
Frank E. Ritter

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21EESteven R. Haynes, Mark A. Cohen, Frank E. Ritter: Designs for explaining intelligent agents. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 67(1): 90-110 (2009)
20EESteven R. Haynes, Thomas George Kannampallil, Mark A. Cohen, Andrey Soares, Frank E. Ritter: Rampart: A Service and Agent-Based Architecture for Anti-Terrorism Planning and Resource Allocation. EuroISI 2008: 260-270
19EERobert St. Amant, Thomas E. Horton, Frank E. Ritter: Model-based evaluation of expert cell phone menu interaction. ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact. 14(1): (2007)
18 Robert St. Amant, Sean P. McBride, Frank E. Ritter: AI Support for Building Cognitive Models. AAAI 2006
17EEFrank E. Ritter, Dirk Van Rooy, Robert St. Amant, K. Simpson: Providing user models direct access to interfaces: an exploratory study of a simple interface with implications for HRI and HCI. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 36(3): 592-601 (2006)
16 Sue E. Kase, Frank E. Ritter: Gender and Computer Anxiety. Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (II) 2005: 1257-1265
15EEFrank E. Ritter, Andrew R. Freed, Onida L. M. Haskett: Discovering user information needs: the case of university department web sites. Interactions 12(5): 19-27 (2005)
14EEEmma Norling, Frank E. Ritter: Towards Supporting Psychologically Plausible Variability in Agent-Based Human Modelling. AAMAS 2004: 758-765
13EERobert St. Amant, Thomas E. Horton, Frank E. Ritter: Model-based evaluation of cell phone menu interaction. CHI 2004: 343-350
12EERobert St. Amant, Frank E. Ritter: Automated GOMS-to-ACT-R model generation (Best applied paper). ICCM 2004: 26-31
11EEKevin Tor, Steven R. Haynes, Frank E. Ritter, Mark A. Cohen: Categorical Data Displays Generated from Three Cognitive Architectures Illustrate Their Behavior. ICCM 2004: 302-307
10EEKevin Tor, Frank E. Ritter: Using A Genetic Algorithm to Optimize the Fit of Cognitive Models. ICCM 2004: 308-313
9EERoman Belavkin, Frank E. Ritter: OPTIMIST: A New Conflict Resolution Algorithm for ACT-R. ICCM 2004: 40-45
8 Frank E. Ritter, Dirk Van Rooy, Robert St. Amant: A User Modeling Design Tool Based on a Cognitive Architecture for Comparing Interfaces. CADUI 2002: 111-118
7 Frank E. Ritter, Isaac G. Councill: A Review of the Twenty-Second SOAR Workshop. AI Magazine 23(3): 107-111 (2002)
6EEEmma Norling, Frank E. Ritter: Embodying the JACK Agent Architecture. Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2001: 368-377
5EETanya L. Cheyne, Frank E. Ritter: Targeting audiences on the internet. Commun. ACM 44(4): 94-98 (2001)
4EEFrank E. Ritter, Richard M. Young: Embodied models as simulated users: introduction to this special issue on using cognitive models to improve interface design. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 55(1): 1-14 (2001)
3EEFrank E. Ritter, Gordon D. Baxter, Gary Jones, Richard M. Young: Supporting cognitive models as users. ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact. 7(2): 141-173 (2000)
2EEJosef Nerb, Frank E. Ritter, Josef Krems: Knowledge level learning and the power law: A soar model of skill acquisition in scheduling. Kognitionswissenschaft 8(1): 20-29 (1999)
1 Sarah Nichols, Frank E. Ritter: A Theoretically Motivated Tool for Automatically Generating Command Aliases. CHI 1995: 393-400

Coauthor Index

1Robert St. Amant [8] [12] [13] [17] [18] [19]
2Gordon D. Baxter [3]
3Roman Belavkin [9]
4Tanya L. Cheyne [5]
5Mark A. Cohen [11] [20] [21]
6Isaac G. Councill [7]
7Andrew R. Freed [15]
8Onida L. M. Haskett [15]
9Steven R. Haynes [11] [20] [21]
10Thomas E. Horton [13] [19]
11Gary Jones [3]
12Thomas George Kannampallil [20]
13Sue E. Kase [16]
14Josef Krems [2]
15Sean P. McBride [18]
16Josef Nerb [2]
17Sarah Nichols [1]
18Emma Norling [6] [14]
19Dirk Van Rooy [8] [17]
20K. Simpson [17]
21Andrey Soares [20]
22Kevin Tor [10] [11]
23Richard M. Young [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)