2009 |
55 | | Naoki Wakamiya,
Tetsuya Kawai,
Masayuki Murata,
Kentaro Yanagihara,
Masanori Nozaki,
Shigeru Fukunaga:
A Sensor Network Protocol for Automatic Meter Reading in an Apartment Building.
Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks 7(1-2): 115-137 (2009) |
54 | EE | Ehssan Sakhaee,
Naoki Wakamiya,
Masayuki Murata:
An energy-efficient self-organizing global extremity reporting scheme for sensor networks.
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 9(4): 543-555 (2009) |
2008 |
53 | EE | Ehssan Sakhaee,
Naoki Wakamiya,
Masayuki Murata:
Self-Adaptability and Organization for Pervasive Computing and Sensor Network Environments Using a Biologically-Inspired Approach.
ISPA 2008: 892-895 |
52 | EE | Naoki Wakamiya,
Masayuki Murata:
Dynamic Network Formation in Ambient Information Networking.
PDCAT 2008: 443-448 |
51 | EE | Yoshiaki Taniguchi,
Naoki Wakamiya,
Masayuki Murata:
Quality-Aware Cooperative Proxy Caching for Video Streaming Services.
JNW 3(8): 16-25 (2008) |
2007 |
50 | EE | Naoki Wakamiya,
Kenji Leibnitz,
Masayuki Murata:
Noise-Assisted Control in Information Networks.
FBIT 2007: 833-838 |
49 | EE | Kenji Leibnitz,
Naoki Wakamiya,
Masayuki Murata:
A Bio-Inspired Robust Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.
ICCCN 2007: 321-326 |
48 | EE | Hideto Horiuchi,
Naoki Wakamiya,
Masayuki Murata:
Proposal and Evaluation of a Network Construction Method for a Scalable P2P Video Conferencing System.
ICOIN 2007: 669-678 |
47 | EE | Tetsuya Kawai,
Naoki Wakamiya,
Masayuki Murata:
ACM: A Transmission Mechanism for Urgent Sensor Information.
IPCCC 2007: 562-569 |
46 | EE | Masahiro Sasabe,
Naoki Wakamiya,
Masayuki Murata:
A Caching Algorithm using Evolutionary Game Theory in a File-Sharing System.
ISCC 2007: 631-636 |
45 | EE | Kenji Leibnitz,
Tobias Hoßfeld,
Naoki Wakamiya,
Masayuki Murata:
Peer-to-Peer vs. Client/Server: Reliability and Efficiency of a Content Distribution Service.
International Teletraffic Congress 2007: 1161-1172 |
44 | EE | Naoki Wakamiya,
Masayuki Murata:
Bio-inspired Analysis of Symbiotic Networks.
International Teletraffic Congress 2007: 204-213 |
43 | EE | Yoshiaki Taniguchi,
Naoki Wakamiya,
Masayuki Murata:
A traveling wave-based self-organizing communication mechanism for WSNs.
SenSys 2007: 399-400 |
42 | EE | Yoshiaki Taniguchi,
Naoki Wakamiya,
Masayuki Murata:
A Communication Mechanism using Traveling Wave Phenomena for Wireless Sensor Networks.
WOWMOM 2007: 1-6 |
41 | EE | Katsuya Hyodo,
Naoki Wakamiya,
Etsushi Nakaguchi,
Masayuki Murata,
Yuki Kubo,
Kentaro Yanagihara:
Experiments and considerations on Reaction-Diffusion based Pattern Generation in a Wireless Sensor Network.
WOWMOM 2007: 1-6 |
40 | EE | Tetsuya Kawai,
Naoki Wakamiya,
Masayuki Murata:
Proposal of an Assured Corridor Mechanism for Urgent Information Transmission in Wireless Sensor Networks.
IEICE Transactions 90-B(10): 2817-2826 (2007) |
39 | EE | Yoshiaki Taniguchi,
Naoki Wakamiya,
Masayuki Murata:
A Traveling Wave based Communication Mechanism for Wireless Sensor Networks.
JNW 2(5): 24-32 (2007) |
2006 |
38 | EE | Youssef Charfi,
Naoki Wakamiya,
Masayuki Murata:
Trade-off between Reliability and Energy Cost for Content-Rich Data Transmission in Wireless Sensor Networks.
37 | EE | Kenji Leibnitz,
Tobias Hoßfeld,
Naoki Wakamiya,
Masayuki Murata:
Modeling of Epidemic Diffusion in Peer-to-Peer File-Sharing Networks.
