
Nigel Bean

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5EEAshley Flavel, Jeremy McMahon, Aman Shaikh, Matthew Roughan, Nigel Bean: Humpty Dumpty: Putting iBGP Back Together Again. Networking 2009: 52-65
4EEJon Arnold, Nigel Bean, Miro Kraetzl, Matthew Roughan, Matthew Sorell: Topology Reconstruction and Characterisation of Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. ICC 2007: 3546-3553
3EEAshley Flavel, Matthew Roughan, Nigel Bean, Olaf Maennel: Modeling BGP Table Fluctuations. International Teletraffic Congress 2007: 141-153
2EEKin-Ping Hui, Nigel Bean, Miro Kraetzl, Dirk P. Kroese: The Cross-Entropy Method for Network Reliability Estimation. Annals OR 134(1): 101-118 (2005)
1EENigel Bean, André Costa: An analytic modelling approach for network routing algorithms that use "ant-like" mobile agents. Computer Networks 49(2): 243-268 (2005)

Coauthor Index

1Jon Arnold [4]
2André Costa [1]
3Ashley Flavel [3] [5]
4Kin-Ping Hui [2]
5Miro Kraetzl [2] [4]
6Dirk P. Kroese [2]
7Olaf Maennel [3]
8Jeremy McMahon [5]
9Matthew Roughan [3] [4] [5]
10Aman Shaikh [5]
11Matthew Sorell [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)