
Guruduth Banavar

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23EELakshmish Ramaswamy, Guruduth Banavar: A Formal Model of Service Delivery. IEEE SCC (2) 2008: 517-520
22EEAnuradha Bhamidipaty, Rohit Lotlikar, Guruduth Banavar: RMI: A Framework for Modeling and Evaluating the Resiliency Maturity of IT Service Organizations. IEEE SCC 2007: 300-307
21EEGuruduth Banavar, Jay Black, Ramón Cáceres, Maria Ebling, Edie Stern, Joseph Kannry: Deriving Long-Term Value from Context-Aware Computing. IS Management 22(4): 32-42 (2005)
20 Guruduth Banavar, Abraham Bernstein: Challenges in design and software infrastructure for ubiquitous computing applications. Advances in Computers 62: 180-203 (2004)
19EEGuruduth Banavar, Lawrence D. Bergman, Yves Gaeremynck, Danny Soroker, Jeremy B. Sussman: Tooling and system support for authoring multi-device applications. Journal of Systems and Software 69(3): 227-242 (2004)
18EEDaby M. Sow, David P. Olshefski, Mandis Beigi, Guruduth Banavar: Prefetching Based on Web Usage Mining. Middleware 2003: 262-281
17EEGuruduth Banavar: Works In Progress - Middleware Works in Progress Papers. IEEE Distributed Systems Online 4(5): (2003)
16EEGuruduth Banavar: Works In Progress - Middleware Works in Progress Papers. IEEE Distributed Systems Online 4(6): (2003)
15 Lawrence D. Bergman, Guruduth Banavar, Danny Soroker, Jeremy B. Sussman: Combining Handcrafting and Automatic Generation of User-Interfaces for Pervasive Devices. CADUI 2002: 155-166
14EEGuruduth Banavar, Abraham Bernstein: Software infrastructure and design challenges for ubiquitous computing applications. Commun. ACM 45(12): 92-96 (2002)
13EEGuruduth Banavar, John J. Barton, Nigel Davies, Kimmo E. E. Raatikainen: Introduction to the special feature on Middleware for Mobile and Pervasive Computing. Mobile Computing and Communications Review 6(4): 14-15 (2002)
12EEHui Lei, Daby M. Sow, John S. Davis II, Guruduth Banavar, Maria Ebling: The design and applications of a context service. Mobile Computing and Communications Review 6(4): 45-55 (2002)
11EELawrence D. Bergman, Tatiana Kichkaylo, Guruduth Banavar, Jeremy B. Sussman: Pervasive Application Development and the WYSIWYG Pitfall. EHCI 2001: 157-172
10EEGuruduth Banavar, James Beck, Eugene Gluzberg, Jonathan Munson, Jeremy B. Sussman, Deborra J. Zukowski: Challenges: an application model for pervasive computing. MOBICOM 2000: 266-274
9EELukasz Opyrchal, Mark Astley, Joshua S. Auerbach, Guruduth Banavar, Robert E. Strom, Daniel C. Sturman: Exploiting IP Multicast in Content-Based Publish-Subscribe Systems. Middleware 2000: 185-207
8EEGuruduth Banavar, Tushar Deepak Chandra, Robert E. Strom, Daniel C. Sturman: A Case for Message Oriented Middleware. DISC 1999: 1-18
7EEGuruduth Banavar, Tushar Deepak Chandra, Bodhi Mukherjee, Jay Nagarajarao, Robert E. Strom, Daniel C. Sturman: An Efficient Multicast Protocol for Content-Based Publish-Subscribe Systems. ICDCS 1999: 262-272
6EEGuruduth Banavar, Sri Doddapaneni, Kevan Miller, Bodhi Mukherjee: Rapidly Building Synchronous Collaborative Applications by Direct Manipulation. CSCW 1998: 139-148
5EESumeer Bhola, Guruduth Banavar, Mustaque Ahamad: Responsiveness and Consistency Tradoffs in Interactive Groupware. PODC 1998: 324
4EERobert E. Strom, Guruduth Banavar, Tushar Deepak Chandra, Marc Kaplan, Kevan Miller, Bodhi Mukherjee, Daniel C. Sturman, Michael Ward: Gryphon: An Information Flow Based Approach to Message Brokering CoRR cs.DC/9810019: (1998)
3 Robert E. Strom, Guruduth Banavar, Kevan Miller, Atul Prakash, Michael Ward: Concurrency Control and View Notification Algorithms for Collaborative Replicated Objects. IEEE Trans. Computers 47(4): 458-471 (1998)
2 Robert E. Strom, Guruduth Banavar, Kevan Miller, Atul Prakash, Michael Ward: Concurrency Control and View Notification Algorithms for Collaborative Replicated Objects. ICDCS 1997: 0-
1EEGuruduth Banavar, Gary Lindstrom: An Application Framework For Module Composition Tools. ECOOP 1996: 91-113

Coauthor Index

1Mustaque Ahamad [5]
2Mark Astley [9]
3Joshua S. Auerbach [9]
4John J. Barton [13]
5James Beck [10]
6Mandis Beigi [18]
7Lawrence D. Bergman [11] [15] [19]
8Abraham Bernstein [14] [20]
9Anuradha Bhamidipaty [22]
10Sumeer Bhola [5]
11Jay Black [21]
12Ramón Cáceres [21]
13Tushar Deepak Chandra [4] [7] [8]
14Nigel Davies [13]
15John S. Davis II [12]
16Sri Doddapaneni [6]
17Maria Ebling [12] [21]
18Yves Gaeremynck [19]
19Eugene Gluzberg [10]
20Joseph Kannry [21]
21Marc Kaplan [4]
22Tatiana Kichkaylo [11]
23Hui Lei [12]
24Gary Lindstrom [1]
25Rohit Lotlikar [22]
26Kevan Miller [2] [3] [4] [6]
27Bodhi Mukherjee [4] [6] [7]
28Jonathan Munson [10]
29Jay Nagarajarao [7]
30David P. Olshefski [18]
31Lukasz Opyrchal [9]
32Atul Prakash [2] [3]
33Kimmo E. E. Raatikainen [13]
34Lakshmish Ramaswamy [23]
35Danny Soroker [15] [19]
36Daby M. Sow [12] [18]
37Edie Stern [21]
38Robert E. Strom [2] [3] [4] [7] [8] [9]
39Daniel C. Sturman [4] [7] [8] [9]
40Jeremy B. Sussman [10] [11] [15] [19]
41Michael Ward [2] [3] [4]
42Deborra J. Zukowski [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)