
Vinod Sharma

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32EER. Rajesh, Vinod Sharma, V. K. Varshenya: Joint Source-Channel Coding on a Multiple Access Channel with Side Information CoRR abs/0904.4006: (2009)
31EENeelesh B. Mehta, Vinod Sharma, Gaurav Bansal: Queued Cooperative Wireless Networks With Rateless Codes. GLOBECOM 2008: 4619-4624
30EEKunde Anand, Vinod Sharma: Computing TCP Throughput in a UMTS Network. WCNC 2008: 2507-2512
29EEVinod Sharma, A. Anil Kumar, S. R. Sandeep, M. Siddhartha Sankaran: Providing QoS to Real and Data Applications in WiMAX Mesh Networks. WCNC 2008: 2645-2650
28EER. Rajesh, Vinod Sharma: Distributed Joint Source-Channel Coding on a Multiple Access Channel with Side Information CoRR abs/0803.1445: (2008)
27EEVinod Sharma, ArunKumar Jayaprakasam: An Efficient Algorithm for Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks CoRR abs/0809.2931: (2008)
26EEVinod Sharma, Utpal Mukherji, Vinay Joseph, Shrey Gupta: Optimal Energy Management Policies for Energy Harvesting Sensor Nodes CoRR abs/0809.3908: (2008)
25EEVinod Sharma, Utpal Mukherji, Vinay Joseph: Efficient Energy Management Policies for Networks with Energy Harvesting Sensor Nodes CoRR abs/0811.0273: (2008)
24EEVinod Sharma, Karumbu Premkumar, Raghava N. Swamy: Exponential Diversity Achieving Spatio-Temporal Power Allocation Scheme for Fading Channels. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 54(1): 188-208 (2008)
23EEMunish Goyal, Anurag Kumar, Vinod Sharma: Optimal Cross-Layer Scheduling of Transmissions Over a Fading Multiaccess Channel. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 54(8): 3518-3537 (2008)
22EEVinod Sharma, D. K. Prasad, Eitan Altman: Opportunistic Scheduling of Wireless Links. International Teletraffic Congress 2007: 1120-1134
21EEOnno J. Boxma, Vinod Sharma, D. K. Prasad: Performance Analysis of a Fluid Queue with Random Service Rate in Discrete Time. International Teletraffic Congress 2007: 568-581
20EESri Harsha, S. V. R. Anand, Anurag Kumar, Vinod Sharma: An Analytical Model for Capacity Evaluation of VoIP on HCCA and TCP File Transfers over EDCA in an IEEE 802.11e WLAN. ICDCN 2006: 245-256
19EEAtul Gupta, Vinod Sharma: A unified approach for analyzing persistent, non-persistent and ON-OFF TCP sessions in the Internet. Perform. Eval. 63(2): 79-98 (2006)
18EEMunish Goyal, Anurag Kumar, Vinod Sharma: A stochastic control approach for scheduling multimedia transmissions over a polled multiaccess fading channel. Wireless Networks 12(5): 605-621 (2006)
17EEHarish Shetiya, Vinod Sharma: Algorithms for routing and centralized scheduling to provide QoS in IEEE 802.16 mesh networks. WMuNeP 2005: 140-149
16EEVinod Sharma, V. Naveen Raj: Convergence and performance analysis of Godard family and multimodulus algorithms for blind equalization. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 53(4): 1520-1533 (2005)
15EEV. Venugopal Reddy, Vinod Sharma, M. B. Suma: Providing QoS to TCP and Real Time Connections in the Internet. Queueing Syst. 46(3-4): 461-480 (2004)
14EEVinod Sharma, Punyaslok Purkayastha: Stability and Analysis of TCP Connections with RED Control and Exogenous Traffic. Queueing Syst. 48(3-4): 193-235 (2004)
13EEMunish Goyal, Anurag Kumar, Vinod Sharma: Power Constrained and Delay Optimal Policies for Scheduling Transmission over a Fading Channel. INFOCOM 2003
12 Vinod Sharma, Jorma T. Virtamo: A finite buffer queue with priorities. Perform. Eval. 47(1): 1-22 (2002)
11 Vinod Sharma: Queues with Service Rate Controlled by a Delayed Feedback. Queueing Syst. 39(4): 303-315 (2001)
10 Vinod Sharma: Queueing systems with random service rate. Perform. Eval. 40(4): 223-238 (2000)
9 Jeetendra Sant, Vinod Sharma: Performance analysis of a slotted-ALOHA protocol on a capture channel with fading. Queueing Syst. 34(1-4): 1-35 (2000)
8 Vinod Sharma, Ravi Mazumdar: Estimating Traffic Parameters in Queueing Systems with Local Information. Perform. Eval. 32(3): 217-230 (1998)
7EEVinod Sharma, Joy Kuri: Stability and performance analysis of rate-based feedback flow controlled ATM networks. Queueing Syst. 29(2-4): 129-159 (1998)
6EEVinod Sharma: Some limit theorems for regenerative queues. Queueing Syst. 30(3-4): 341-363 (1998)
5 Vinod Sharma, Nandyala D. Gangadhar: Some Algorithms for Discrete Time Queues With Finite Capacity. Queueing Syst. 25(1-4): 281-305 (1997)
4 Vinod Sharma, Nandyala D. Gangadhar: Asymptotics for Transient and Stationary Probabilities for Finite and Infinite Buffer Discrete Time Queues. Queueing Syst. 26(1-2): 1-22 (1997)
3EEVinod Sharma: Reliable estimation via simulation. Queueing Syst. 19(1-2): 169-192 (1995)
2EEVinod Sharma: Stability and continuity of polling systems. Queueing Syst. 16(1-2): 115-137 (1994)
1EEVinod Sharma: Open queueing networks in discrete time-some limit theorems. Queueing Syst. 14(1-2): 159-175 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Eitan Altman [22]
2Kunde Anand [30]
3S. V. R. Anand [20]
4Gaurav Bansal [31]
5Onno J. Boxma [21]
6Nandyala D. Gangadhar [4] [5]
7Munish Goyal [13] [18] [23]
8Atul Gupta [19]
9Shrey Gupta [26]
10Sri Harsha [20]
11ArunKumar Jayaprakasam [27]
12Vinay Joseph [25] [26]
13A. Anil Kumar [29]
14Anurag Kumar [13] [18] [20] [23]
15Joy Kuri [7]
16Ravi Mazumdar (Ravi R. Mazumdar) [8]
17Neelesh B. Mehta [31]
18Utpal Mukherji [25] [26]
19D. K. Prasad [21] [22]
20Karumbu Premkumar [24]
21Punyaslok Purkayastha [14]
22V. Naveen Raj [16]
23R. Rajesh [28] [32]
24V. Venugopal Reddy [15]
25S. R. Sandeep [29]
26M. Siddhartha Sankaran [29]
27Jeetendra Sant [9]
28Harish Shetiya [17]
29M. B. Suma [15]
30Raghava N. Swamy [24]
31V. K. Varshenya [32]
32Jorma T. Virtamo [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)