BioADIT 2006: 322-329 |
36 | EE | Junjiro Konishi,
Naoki Wakamiya,
Masayuki Murata:
Proposal and Evaluation of a Cooperative Mechanism for Pure P2P File Sharing Networks.
BioADIT 2006: 33-47 |
35 | EE | Kenji Leibnitz,
Naoki Wakamiya,
Masayuki Murata:
Resilient Multi-path Routing Based on a Biological Attractor Selection Scheme.
BioADIT 2006: 48-63 |
34 | EE | Kenji Leibnitz,
Naoki Wakamiya,
Masayuki Murata:
Self-Adaptive Ad-Hoc/Sensor Network Routing with Attractor-Selection.
33 | EE | Ghaida A. Al-Suhail,
Naoki Wakamiya,
Raad S. Fyath:
Error-Resilience of TCP-Friendly Video Transmission over Wireless Channel.
ICARCV 2006: 1-6 |
32 | EE | Taro Maekawa,
Harumasa Tada,
Naoki Wakamiya,
Makoto Imase,
Masayuki Murata:
An Ant-based Routing Protocol using Unidirectional Links for Heterogeneous Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks.
ICWMC 2006: 43 |
31 | | Kenji Leibnitz,
Tobias Hoßfeld,
Naoki Wakamiya,
Masayuki Murata:
On pollution in eDonkey-like peer-to-peer file-sharing networks.
MMB 2006: 285-302 |
30 | EE | Kenji Leibnitz,
Naoki Wakamiya,
Masayuki Murata:
Biologically inspired self-adaptive multi-path routing in overlay networks.
Commun. ACM 49(3): 62-67 (2006) |
29 | EE | Yoshitaka Ohtaki,
Naoki Wakamiya,
Masayuki Murata,
Makoto Imase:
Scalable and Efficient Ant-Based Routing Algorithm for Ad-Hoc Networks.
IEICE Transactions 89-B(4): 1231-1238 (2006) |
28 | EE | Junjiro Konishi,
Naoki Wakamiya,
Masayuki Murata:
Design and Evaluation of a Cooperative Mechanism for Pure P2P File-Sharing Networks.
IEICE Transactions 89-B(9): 2319-2326 (2006) |
27 | EE | Hongye Fu,
Naoki Wakamiya,
Masayuki Murata:
A Cooperative Mechanism for Hybrid P2P File-Sharing Networks to Enhance Application-Level QoS.
IEICE Transactions 89-B(9): 2327-2335 (2006) |
26 | EE | Junpei Kamimura,
Naoki Wakamiya,
Masayuki Murata:
A distributed clustering method for energy-efficient data gathering in sensor networks.
IJWMC 1(2): 113-120 (2006) |
2005 |
25 | EE | Kenji Leibnitz,
Naoki Wakamiya,
Masayuki Murata:
Symbiotic multi-path routing with attractor selection.
CollaborateCom 2005 |
24 | EE | Naoki Wakamiya,
Yoshitaka Ohtaki,
Masayuki Murata,
Makoto Imase:
A Biologically-Inspired Data-Centric Communication Protocol for Sensor Networks.
DCOSS 2005: 410-411 |
23 | | Shinsuke Suetsugu,
Naoki Wakamiya,
Masayuki Murata,
Koichi Konishi,
Kunihiro Taniguchi:
A Hybrid Video Streaming Scheme on Hierarchical P2P Networks.
EuroIMSA 2005: 240-245 |
22 | EE | Naoki Wakamiya,
Masayuki Murata:
Toward Overlay Network Symbiosis.
Peer-to-Peer Computing 2005: 154-155 |
21 | EE | Naoki Wakamiya,
Masayuki Murata:
Synchronization-Based Data Gathering Scheme for Sensor Networks.
IEICE Transactions 88-B(3): 873-881 (2005) |
20 | EE | Yasuo Sambe,
Shintaro Watanabe,
Dong Yu,
Taichi Nakamura,
Naoki Wakamiya:
High-Speed Distributed Video Transcoding for Multiple Rates and Formats.
