
Sabine Wittevrongel

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32EELaurence Hoflack, Stijn De Vuyst, Sabine Wittevrongel, Herwig Bruneel: Modeling Web Server Traffic with Session-Based Arrival Streams. ASMTA 2008: 47-60
31EEBart Feyaerts, Sabine Wittevrongel: Performance Analysis of a Priority Queue with Place Reservation and General Transmission Times. EPEW 2008: 197-211
30EEJoris Walraevens, Sabine Wittevrongel, Herwig Bruneel: Analysis of Priority Queues with Session-Based Arrival Streams. ICN 2008: 503-510
29EELaurence Hoflack, Stijn De Vuyst, Sabine Wittevrongel, Herwig Bruneel: System Content and Packet Delay in Discrete-Time Queues with Session-Based Arrivals. ITNG 2008: 1053-1058
28EEPeixia Gao, Sabine Wittevrongel, Herwig Bruneel: Delay and partial system contents for a discrete-time G-D-c queue. 4OR 6(3): 279-290 (2008)
27EEStijn De Vuyst, Sabine Wittevrongel, Herwig Bruneel: Place reservation: Delay analysis of a novel scheduling mechanism. Computers & OR 35(8): 2447-2462 (2008)
26EEStijn De Vuyst, Sabine Wittevrongel, Dieter Fiems, Herwig Bruneel: Controlling the delay trade-off between packet flows using multiple reserved places. Perform. Eval. 65(6-7): 484-511 (2008)
25EEKoen De Turck, Stijn De Vuyst, Dieter Fiems, Sabine Wittevrongel: Performance analysis of the IEEE 802.16e sleep mode for correlated downlink traffic. Telecommunication Systems 39(2): 145-156 (2008)
24EESabine Wittevrongel, Dieter Fiems, Joris Walraevens: Modelling and performance evaluation of future generation Internet networks. Telecommunication Systems 39(2): 61-62 (2008)
23EEZlatka Avramova, Danny De Vleeschauwer, Koenraad Laevens, Sabine Wittevrongel, Herwig Bruneel: Modelling H.264/AVC VBR video traffic: comparison of a Markov and a self-similar source model. Telecommunication Systems 39(2): 91-102 (2008)
22EEZlatka Avramova, Danny De Vleeschauwer, Sabine Wittevrongel, Herwig Bruneel: Dimensioning Multicast-Enabled Networks for IP-Transported TV Channels. International Teletraffic Congress 2007: 6-17
21EEKoen De Turck, Stijn De Vuyst, Dieter Fiems, Sabine Wittevrongel: An Analytic Model of IEEE 802.16e Sleep Mode Operation with Correlated Traffic. NEW2AN 2007: 109-120
20EEDebessay Fesehaye Kassa, Sabine Wittevrongel: An analytical model of TCP performance. IPCCC 2006
19EEDebessay Fesehaye Kassa, Sabine Wittevrongel: Convergence of the Fixed Point Algorithm of Analytical Models of Reliable Internet Protocols (TCP). International Conference on Computational Science (4) 2006: 65-72
18EEStijn De Vuyst, Sabine Wittevrongel, Herwig Bruneel: Parametric delay differentiation between packet flows using multiple reserved spaces. VALUETOOLS 2006: 40
17EEVeronique Inghelbrecht, Bart Steyaert, Sabine Wittevrongel, Herwig Bruneel: Burst loss and delay in optical buffers with offset-time management. Telecommunication Systems 31(2-3): 247-258 (2006)
16EEKoen De Turck, Sabine Wittevrongel: Delay Analysis of the Go-Back-N ARQ Protocol over a Time-Varying Channel. EPEW/WS-FM 2005: 124-138
15EEPeixia Gao, Sabine Wittevrongel, Herwig Bruneel: Delay Analysis for a Discrete-Time GI-D-c Queue with Arbitrary-Length Service Times. FORTE Workshops 2004: 184-195
14EEPeixia Gao, Sabine Wittevrongel, Herwig Bruneel: Discrete-time multiserver queues with geometric service times. Computers & OR 31(1): 81-99 (2004)
