
Iraj Saniee

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17EEUmut Akyol, Matthew Andrews, Piyush Gupta, John D. Hobby, Iraj Saniee, Alexander L. Stolyar: Joint Scheduling and Congestion Control in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks. INFOCOM 2008: 619-627
16EESem C. Borst, Iraj Saniee, Philip A. Whiting: Distributed Dynamic Load Balancing in Wireless Networks. International Teletraffic Congress 2007: 1024-1037
15EEWalid Ben-Ameur, Daniel Bienstock, Iraj Saniee: Foreword. Annals OR 146(1): 1-2 (2006)
14EEAdiseshu Hari, Volker Hilt, Markus Hofmann, Debasis Mitra, Iraj Saniee, Anwar Walid, Indra Widjaja: Intelligent media gateway selection in carrier-grade VoIP networks. Bell Labs Technical Journal 10(4): 133-150 (2006)
13EEChandra Chekuri, Paul Claisse, René-Jean Essiambre, Steven Fortune, Daniel C. Kilper, Wonsuck Lee, Nachi K. Nithi, Iraj Saniee, F. Bruce Shepherd, Christopher A. White, Gordon T. Wilfong, Lisa Zhang: Design tools for transparent optical networks. Bell Labs Technical Journal 11(2): 129-143 (2006)
12EESimon C. Borst, Arumugam Buvaneswari, Lawrence M. Drabeck, Michael J. Flanagan, John M. Graybeal, Georg K. Hampel, Mark Haner, William M. MacDonald, Paul A. Polakos, Gee Rittenhouse, Iraj Saniee, Alan Weiss, Philip A. Whiting: Dynamic optimization in future cellular networks. Bell Labs Technical Journal 10(2): 99-119 (2005)
11EEIraj Saniee, Indra Widjaja, John Morrison: Performance of a distributed scheduling protocol for TWIN. SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 32(2): 38-40 (2004)
10EEIraj Saniee, Alan Weiss: Erratum. Telecommunication Systems 24(1): 95 (2003)
9EECarl Nuzman, Iraj Saniee, Wim Sweldens, Alan Weiss: A compound model for TCP connection arrivals for LAN and WAN applications. Computer Networks 40(3): 319-337 (2002)
8EEMichel Mandjes, Iraj Saniee, Alexander L. Stolyar: Load chracterization and anomaly detection for voice over IP traffic. SIGMETRICS/Performance 2001: 326-327
7EER. Drew Davis, Krishnan Kumaran, Gang Liu, Iraj Saniee: SPIDER: A simple and flexible tool for design and provisioning of protected lightpaths in optical networks. Bell Labs Technical Journal 6(1): 82-97 (2001)
6 Daniel Bienstock, Iraj Saniee: ATM Network Design: Traffic Models and Optimization-Based Heuristics. Telecommunication Systems 16(3-4): 399-421 (2001)
5EEAshok Erramilli, Onuttom Narayan, Arnold L. Neidhardt, Iraj Saniee: Performance Impacts of Multi-Scaling in Wide-Area TCP/IP Traffic. INFOCOM 2000: 352-359
4EEIraj Saniee, Arnold L. Neidhardt, Onuttom Narayan, Ashok Erramilli: Multi-scaling Models of Sub-frame VBR Video Traffic. NETWORKING 2000: 362-373
3 Iraj Saniee, Joel S. Sokol: Virtual Path Design in Service-Specific ATM Networks. J. Heuristics 6(1): 65-83 (2000)
2 Tamra Carpenter, Steven Cosares, Joseph L. Ganley, Iraj Saniee: A Simple Approximation Algorithm for Two Problems in Circuit Design. IEEE Trans. Computers 47(11): 1310-1312 (1998)
1 Tamra Carpenter, Daniel P. Heyman, Iraj Saniee: Studies of random demands on network costs. Telecommunication Systems 10(3-4): 409-421 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Umut Akyol [17]
2Matthew Andrews [17]
3Walid Ben-Ameur [15]
4Daniel Bienstock [6] [15]
5Sem C. Borst (Simon C. Borst) [12] [16]
6Arumugam Buvaneswari [12]
7Tamra Carpenter [1] [2]
8Chandra Chekuri [13]
9Paul Claisse [13]
10Steven Cosares [2]
11R. Drew Davis [7]
12Lawrence M. Drabeck [12]
13Ashok Erramilli [4] [5]
14René-Jean Essiambre [13]
15Michael J. Flanagan [12]
16Steven Fortune [13]
17Joseph L. Ganley [2]
18John M. Graybeal [12]
19Piyush Gupta [17]
20Georg K. Hampel [12]
21Mark Haner [12]
22Adiseshu Hari [14]
23Daniel P. Heyman [1]
24Volker Hilt [14]
25John D. Hobby [17]
26Markus Hofmann [14]
27Daniel C. Kilper [13]
28Krishnan Kumaran [7]
29Wonsuck Lee [13]
30Gang Liu [7]
31William M. MacDonald [12]
32Michel Mandjes [8]
33Debasis Mitra [14]
34John Morrison [11]
35Onuttom Narayan [4] [5]
36Arnold L. Neidhardt [4] [5]
37Nachi K. Nithi [13]
38Carl Nuzman [9]
39Paul A. Polakos [12]
40Gee Rittenhouse [12]
41F. Bruce Shepherd [13]
42Joel S. Sokol [3]
43Alexander L. Stolyar [8] [17]
44Wim Sweldens [9]
45Anwar Walid [14]
46Alan Weiss [9] [10] [12]
47Christopher A. White [13]
48Philip A. Whiting [12] [16]
49Indra Widjaja [11] [14]
50Gordon T. Wilfong [13]
51Lisa Zhang [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)