
Gerhard Haßlinger

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29EEGerhard Haßlinger, Thomas Kunz: Efficiency of Search Methods in Dynamic Wireless Networks. EuroNGI Workshop 2008: 142-156
28 Gerhard Haßlinger, Oliver Hohlfeld: The Gilbert-Elliott Model for Packet Loss in Real Time Services on the Internet. MMB 2008: 269-286
27EEGerhard Haßlinger: Cross-Layer Aspects of Peer-to-Peer Overlays on IP Platforms of Network Providers. Peer-to-Peer Computing 2008: 173-176
26EESebastian Kempken, Gerhard Haßlinger, Wolfram Luther: Parameter estimation and optimization techniques for discrete-time semi-Markov models of H.264/AVC video traffic. Telecommunication Systems 39(2): 77-90 (2008)
25EEGerhard Haßlinger, Joachim Mende, Rüdiger Geib, Thomas Beckhaus, Franz Hartleb: Measurement and Characteristics of Aggregated Traffic in Broadband Access Networks. International Teletraffic Congress 2007: 998-1010
24EEGerhard Haßlinger, Sebastian Kempken: Efficiency of random walks for search in different network structures. VALUETOOLS 2007: 80
23EEHalldór Matthías Sigurðsson, Ulfur Ron Halldorsson, Gerhard Haßlinger: Potentials and challenges of peer-to-peer based content distribution. Telematics and Informatics 24(4): 348-365 (2007)
22 Gerhard Haßlinger: Validation of Gaussian traffic modeling using standard IP measurement. MMB 2006: 65-80
21EEWolfram Luther, Gerhard Haßlinger, Ekaterina Auer, Eva Dyllong, Daniela Traczinski, Holger Traczinski: Integration of reliable algorithms into modeling software. Algebraic and Numerical Algorithms and Computer-assisted Proofs 2005
20EEGerhard Haßlinger: ISP Platforms Under a Heavy Peer-to-Peer Workload. Peer-to-Peer Systems and Applications 2005: 369-381
19EEGerhard Haßlinger, Stefan Schnitter, Martin Franzke: The Efficiency of Traffic Engineering with Regard to Link Failure Resilience. Telecommunication Systems 29(2): 109-130 (2005)
18EEGerhard Haßlinger: Implications of Traffic Characteristics on Quality of Service in Broadband Multi Service Networks. EUROMICRO 2004: 196-204
17 Daniela Traczinski, Wolfram Luther, Gerhard Haßlinger: Computing the Workload of Discrete Time Semi-Markov Servers with Result Verification. MMB 2004: 245-254
16 Gerhard Haßlinger, Stefan Schnitter, Martin Franzke: TE-Scout: An Offline Traffic Engineering Tool for Optimised Path Design in IP Service Provider Networks. MMB 2004: 35-44
15EEDaniela Fausten, Gerhard Haßlinger: Verified Numerical Analysis of the Performance of Switching Systems in Telecommunication. Numerical Software with Result Verification 2003: 206-225
14 Gerhard Haßlinger, Daniela Fausten: Stationary Workload Analysis for Single Service Systems with Slowly Decreasing Service Time Distributions. ESM 2002: 532-539
13 Franz Hartleb, Gerhard Haßlinger: Verkehrsmodell und Dimensionierungsverfahren für IP-Backbone-Links. MMB 2001: 103-118
12 Gerhard Haßlinger: Quality-of-Service Analysis for Statistical Multiplexing with Gaussian Distributed and Autoregressive Input. Telecommunication Systems 16(3-4): 315-334 (2001)
11 Gerhard Haßlinger: Waiting time, busy periods and output models of a server analyzed via Wiener-Hopf factorization. Perform. Eval. 40(1-3): 3-26 (2000)
10 Gerhard Haßlinger: Die begrenzte Wirkung von Puffern in diensteintegrierenden Kommunikationsnetzen: Ein vergleich von statischem Multiplexing mit und ohne Pufferung. MMB 1999: 221-235
9 Gerhard Haßlinger: Towards an Analytical Tool for Performance Modelling of ATM Networks by Decomposition. Computer Performance Evaluation 1997: 83-96
8 Gerhard Haßlinger: Discrete Time Queues with Variable Input: Workload Based Analysis and Applications. MMB 1997: 39-53
7 Gerhard Haßlinger: Semi-Markovian modelling and performance analysis of variable rate traffic in ATM networks. Telecommunication Systems 7(1-3): 281-298 (1997)
6 Gerhard Haßlinger, Michael Adam: Modelling and Performance Analysis of Traffic in ATM Networks Including Autocorrelation. INFOCOM 1996: 1460-1467
5 Gerhard Haßlinger: A Polynomial Factorization Approach to the Discrete Time GI/G/1/(N) Queue Size Distribution. Perform. Eval. 23(3): 217-240 (1995)
4EEErik S. Rieger, Gerhard Haßlinger: An analytical solution for the discrete time single server system with semi-Markovian arrivals. Queueing Syst. 18(1-2): 69-105 (1994)
3 Gerhard Haßlinger: Bounds for Blocking and Deadlock in Transaction Systems with Two-Phase Locking. MMB 1993: 90-102
2 C. Breitenbach, Gerhard Haßlinger, P. Herold: Deadlocks in einem verteilten System mit zentraler Datenhaltung: Vergleich von Auflösungsstrategien und Abschätzung der Deadlockrate. Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen 1991: 320-334
1 Gerhard Haßlinger, Erik S. Rieger: Modellierung offener Warteschlangennetzwerke durch Erneuerungsprozesse im diskreten Zeitbereich. MMB 1991: 15-29

Coauthor Index

1Michael Adam [6]
2Ekaterina Auer [21]
3Thomas Beckhaus [25]
4C. Breitenbach [2]
5Eva Dyllong [21]
6Daniela Fausten [14] [15]
7Martin Franzke [16] [19]
8Rüdiger Geib [25]
9Ulfur Ron Halldorsson [23]
10Franz Hartleb [13] [25]
11P. Herold [2]
12Oliver Hohlfeld [28]
13Sebastian Kempken [24] [26]
14Thomas Kunz [29]
15Wolfram Luther [17] [21] [26]
16Joachim Mende [25]
17Erik S. Rieger [1] [4]
18Stefan Schnitter [16] [19]
19Halldór Matthías Sigurðsson [23]
20Daniela Traczinski [17] [21]
21Holger Traczinski [21]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)