13EEVeronique Inghelbrecht, Bart Steyaert, Sabine Wittevrongel, Herwig Bruneel: An Analytical Approach to Obtain the Interdeparture Time Characteristics in a Multistage VoIP Network. Telecommunication Systems 27(1): 33-45 (2004)
12 Kimon P. Kontovasilis, Sabine Wittevrongel, Herwig Bruneel, Benny Van Houdt: Performance of Telecommunication Systems: State of the Art. Communication Systems: The State of the Art (IFIP World Computer Congress) 2002: 61-94
11EESabine Wittevrongel, Herwig Bruneel, Bart Vinck: Analysis of the Discrete-Time GG/Geom/c Queueing Model. NETWORKING 2002: 757-768
10 Stijn De Vuyst, Sabine Wittevrongel, Herwig Bruneel: Mean value and tail distribution of the message delay in statistical multiplexers with correlated train arrivals. Perform. Eval. 48(1/4): 103-129 (2002)
9EEVeronique Inghelbrecht, Bart Steyaert, Herwig Bruneel, Sabine Wittevrongel: Buffer contents and cell delay in a rate adaptation buffer with Markovian arrivals. Computers & OR 28(9): 885-898 (2001)
8EEDanny De Vleeschauwer, Guido H. Petit, Bart Steyaert, Sabine Wittevrongel, Herwig Bruneel: An Accurate Closed-Form Formula to Calculate the Dejittering Delay in Packetised Voice Transport. NETWORKING 2000: 374-385
7 Veronique Inghelbrecht, Bart Steyaert, Herwig Bruneel, Sabine Wittevrongel: Rate adapters with bursty arrivals and rational rate reduction: queueing analysis. Perform. Eval. 42(1): 41-56 (2000)
6EESabine Wittevrongel, Herwig Bruneel: Discrete-time queues with correlated arrivals and constant service times. Computers & OR 26(2): 93-108 (1999)
5 Sabine Wittevrongel, Herwig Bruneel: Correlation Effects in ATM Queues Due to Data Format Conversions. Perform. Eval. 32(1): 35-56 (1998)
4 Sabine Wittevrongel, Herwig Bruneel: Deriving the tail distribution of the buffer contents in a statistical multiplexer with general heterogeneous on/off sources. PMCCN 1997: 23-42
3EEHerwig Bruneel, Sabine Wittevrongel: An Approximate Analytical Technique for the Performance Evaluation of ATM Switching Elements with Burst Routing. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 28(3): 325-343 (1996)
2 Sabine Wittevrongel, Herwig Bruneel: Effect of the on-period distribution on the performance of an ATM multiplexer fed by on/off sources: an analytical study. Data Communications and their Performance 1995: 33-47
1 Herwig Bruneel, Sabine Wittevrongel: Analytic Performance Study of ATM Switching Elements with On/Off Sources and Correlated Routing. Modelling and Evaluation of ATM Networks 1993: 41-60

Coauthor Index

1Zlatka Avramova [22] [23]
2Herwig Bruneel [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [17] [18] [22] [23] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [32]
3Bart Feyaerts [31]
4Dieter Fiems [21] [24] [25] [26]
5Peixia Gao [14] [15] [28]
6Laurence Hoflack [29] [32]
7Benny Van Houdt [12]
8Veronique Inghelbrecht [7] [9] [13] [17]
9Debessay Fesehaye Kassa [19] [20]
10Kimon P. Kontovasilis [12]
11Koenraad Laevens [23]
12Guido H. Petit [8]
13Bart Steyaert [7] [8] [9] [13] [17]
14Koen De Turck [16] [21] [25]
15Bart Vinck [11]
16Danny De Vleeschauwer [8] [22] [23]
17Stijn De Vuyst [10] [18] [21] [25] [26] [27] [29] [32]
18Joris Walraevens [24] [30]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)