CADUI 2002:
Christophe Kolski, Jean Vanderdonckt (Eds.):
Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces III, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces, May, 15-17, 2002, Valenciennes, France.
Kluwer 2002, ISBN 1-4020-0643-8 BibTeX
- Henry Lieberman:
Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces by Example.
1-12 BibTeX
- Joëlle Coutaz, Gaëtan Rey:
Foundations for a Theory of Contextors.
13-34 BibTeX
- David Chamberlain, Angel Díaz, Dan Gisolfi, Ravi B. Konuru, John M. Lucassen, Julie MacNaught, Stéphane H. Maes, Roland Merrick, David Mundel, T. V. Raman, Shankar Ramaswamy, Thomas Schaeck, Richard Thompson, Charles Wiecha:
WSXL: A Web Services Language for Integrating End-User Experience.
35-50 BibTeX
- Francis Jambon:
From Formal Specifications to Secure Implementations.
51-62 BibTeX
- Pedro J. Molina, Santiago Meliá, Oscar Pastor:
Just-UI : A User Interface Specification Model.
63-74 BibTeX
- Fabrice Depaulis, Sabrina Maiano, Guillaume Texier:
DTS-Edit : an Interactive Development Environment for Structured Dialog Applications.
75-82 BibTeX
- Michael Brasser, Keith Vander Linden:
Automatically Eliciting Task Models from Written Task Narratives.
83-90 BibTeX
- Hermann Kaindl, Rudolf Jezek:
From Usage Scenarios to User Interface Elements in a Few Steps.
91-102 BibTeX
- Costin Pribeanu, Jean Vanderdonckt:
Exploring Design Heuristics for User Interface Derivation from Task and Domain Models.
103-110 BibTeX
- Frank E. Ritter, Dirk Van Rooy, Robert St. Amant:
A User Modeling Design Tool Based on a Cognitive Architecture for Comparing Interfaces.
111-118 BibTeX
- C. V. Serey Guerrero, Bernardo Lula Jr.:
A Model-Guided and Task-Based Approach to User Interface Design Centered in a Unified Interaction and Architectural Model.
119-130 BibTeX
- Hallvard Trætteberg:
Using User Interface Models in Design.
131-142 BibTeX
- Fabio Paternò, Carmen Santoro:
One Model, Many Interfaces.
143-154 BibTeX
- Lawrence D. Bergman, Guruduth Banavar, Danny Soroker, Jeremy B. Sussman:
Combining Handcrafting and Automatic Generation of User-Interfaces for Pervasive Devices.
155-166 BibTeX
- Alfons Brandl:
Concepts for Generating Multi-User Interfaces Including Graphical Editors.
167-177 BibTeX
- Robin R. Penner, Erik S. Steinmetz:
DIGBE: Online Model-Based Design Automation.
178-192 BibTeX
- Christian Stary:
Meeting Activity Theory through Task-Based and User-Oriented Development of User Interfaces.
193-204 BibTeX
- David Navarre, Philippe A. Palanque, Rémi Bastide:
Model-Based Interactive Prototyping of Highly Interactive Applications.
205-216 BibTeX
- James Wu, Nicholas T. Graham, Katherine Everitt, Dorothea Blostein, Edward Lank:
Modeling Style of Work as an Aid to the Design and Evaluation of Interactive Systems.
217-228 BibTeX
- Elizabeth Furtado, Kênia Soares Sousa, Leandro Taddeo, Daniel William:
An Online Multimedia System for Learning to Design User Interfaces.
229-242 BibTeX
- Jean-René Ruault:
UML and Interactive Systems, Another Step Forward.
243-254 BibTeX
- Mir Farooq Ali, Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, Marc Abrams, Eric Shell:
Building Multi-Platform User Interfaces with UIML.
255-266 BibTeX
- Carsten Binnig, Andreas Schmidt:
Development of an UIML Renderer for Different Target Languages.
267-274 BibTeX
- Kai Richter:
Generic Interface Descriptions using XML.
275-282 BibTeX
- Kris Luyten, Tom Van Laerhoven, Karin Coninx, Frank Van Reeth:
Specifying User Interfaces for Runtime Modal Independent Migration.
283-294 BibTeX
- Eleni Stroulia, Rohit Kapoor:
Reverse Engineering Interaction Plans for Legacy Interface Migration.
295-310 BibTeX
- Laurent Bouillon, Jean Vanderdonckt, Nathalie Souchon:
Recovering Alternative Presentation Models of a Web Page with VAQUITA.
311-322 BibTeX
- Eduard Metzker, Harald Reiterer:
Evidence-Based Usability Engineering.
323-336 BibTeX
- Abdo Beirekdar, Jean Vanderdonckt, Monique Noirhomme-Fraiture:
A Framework and a Language for Usability Automatic Evaluation of Web Sites by Static Analysis of HTML Source Code.
337-348 BibTeX
- Birgit Bomsdorf:
First Steps Towards Task-Related Web User Interfaces.
349-356 BibTeX
- Ludivine Jonnequin, Emmanuel Adam, Christophe Kolski, René Mandiau:
Cooperative Agents Design in a Technological Watch Context.
357-366 BibTeX
- Jean-Christophe Routier, Philippe Mathieu:
A Multi-Agent Approach to Cooperative Work.
367-380 BibTeX
- Francois Cartegnie, Houcine Ezzedine, Christophe Kolski:
Agent Oriented Specification of Interactive Systems: Basic Principles and Industrial Case Study.
367-380 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:00:07 2009
by Michael Ley (