
Edward Lank

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27EEAndrea Bunt, Michael Terry, Edward Lank: Friend or foe?: examining CAS use in mathematics research. CHI 2009: 229-238
26EEChristine Szentgyorgyi, Michael Terry, Edward Lank: Renegade gaming: practices surrounding social use of the Nintendo DS handheld gaming system. CHI 2008: 1463-1472
25EEJaime Ruiz, David Tausky, Andrea Bunt, Edward Lank, Richard Mann: Analyzing the kinematics of bivariate pointing. Graphics Interface 2008: 251-258
24EEJaime Ruiz, Andrea Bunt, Edward Lank: A model of non-preferred hand mode switching. Graphics Interface 2008: 49-56
23EETaehyun Park, Edward Lank, Pascal Poupart, Michael Terry: Is the sky pure today? AwkChecker: an assistive tool for detecting and correcting collocation errors. UIST 2008: 121-130
22EERichard Fung, Edward Lank, Michael Terry, Celine Latulipe: Kinematic templates: end-user tools for content-relative cursor manipulations. UIST 2008: 47-56
21 Christopher G. Healey, Edward Lank: Proceedings of the Graphics Interface 2007 Conference, May 28-30, 2007, Montreal, Canada ACM Press 2007
20EEEdward Lank, Yi-Chun Nikko Cheng, Jaime Ruiz: Endpoint prediction using motion kinematics. CHI 2007: 637-646
19EEEmory Al-Imam, Edward Lank: PocketPad: Using Handhelds and Digital Pens to Manage Data in Mobile Contexts. ICDS 2007: 13
18EEHashi Bai, Greydon Buckley, Mark Howard, Edward Lank: Tracking Observations: Using Handhelds and Computers for Classroom Observation Logging. ICDS 2007: 34
17EEChristine Szentgyorgyi, Edward Lank: Five-key text input using rhythmic mappings. ICMI 2007: 118-121
16EEJaime Ruiz, Edward Lank: A study on the scalability of non-preferred hand mode manipulation. ICMI 2007: 170-177
15EEEmory Al-Imam, Edward Lank: Biasing response in Fitts' Law tasks. CHI Extended Abstracts 2006: 460-465
14EEEdward Lank, Jaime Ruiz, William B. Cowan: Concurrent bimanual stylus interaction: a study of non-preferred hand mode manipulation. Graphics Interface 2006: 17-24
13EEEdward Lank, Ken Withee, Lisa Schile, Tom Parker: User Centred Rapid Application Development. RISE 2005: 34-49
12EEEdward Lank, Eric Saund: Sloppy selection: Providing an accurate interpretation of imprecise selection gestures. Computers & Graphics 29(4): 490-500 (2005)
11EEEdward Lank, Son Phan: Focus+Context sketching on a pocket PC. CHI Extended Abstracts 2004: 1275-1278
10EEEdward Lank, Amy Ichnowski, Shahid Khatri: Accessing services: dumb clients in a smart classroom. CHI Extended Abstracts 2004: 1533
9 John D. Roberts, Ilmi Yoon, Sanghyuk Yoon, Edward Lank: An interface mark-up language for web3D. IASTED Conf. on Software Engineering and Applications 2004: 518-522
8EEEdward Lank: A Retargetable Framework for Interactive Diagram Recognition. ICDAR 2003: 185-189
7EEEric Saund, Edward Lank: Stylus input and editing without prior selection of mode. UIST 2003: 213-216
6 James Wu, Nicholas T. Graham, Katherine Everitt, Dorothea Blostein, Edward Lank: Modeling Style of Work as an Aid to the Design and Evaluation of Interactive Systems. CADUI 2002: 217-228
5EEDorothea Blostein, Edward Lank, Arlis Rose, Richard Zanibbi: User Interfaces for On-Line Diagram Recognition. GREC 2001: 92-103
4EEEdward Lank, Jeb S. Thorley, Sean Chen, Dorothea Blostein: On-Line Recognition of UML Diagrams. ICDAR 2001: 356-360
3EEEdward Lank, Jeb S. Thorley, Sean Jy-Shyang Chen: An interactive system for recognizing hand drawn UML diagrams. CASCON 2000: 7
2EEDorothea Blostein, Edward Lank, Richard Zanibbi: Treatment of Diagrams in Document Image Analysis. Diagrams 2000: 330-344
1EEEdward Lank, Dorothea Blostein: N-grams: a well-structured knowledge representation for recognition of graphical documents. ICDAR 1997: 801-804

Coauthor Index

1Emory Al-Imam [15] [19]
2Hashi Bai [18]
3Dorothea Blostein [1] [2] [4] [5] [6]
4Greydon Buckley [18]
5Andrea Bunt [24] [25] [27]
6Sean Chen [4]
7Sean Jy-Shyang Chen [3]
8Yi-Chun Nikko Cheng [20]
9William B. Cowan [14]
10Katherine Everitt [6]
11Richard Fung [22]
12Nicholas T. Graham [6]
13Christopher G. Healey [21]
14Mark Howard [18]
15Amy Ichnowski [10]
16Shahid Khatri [10]
17Celine Latulipe [22]
18Richard Mann [25]
19Taehyun Park [23]
20Tom Parker [13]
21Son Phan [11]
22Pascal Poupart [23]
23John D. Roberts [9]
24Arlis Rose [5]
25Jaime Ruiz [14] [16] [20] [24] [25]
26Eric Saund [7] [12]
27Lisa Schile [13]
28Christine Szentgyorgyi [17] [26]
29David Tausky [25]
30Michael Terry [22] [23] [26] [27]
31Jeb S. Thorley [3] [4]
32Ken Withee [13]
33James Wu [6]
34Ilmi Yoon [9]
35Sanghyuk Yoon [9]
36Richard Zanibbi [2] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)