
Ravi B. Konuru

Ravindranath Konuru

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17EEYu-Ru Lin, Jimeng Sun, Paul Castro, Ravi B. Konuru, Hari Sundaram, Aisling Kelliher: Extracting community structure through relational hypergraphs. WWW 2009: 1213-1214
16EEPaul Castro, Frederique Giraud, Ravi B. Konuru, Apratim Purakayastha, Danny L. Yeh: A Programming Framework for Mobilizing Enterprise Applications. WMCSA 2004: 196-205
15EENirmal Mukhi, Ravi B. Konuru, Francisco Curbera: Cooperative middleware specialization for service oriented architectures. WWW (Alternate Track Papers & Posters) 2004: 206-215
14EEJohn Ponzo, Laurent D. Hasson, Jobi George, Gegi Thomas, Olivier Gruber, Ravi B. Konuru, Apratim Purakayastha, Robert D. Johnson, Jim Colson, Roger A. Pollak: On demand Web-client technologies. IBM Systems Journal 43(2): 297-315 (2004)
13 David Chamberlain, Angel Díaz, Dan Gisolfi, Ravi B. Konuru, John M. Lucassen, Julie MacNaught, Stéphane H. Maes, Roland Merrick, David Mundel, T. V. Raman, Shankar Ramaswamy, Thomas Schaeck, Richard Thompson, Charles Wiecha: WSXL: A Web Services Language for Integrating End-User Experience. CADUI 2002: 35-50
12EERavi B. Konuru, Harini Srinivasan, Jong-Deok Choi: Deterministic Replay of Distributed Java Applications. IPDPS 2000: 219-228
11EEOlivier Gruber, Ravi B. Konuru: An Application Model and Environment for Personal Information Appliances. POS 2000: 282-291
10EEDavid F. Bacon, Ravi B. Konuru, Chet Murthy, Mauricio J. Serrano: Thin locks: featherweight Synchronization for Java (with retrospective) Best of PLDI 1998: 583-595
9 David F. Bacon, Ravi B. Konuru, Chet Murthy, Mauricio J. Serrano: Thin Locks: Featherweight Synchronization for Java. PLDI 1998: 258-268
8 Ravi B. Konuru, Steve W. Otto, Jonathan Walpole: A Migratable User-Level Process Package for PVM. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 40(1): 81-102 (1997)
7 Ravi B. Konuru, José E. Moreira, Vijay K. Naik: Application-Assisted Dynamic Scheduling on Large-Scal Multi-Computer Systems. Euro-Par, Vol. II 1996: 621-630
6 José E. Moreira, Kalluri Eswar, Ravi B. Konuru, Vijay K. Naik: Supporting Dynamic Data and Processor Repartitioning for Irregular Applications. IRREGULAR 1996: 237-248
5 José E. Moreira, Vijay K. Naik, Ravi B. Konuru: A Programming Environment for Dynamic Resource Allocation and Data Distribution. LCPC 1996: 553-569
4 Jeremy Casas, Dan L. Clark, Ravi B. Konuru, Steve W. Otto, Robert M. Prouty, Jonathan Walpole: MPVM: A Migration Transparent Version of PVM. Computing Systems 8(2): 171-216 (1995)
3EEJeremy Casas, Ravi B. Konuru, Steve W. Otto, Robert M. Prouty, Jonathan Walpole: Adaptive load migration systems for PVM. SC 1994: 390-399
2 Jonathan Walpole, Jon Inouye, Ravindranath Konuru: Modularity and Interfaces in Micro-kernel Design and Implementation: A Case Study of Chorus on the HP PA-Risc. USENIX Workshop on Microkernels and Other Kernel Architectures 1992: 71-82
1 Jon Inouye, Ravindranath Konuru, Jonathan Walpole, Bart Sears: The Effects of Virtually Addressed Caches on Virtual Memory Design and Performance. Operating Systems Review 26(4): 14-29 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1David F. Bacon [9] [10]
2Jeremy Casas [3] [4]
3Paul Castro [16] [17]
4David Chamberlain [13]
5Jong-Deok Choi [12]
6Dan L. Clark [4]
7Jim Colson [14]
8Francisco Curbera [15]
9Angel Díaz [13]
10Kalluri Eswar [6]
11Jobi George [14]
12Frederique Giraud [16]
13Dan Gisolfi [13]
14Olivier Gruber [11] [14]
15Laurent D. Hasson [14]
16Jon Inouye [1] [2]
17Robert D. Johnson [14]
18Aisling Kelliher [17]
19Yu-Ru Lin [17]
20John M. Lucassen [13]
21Julie MacNaught [13]
22Stéphane H. Maes [13]
23Roland Merrick [13]
24José E. Moreira [5] [6] [7]
25Nirmal Mukhi [15]
26David Mundel [13]
27Chet Murthy [9] [10]
28Vijay K. Naik [5] [6] [7]
29Steve W. Otto [3] [4] [8]
30Roger A. Pollak [14]
31John Ponzo [14]
32Robert M. Prouty [3] [4]
33Apratim Purakayastha [14] [16]
34T. V. Raman [13]
35Shankar Ramaswamy [13]
36Thomas Schaeck [13]
37Bart Sears [1]
38Mauricio J. Serrano [9] [10]
39Harini Srinivasan [12]
40Jimeng Sun [17]
41Hari Sundaram [17]
42Gegi Thomas [14]
43Richard Thompson [13]
44Jonathan Walpole [1] [2] [3] [4] [8]
45Charles Wiecha [13]
46Danny L. Yeh [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)