
Ilkka Norros

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17EEIlkka Norros, Pirkko Kuusela, Pekka Savola: A Dependability Case Approach to the Assessment of IP Networks. SECURWARE 2008: 426-432
16EEIlkka Norros, Hannu Reittu: Network models with a 'soft hierarchy': a random graph construction with loglog scalability. IEEE Network 22(2): 40-46 (2008)
15EEIlkka Norros, Balakrishna Prabhu, Hannu Reittu: On Uncoordinated File Distribution with Non-altruistic Downloaders. International Teletraffic Congress 2007: 606-617
14EEIlkka Norros, Eero Saksman: Local independence of fractional Brownian motion CoRR abs/0711.4809: (2007)
13EEMichel Mandjes, Petteri Mannersalo, Ilkka Norros: Gaussian tandem queues with an application to dimensioning of switch fabric interfaces. Computer Networks 51(3): 781-797 (2007)
12EEHannu Reittu, Ilkka Norros: On the power-law random graph model of massive data networks. Perform. Eval. 55(1-2): 3-23 (2004)
11EEPetteri Mannersalo, Ilkka Norros, Paavo Salminen: A Storage Process with Local Time Input. Queueing Syst. 46(3-4): 557-577 (2004)
10EEPetteri Mannersalo, Ilkka Norros: GPS schedulers and Gaussian traffic. INFOCOM 2002
9EEJorma Kilpi, Ilkka Norros: Testing the Gaussian approximation of aggregate traffic. Internet Measurement Workshop 2002: 49-61
8EEIlkka Norros: Most Probable Path Techniques for Gaussian Queueing Systems. NETWORKING 2002: 86-104
7EEPetteri Mannersalo, Ilkka Norros: A most probable path approach to queueing systems with general Gaussian input. Computer Networks 40(3): 399-412 (2002)
6 Paavo Salminen, Ilkka Norros: On Busy Periods of the Unbounded Brownian Storage. Queueing Syst. 39(4): 317-333 (2001)
5 Ilkka Norros: On the Use of Fractional Brownian Motion in the Theory of Connectionless Networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 13(6): 953-962 (1995)
4EEJorma T. Virtamo, Ilkka Norros: Fluid queue driven by anM/M/1 queue. Queueing Syst. 16(3-4): 373-386 (1994)
3EEIlkka Norros: A storage model with self-similar input. Queueing Syst. 16(3-4): 387-396 (1994)
2 Jorma T. Virtamo, Ilkka Norros: On the Broadening of Cell Bursts in an ATM Network. Integrated Broadband Communications 1993: 373-381
1 Ilkka Norros, James W. Roberts, Alain Simonian, Jorma T. Virtamo: The Superposition of Variable Bit Rate Sources in an ATM Multiplexer. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 9(3): 378-387 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Jorma Kilpi [9]
2Pirkko Kuusela [17]
3Michel Mandjes [13]
4Petteri Mannersalo [7] [10] [11] [13]
5Balakrishna Prabhu [15]
6Hannu Reittu [12] [15] [16]
7James W. Roberts [1]
8Eero Saksman [14]
9Paavo Salminen [6] [11]
10Pekka Savola [17]
11Alain Simonian [1]
12Jorma T. Virtamo [1] [2] [4]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)