IEICE Transactions 88-D(8): 1923-1931 (2005) |
2004 |
19 | | Naoki Wakamiya,
Marcin Solarski,
James P. G. Sterbenz:
Active Networks, IFIP TC6 5th International Workshop, IWAN 2003, Kyoto, Japan, December 10-12, 2003, Revised Papers
Springer 2004 |
18 | | Auke Jan Ijspeert,
Masayuki Murata,
Naoki Wakamiya:
Biologically Inspired Approaches to Advanced Information Technology, First International Workshop, BioADIT 2004, Lausanne, Switzerland, January 29-30, 2004. Revised Selected Papers
Springer 2004 |
17 | EE | Masahiro Sasabe,
Naoki Wakamiya,
Masayuki Murata,
Hideo Miyahara:
Media Streaming on P2P Networks with Bio-inspired Cache Replacement Algorithm.
BioADIT 2004: 380-395 |
16 | EE | Naoki Wakamiya,
Masayuki Murata:
Scalable and Robust Scheme for Data Gathering in Sensor Networks.
BioADIT 2004: 412-427 |
15 | | Yoshitaka Ohtaki,
Naoki Wakamiya,
Masayuki Murata,
Makoto Imase:
Scalable ant-based routing algorithm for ad-hoc networks.
Communications, Internet, and Information Technology 2004: 50-55 |
14 | EE | Shuntaro Kashihara,
Naoki Wakamiya,
Masayuki Murata:
Implementation and evaluation of scalable and robust scheme for data gathering in wireless sensor networks.
SenSys 2004: 279-280 |
2003 |
13 | EE | Masahiro Sasabe,
Naoki Wakamiya,
Masayuki Murata,
Hideo Miyahara:
Scalable and Continuous Media Streaming on Peer-to-Peer Networks.
Peer-to-Peer Computing 2003: 92- |
12 | EE | Naoki Wakamiya,
Masaki Miyabayashi,
Masayuki Murata,
Hideo Miyahara:
Dynamic Quality Adaptation Mechanisms for TCP-friendly MPEG-4 Video Transfer.
QoS-IP 2003: 539-550 |
2002 |
11 | EE | Naoki Wakamiya,
Masayuki Murata,
Hideo Miyahara:
On Proxy-Caching Mechanisms for Cooperative Video Streaming in Heterogeneous Environments.
MMNS 2002: 127-139 |
2001 |
10 | | Ian W. Marshall,
Scott Nettles,
Naoki Wakamiya:
Active Networks, IFIP-TC6 Third International Working Conference, IWAN 2001, Philadelphia, PA, USA, September 30-October 2, 2001, Proceedings
Springer 2001 |
9 | EE | Naoki Wakamiya,
Masaki Miyabayashi,
Masayuki Murata,
Hideo Miyahara:
MPEG-4 Video Transfer with TCP-Friendly Rate Control.
MMNS 2001: 29-42 |
2000 |
8 | | Naoki Wakamiya,
Masayuki Murata,
Hideo Miyahara:
On TCP-Friendly Video Transfer with Consideration on Application-Level QoS.
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (II) 2000: 843-846 |
7 | EE | Héctor Akamine,
Naoki Wakamiya,
Masayuki Murata,
Hideo Miyahara:
An Approach for Heterogeneous Video Multicast Using Active Networking.
IWAN 2000: 157-170 |
6 | EE | Héctor Akamine,
Naoki Wakamiya,
Masayuki Murata,
Hideo Miyahara:
On the Construction of Heterogeneous Multicast Distribution Trees Using Filtering in an Active Network.
QofIS 2000: 272-284 |
5 | EE | Naoki Wakamiya,
Masayuki Murata,
Hideo Miyahara:
On video coding algorithms with application level QoS guarantees.
Computer Communications 23(14-15): 1459-1469 (2000) |
1997 |
4 | EE | Kentarou Fukuda,
Naoki Wakamiya,
Masayuki Murata,
Hideo Miyahara:
Rate Control of Real-time MPEG-2 over ATM DBR Service with Bandwidth Re-negotiation.
LCN 1997: 388-397 |
3 | EE | Hiroyuki Ohsaki,
Naoki Wakamiya,
Masayuki Murata,
Hideo Miyahara:
Performance of an input/output buffered-type ATM LAN switch with back-pressure function.
IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 5(2): 278-290 (1997) |
1995 |
2 | | Hiroyuki Ohsaki,
Naoki Wakamiya,
Masayuki Murata,
Hideo Miyahara:
Performance of an ATM LAN switch with back-pressure function.
Data Communications and their Performance 1995: 99-113 |
1 | | Naoki Wakamiya,
Ken-ichi Baba,
Masayuki Murata,
Hideo Miyahara:
Performance Analysis of Traffic Control Methods in Multimedia ATM LAN.
INFOCOM 1995: 1027-1036 |