Santiago Meliá Beigbeder
List of publications from the DBLP Bibliography Server - FAQ
2008 | ||
18 | EE | Santiago Meliá, Jaime Gómez, Sandy Pérez, Oscar Díaz: A Model-Driven Development for GWT-Based Rich Internet Applications with OOH4RIA. ICWE 2008: 13-23 |
17 | EE | Sandy Pérez, Oscar Díaz, Santiago Meliá, Jaime Gómez: Facing Interaction-Rich RIAs: The Orchestration Model. ICWE 2008: 24-37 |
16 | EE | Nathalie Moreno, Santiago Meliá, Nora Koch, Antonio Vallecillo: Addressing New Concerns in Model-Driven Web Engineering Approaches. WISE 2008: 426-442 |
15 | EE | Yanchun Zhang, Florian Daniel, Santiago Meliá, Katsumi Tanaka, Athman Bouguettaya, Daniela Nicklas: Engineering Issues for the Web 2.0. WISE Workshops 2008: 183-184 |
2007 | ||
14 | EE | Santiago Meliá, Jaime Gómez, José Luís Serrano: WebTE: MDA Transformation Engine for Web Applications. ICWE 2007: 491-495 |
13 | EE | Antonio Vallecillo, Nora Koch, Cristina Cachero, Sara Comai, Piero Fraternali, Irene Garrigós, Jaime Gómez, Gerti Kappel, Alexander Knapp, Maristella Matera, Santiago Meliá, Nathalie Moreno, Birgit Pröll, Thomas Reiter, Werner Retschitzegger, José Eduardo Rivera, Andrea Schauerhuber, Wieland Schwinger, Manuel Wimmer, Gefei Zhang: MDWEnet: A Practical Approach to Achieving Interoperability of Model-Driven Web Engineering Methods. MDWE 2007 |
2006 | ||
12 | EE | Cristina Cachero, Marcela Genero, Coral Calero, Santiago Meliá: Transformación de Modelos Navegacionales Dirigida por Criterios de Calidad. DSDM 2006 |
11 | EE | Cristina Cachero, Marcela Genero, Coral Calero, Santiago Meliá: Quality-Driven Automatic Transformation of Object-Oriented Navigational Models. ER (Workshops) 2006: 329-338 |
10 | Santiago Meliá, Jaime Gómez, José Luís Serrano, Jose-Norberto Mazón: Un perfil UML para la definición de un lenguaje gráfico de transformaciones basado en QVT. JISBD 2006: 433-442 | |
9 | Jose-Norberto Mazón, Jesús Pardillo, Santiago Meliá, Juan Trujillo: Modelado multidimensional de almacenes de datos con MDA. JISBD 2006: 77-86 | |
8 | Santiago Meliá, Jaime Gómez: The WebSA Approach: Applying Model Driven Engineering to Web Applications. J. Web Eng. 5(2): 121-149 (2006) | |
2005 | ||
7 | EE | Santiago Meliá, Jaime Gómez, Nora Koch: Improving Web Design Methods with Architecture Modeling. EC-Web 2005: 53-64 |
6 | EE | Santiago Meliá, Jaime Gómez: Applying Transformations to Model Driven Development of Web Applications. ER (Workshops) 2005: 63-73 |
5 | EE | Santiago Meliá, Andreas Kraus, Nora Koch: MDA Transformations Applied to Web Application Development. ICWE 2005: 465-471 |
2004 | ||
4 | EE | Santiago Meliá Beigbeder, Cristina Cachero: An MDA Approach for the Development of Web Applications. ICWE 2004: 300-305 |
3 | Nora Koch, Andreas Kraus, Cristina Cachero, Santiago Meliá: Integration of Business Processes in Web Application Models. J. Web Eng. 3(1): 22-49 (2004) | |
2002 | ||
2 | Pedro J. Molina, Santiago Meliá, Oscar Pastor: Just-UI : A User Interface Specification Model. CADUI 2002: 63-74 | |
1 | EE | Pedro J. Molina, Santiago Meliá, Oscar Pastor: User Interface Conceptual Patterns. DSV-IS 2002: 159-172 |
1 | Athman Bouguettaya | [15] |
2 | Cristina Cachero | [3] [4] [11] [12] [13] |
3 | Coral Calero (Coral Calero Muñoz) | [11] [12] |
4 | Sara Comai | [13] |
5 | Florian Daniel | [15] |
6 | Oscar Díaz | [17] [18] |
7 | Piero Fraternali | [13] |
8 | Irene Garrigós | [13] |
9 | Marcela Genero (Marcela Genero Bocco) | [11] [12] |
10 | Jaime Gómez | [6] [7] [8] [10] [13] [14] [17] [18] |
11 | Gerti Kappel | [13] |
12 | Alexander Knapp | [13] |
13 | Nora Koch | [3] [5] [7] [13] [16] |
14 | Andreas Kraus | [3] [5] |
15 | Maristella Matera | [13] |
16 | Jose-Norberto Mazón | [9] [10] |
17 | Pedro J. Molina | [1] [2] |
18 | Nathalie Moreno | [13] [16] |
19 | Daniela Nicklas | [15] |
20 | Jesús Pardillo | [9] |
21 | Oscar Pastor | [1] [2] |
22 | Sandy Pérez | [17] [18] |
23 | Birgit Pröll | [13] |
24 | Thomas Reiter | [13] |
25 | Werner Retschitzegger | [13] |
26 | José Eduardo Rivera | [13] |
27 | Andrea Schauerhuber | [13] |
28 | Wieland Schwinger | [13] |
29 | José Luís Serrano | [10] [14] |
30 | Katsumi Tanaka | [15] |
31 | Juan Trujillo | [9] |
32 | Antonio Vallecillo | [13] [16] |
33 | Manuel Wimmer | [13] |
34 | Gefei Zhang | [13] |
35 | Yanchun Zhang | [15] |