
James Wu

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8EEJames Wu, T. C. Nicholas Graham: The Software Design Board: A Tool Supporting Workstyle Transitions in Collaborative Software Design. EHCI/DS-VIS 2004: 363-382
7EEBaha Jabarin, James Wu, Roel Vertegaal, Lenko Grigorov: Establishing remote conversations through eye contact with physical awareness proxies. CHI Extended Abstracts 2003: 948-949
6EEJames Wu, T. C. Nicholas Graham, Paul W. Smith: A Study of Collaboration in Software Design. ISESE 2003: 304-315
5 James Wu, Nicholas T. Graham, Katherine Everitt, Dorothea Blostein, Edward Lank: Modeling Style of Work as an Aid to the Design and Evaluation of Interactive Systems. CADUI 2002: 217-228
4EEMichael Kifer, Georg Lausen, James Wu: Logical Foundations of Object-Oriented and Frame-Based Languages. J. ACM 42(4): 741-843 (1995)
3 Michael Kifer, James Wu: A Logic Programming with Complex Objects. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 47(1): 77-120 (1993)
2 Michael Kifer, James Wu: A First-Order Theory of Types and Polymorphism in Logic Programming LICS 1991: 310-321
1EEMichael Kifer, James Wu: A Logic for Object-Oriented Logic Programming (Maier's O-Logic Revisited). PODS 1989: 379-393

Coauthor Index

1Dorothea Blostein [5]
2Katherine Everitt [5]
3Nicholas T. Graham [5]
4T. C. Nicholas Graham [6] [8]
5Lenko Grigorov [7]
6Baha Jabarin [7]
7Michael Kifer [1] [2] [3] [4]
8Edward Lank [5]
9Georg Lausen [4]
10Paul W. Smith [6]
11Roel Vertegaal [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)