Velthoven, Kathleen Spaey, Chris Blondia: Performance of Constant Quality VideoApplications using the DCCP Transport Protocol. LCN 2006: 511-512
3EETom Hofkens, Kathleen Spaey, Chris Blondia: Transient Analysis of the D-BMAP/G/1 Queue with an Application to the Dimensioning of a Playout Buffer for VBR Video. NETWORKING 2004: 1338-1343
2 E. Aarstad, Søren Blaabjerg, Fernando Cerdán, S. Peeters, Kathleen Spaey: CAC investigation for video and data. Broadband Communications 1998: 356-368
1 Kathleen Spaey, Chris Blondia: Circulant matching method for multiplexing ATM traffic applied to video sources. PICS 1998: 234-246

Coauthor Index

1E. Aarstad [2]
2Mehdi Amirijoo [6]
3Søren Blaabjerg [2]
4Chris Blondia [1] [3] [4] [5]
5Fernando Cerdán [2]
6Martin Döttling [6]
7Tom Hofkens [3]
8Thomas Jansen [6]
9Remco Litjens [6]
10S. Peeters [2]
11Neil Scully [6]
12Ulrich Türke [6]
13Jeroen Van Velthoven [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)